Protecting self against astral travelers

At least, I assume that’s what happening.
Quite literally a minute ago I felt “someone” from my previous workplace passing me in my own home, I couldn’t make out who it was but I immediately recognized the ‘energy’ as from that workplace it was only for a split second but I suspected this a long time ago. If it’s not a spirit that’s bound to rules or a geometric shape how do you deal with it? I also suspected this from different workplaces, is there like a paper-shredder way of dealing with their astral bodies if they infringe on me/my territory? I also often feel thoughts that are not mine but will not stray too far into this as I will sound mentally insane.

also this is what you get if you don’t study and have to get a job where quite spiritually advanced low lifes work.


Set up wards to keep anything out from trespassing in your space.


What kind of job attracts spiritually advanced lowlifes? I know… metaphysical shop clerk!

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Tbh you can get this anywhere, it’s no reflection on the quality of people you interact with… it’s normal when you are sensitive and aware, but have not learned how to “turn down the dial” on the information you receive. All humans are telepathically active, but most are deaf/blind to it and hence do the equivalent of talking aloud all the time and don’t control surface thoughts.

This applies to you as well, if you don’t control your distain for them, even unvoiced they can in turn pick that up and it will worsen your interactions with them, creating a vicious circle of grot. The more sensitive you get, and as you do magick this is likely t o only increase, the more you want to control what you think and keep it positive to help yourself have a better life experience.

If you never set up “keep out” signs and fences, how are they supposed to know?

Good fences make good neighbors” - don’t let people randomly walk through your space by setting up wards to act as a fence and walls and then they don’t wander in like it’s a public building. Tell them and Randoms stay out and you only have to worry about the deliberate trespassing of your space.

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Oh, no no no no. You could call it gangstalking spiritually. I can not stress enough what I’m about to say but people know stuff about me they can’t possibly know and they use it to harrass me mentally, I know people that when I think about them(even not specifically negatively) they psychically attack me, I can do the same. I feel like my family is on it too as they refrain from asking certain questions and use the same tricks as them

I’ve had strangers in the street think “It’s so mean what we’re gonna do to him / he doesn’t deserve what’s gonna happen to him”
Mainly it’s like everyone has ‘figured out something about me’ and every new workplace it’s like (no I know IT IS) they the employment agency give them a manual about me to ‘bring me to my knees’ and it’s like it’s shared by more people

It’s hard to believe but I’m only stating things that happened to me, I can go on in detail but I get attacked by total (to me) strangers that have the same energy signature as the syndicate that wants to get me.
If they want to they can know what I am doing at all times, they did it already(and boy…) the effect is stronger when I have a job and mostly a sedentary one where I’m put in one place by people who are able to think about non-work related things a lot during their work(avoiding those from now on)
I have ways of avoiding them and their attacks(obviously not gonna share) but it’s not perfect and sometimes I have to rely on brute force psychic attack. After I do these kind of things the effect of them becomes less, identifying the enemies helps too.

No I’m being raped.

No idea what grot is but HEY I didn’t start this war but dont wage war with someone who is willing to use chemical weapons! Anyways I’m less powerful than the group that is after me and have to tone it down(will eradicate them if given the option) but never gave anyone reason to do this to me, I’ve actually (always) been nicer than average! Hence my disdain for God, if you could feel how much I suffered you would understand.

If that magick is summoning lovely demons to help me, I don’t really know
Also please remember, I’m being raped.

The last year (or longer) I have been a walking ‘get the fuck out’ sign, it’s only helped a little.
Seriously, you don’t feel safe in your own home, the only reason I know I’m not insane is because I do everyday things different than usual and certain effects stopped but it requires heavily leaning on intuition and sometimes even going out of my way
I can order food from home and afterwards get harassed by the delivery guy, it has gone that far, I feel like everybody knows me. You honestly cant talk about it without sounding like a lunatic. Aaanyways I’ve been doing better but still…

We have another user ( Can’t recall the name right now I’m sadly bad with names generally) that identified a mechanism that was in use that facilitated this, which was basically a thoughtform attached to the energy around their head, in a parasitic way. It looked like a football sized mechanical black spider… By finding, detaching and destroying that parasite they got a level of relief and started to limit the surveillance. That became their main strategy - removing the ability to be psychically surveilled. They worked with Lucifer and Belial to assist. Also identify team leaders and managerial types and attack them via death curses and the minions don’t matter that much.


