Well, hold on, because I didn’t say any of that and I don’t agree with it.
First, I didn’t say thoughtforms aren’t “real” or that they don’t affect you. I did not diminish them as “just” anything. I think I said they limit you, eventually, which they have to be real to be able to do. Servitors are this class of thoughtform. It’s my view that everything is “real”.
… Even imagination, if it’s only affecting one person and cannot be experienced by any other consciousness, is still real to that one person, it’s just in a part of the astral that’s so personal it’s not shared by anyone else at all. This makes results in the shared realities (like, the physical as the one we tend care about the most) more difficult, but it’s still there in one or more levels of reality.
I’m constantly trying to remind people that humans are creator beings and what you create is real and you should trust yourself.
Second, to use a term like “objective reality” is tricky, because this only exists in a context within a set of defined assumptions. These assumptions are usually not stated, but taken for granted. (Like, you’re human, in gravity and breathing air … none of these are a given in the occult). But here in the occult what “reality” means can’t be taken for granted as it is for the average human walking down a street today. So there’s no such thing as “objective reality” as a standalone concept. In magick you have to qualify that to say which, and who’s, reality you mean, at what level on being.
what do you think it means when people refer to a blockage in a specific chakra?
Here I will assume you are NOT referring to actual chakras from the complete system, but what I consider the pretty rainbow fake set of thoughtforms people create because they are working form a dumbed down set of instructions.
And I say this from personal experience, as I’ve posted elsewhere on this very forum multiple times. I have followed such instructions and done it myself. But I already knew my energy because I’d been doing qigong for 20 years, and I WATCHED these things and what they did in my energy field. So this is my UPG you could say, based on my observations. They are like little stained glass windows inside your energy body filtering the energy into a predefined set of expectations instead of allowing you to see what’s there: and that’s the root of the issue that trapped me, the expectation setting that happens. Humans automatically create based on expectations, because that’s what we do and we are not instructed to let it be. I then went and removed them using the Water Method of Taoist Meditation, which you can’t do with actual chakras.
However, these “expected” chakras, as I said, are a tool to help you investigate your energy. As they act as a lens, you still get information from them and can affect your energy through them, in a way that I think is easier for people new to energy working or without well defined senses to use. And a lot of people never get beyond being new to it.
They’re like training wheels on a bike, that’s a better analogy.
After that, I can’t answer that question about “a blockage in a specific chakra” because different people mean different things and I don’t honestly trust they know what they mean without talking to them. It’s like when people call tech suport and go “it doesn’t work”… this is not enough to identify a fix.
They may mean it’s not spinning, they’re not getting info from it, they’re experiencing symptoms they have been told means it’s blocked, they have discomfort, or gas, or not fully healed trauma, or the elements are out of balance, or it’s too yin or too yang, or … as many reasons as there are people really. You should read the actual energy system and work with each person on an individual basis to understand what this means.
What is a “nerve center”? There’s physically no such thing unless you talk about he brain and heart, which are not chakras themselves, they’re organs. This seems to be a term from new age that people don’t question but it means almost nothing. There’s the acupuncture points, they often correspond to nerves close to the skin and some of the 200 some chakras, but not always.
There is also a system of fascia that aligns somewhat with the meridians, (and the Indian system also has meridians called nadis that people ignore and are just as important as the chakras) but the dumbed down “7 chakra system” ignores these so the student is left without practical tools for using them.
The prana and qi systems are not physical, they are the structure of the energy body, which overlaps and connects with the physical but are not the same thing. The entire point of the systems is them to learn to be able to read and work with the energy body by understand these components as well as we understand out nerves and veins. The western “lite” version doesn’t achieve that except at a basic level, which is fine for most people, but I think turns many away as it did me, as you can feel it’s hollowed out, kind of.
So, based on what I said above, this make no sense to me… Intention creates thoughtforms not random experiences, there are no nerve centers to feel, there’s no such thing as “objective” reality to rely on for this context, and they’re not in the astral plane anyway, which is a plane of mental energy not qi. They’re in the physical plane but are energy not physical matter. You need both a qi body and a physical body to incarnate as a physical being and you die twice, once from each body when you leave it. This is according to both Chine Taoism and Egyptian books of the dead, and also features in the view of us having multiple nested bodies found in Buddhism.
So, you store the trauma as a knot of energy within your qi body. This knot can make it difficult for energy to flow smoothly, like a partial block in a pipe. (Rarely a full black which would have very severe symptoms, it’s more like a restriction like a clogging of the arteries is a restriction not a block).
You will not be able to find it in the physical body in nerves or organs. But you will find the manifestation of it as tension and/or there may still be physical damage, like say, a scar, and likewise this damage in the physical can cause upstream effects. You can end up in a viscous circle with this. But you can also find knots that are from past trauma where there is no sign physically at all, you can have emotional trauma from the emotional body causing effects in the qi body, and also from the mental body to the emotional body and from there on down.