I did feel something yesterday related to a company I worked at, it was late and I “put myself over” the feeling of wanting to work there or the good feelings I have about there and I swear I felt a parasite(quite big, like as big as a torso?) getting off me and just scurrying away, but at the same time a vague feeling of not wanting it to leave me but that was probably more about the feeling that I had.

They did make sure to make me feel like i didn’t deserve your help
I got a feeling like I was such a bad person(I have no clue, and no reason to have that feeling!) that I didn’t deserve your help, with slight energetic signatures but I’m pretty sure there are so many people working against me that it’s hard to pinpoint where it’s coming from or even the actual drive to psychic attack them (while they should still fear me in that area, pretty sure I’ve hospitalized someone)

It’s such a chore to make out if it’s coming from myself or others but I did have a feeling they found you powerful? Also that they have a slight fear of people on this Forum? Anyways maybe your thought about helping me(or you did something(which I assume.) anyways your attention is very kind.) did something, I don’t think im ever gonna be completely rid of this as the negative actions against me are so widespread(even some ONS encounters have spying undertones, in a way to get me to do or feel things but not materially, like getting into my wallet, haha)

I swear the employment agencies are working against me, the job market is big at the moment and I apply even far below my ‘standards’ and cant get hired, I applied like 20-30 times in the past month and got maybe 1 or 2 callbacks or just pointless(POINTLESS) visits to the agency and never get called again while I don’t give weird answers or get the feeling I give them a bad vibe. I never got fired and I work hard so there must be people lying about me, there’s also a definite difference when people are working against me, their energetic signature changes and they become more aloof around me, usually this is with colleagues who were at first (at least) mildly positive towards me.

Ok well I don’t know what you can do with all this info but I swear to IAOE hope you never get sucked into this

That sounds promising. So next time, don’t let it get away. Because it can come back, and you also can use it as an example of why you should not be messed with.

The way I tend to do this, is grab it, (I tend to notice a huge astral hand type thing that extends from me and grabs it by whatever passes for it’s throat), violently bash it about a bit (think Hulk smashing Loki :stuck_out_tongue: ) and than jam it against a wall and hold it where you can stare at it. Get awesomely indignant and angry and go “who the fuck do you think you are” or somesuch, (ham it up, get livid) and while you’re strangling it burn it from the inside out with fire and kill it. Scatter it’s energy so bad it can’t reform. Gotta be spectacular and over the top violently destructive.

This often translated to something much milder in the astral so it’s not as crazy as it sounds, it’s just a way to help you focus enough energy to get the job done. As you practice you can get more precise, until then it’s clobbering time.

The thing I’ve found is, you can’t see it at the time, but somehow other parasites that come later know what you did, and that you’d do it to them, and they stay away because of it. I’ve notices some in my periphery notice I’ve seen them and immediately hide since I took this as my go-to reaction for unexpected visitors. Sensible chappies, that’s a win win. They know who they are.

That’s interesting: I’d have expected the same old “insert paranoia that I’m out to get you” thing. I might have taken that personally, and maybe they didn’t want to connect in like that. I guess they could and I’d not even check it was anything to do with you anyway, I’d just go Hulk Smaaash, as I do.

I guess I’m really an asshole in disguise. :smiley: I moved into an old house infested with fleas and enthusiastically performed genocide on the lot of them. No more fleas. Same thing. I’m not even really mad, I’m coldly psychopathic when it comes to parasites, there’s no reason for me for them to exist. The anger is a tool to raise energy.

They should. It’s my firm opinion that piloting a human is one of the hardest, most complicated and difficult jobs in the universe, and it needs a LOT of energy and a lot of control. Not just anybody gets to do this. You have to be really good to get here. EVERY human is that good. The ones who are starting to wake up to that is us. And when we know it we can start acting like it. They should pretend they don’t even exist around us if they know what’s good for them. For the exact same reason they said “suffer not a sorcerer to live” and I think, also why we lose our memories… if we get left hand path and we know what to do with our energy, we’re the strongest, nastiest beings in the galaxy and we’d be unstoppable. You only fight and oppress what you’re afraid of. We are encouraged to put ourselves down as weak “children” and nothing could be further from the truth.

Parasites and possessions can do that: if so, and it sounds like a good starting point, they could be sensing them not you. I had to take the drivers seat and go to two appointments while possessed once and I visibly scared the people I talked to. All humans are a bit psychic and can feel when something is off.

Other than that some things could be “you’re overqualified”, which is an excuse but means they think you’ll move on fast and it’ll be a waste of money training you, or you’ll be after the hiring managers job and they hate that.

Come to think of it, parasites are infectious. They can jump and also occupy multiple people the bigger they are. Some parasites can infest entire building or organization. According to Josephine McCarthy in her book, the Exorcists Handbook anyway, and I think that sounds highly plausible, and it makes me think of cults. I am convinced a couple of well known social organizations I won’t mention are basically driven by parasite, and you can see it in the cult like, isolating, them and us, and usurious behaviour in the way it treats it’s members and how those members go and talk about non meres as if they were suddenly all scum. That’s parasitic sickness at work. Non profits, ngos, gov groups, all are ripe for parasitic infestation in particular because of the holier-than-thou energy, sets em up for it.

Me too! lol Push comes to shove remember the pole flip is coming and they’re all going to die. Organizational parasites need organizations, and our entire civilization is getting a hard reboot. All you have to do is spite them by outliving them. But getting some testosterone surging drag em out and astrally beat em up could be fun in the meantime. :slight_smile:

No it’s definitely the “everyone that’s nice to me shouldn’t do it because I’m such a bad person” And I swear many people believe it that’s why they get so many to astrally project it to me.

Anyways I evoked demons to help me and I have intuitions that the ‘group’ is feeling it. I can sense anyways when one is present and if something is being done, I sense I got quite the scare going, and if I havent I should. I also told someone who pretended to be my friend that there are demons who can make you feel parasites under your skin, etc and it’s good if those stories make the rounds and I could feel him panick the last few days, he knows what I’m out for and if I get it rolling I’m never going to make it stop.

They also send me so many projections that they could contradict eachother, I also feel like sometimes I have a semi-sharp pain in my ear and I assume it’s them attacking me with hurtful stuff (that would actually hurt to hear), anyways one time they performed a psychic attack at one of my previous workplaces, where I was listening to music that wasn’t what I normally listened to, it was actually kinda weird music but I felt experimental(with earphones) and suddenly I felt a voice kind of as a feeling in my head say “YOU SHOULDN’T LISTEN TO THAT KIND OF MUSIC BECAUSE [reason I had it in my head]” but it was like a rumble of thunder and left me shook, like being in a car crash, it was like they pretend to be ‘god’ but it was so idiotic to have that in my head while it’s about nothing, that workplace was awful let me tell you, the work was EASY but every couple of days/weeks you would feel drained, it’s like they performed some kind of sick rituals and I cant tell you too much BECAUSE THEY WILL KNOW(I think I already told too much) and maybe they will know the extent to which I know which would be bad.

Anyways, psychotic sounding ravings aside, I’m well aware how this all sounds. Yesterday they tried to make me feel insane, which I recognized from earlier attempts and because I knew that feeling would end I got out of it still shook(purely because of the intensity) but not a big ass mess like before. My life is hell, trust me.

I’m having confidence in the hellish hierarchy to achieve the proper result for this shithole of a situation, hoping it involves among them blood and car crashes(ahem :smirk:)

On a related side note, when I was living in a big building there was a guy in my hallway who was scared so I asked him what was wrong and they said ‘they were after him’ and when I asked who he said the 30 people outside his window and I took it kinda seriously because damn, so I went to his appartment(it’s a safe place to live) and there was no one there outside so this guy obviously “lost it”, anyways I said there is no one there and called the cops explained the situation and went on my way, anyways… this guy came to my appartment days later again and I’m not gonna deny him the mental help I could possibly give him, he had the same problem so I called the cops again but when he was in my appartment, semi close to me I felt like my solar plexus was being microwaved, it’s like a short hard zap of electricity which I knew came from an entitiy attached to him(hopefully not now attached to me :sob: ) but I felt contact, anyways it was hard enough to kind of throw me off but I went and sat with him at the balcony untill the cops came. Sadly this guy ended up throwing himself off his balcony after an x amount of time(a week or two?), luckily I missed it but he ended up dying.
Great example of our once so great social system failing(it was also a direct result of national policy changes) but I wonder what do you think happened there? As you are more familiar with parasites and the strangling thereof than me?
