Problem with a ghost, possibly a parasite and a impostor in one entity

I had a problem with a ghost, possibly a parasite and a impostor in one entity,
I did rituals for uncrossing, breaking the curse, breaking the hex ,that kept him with me
Of course, I am protected against manipulation, attacks, negative energy, draining my energy, curses, etc…and my problem is that the ghost, the impostor, kept hanging around me, although he can’t do anything to me anymore, but first he normally tried to bribe me, of course I refused because I don’t believe it and I want to get rid of him and then he normally started threatening to kill me
just this strange morning I dreamed something about Hades ,that I was somewhere on some rocks and I was going somewhere fast like on a horse and I was calling his name
I have never been interested in this deity and I have no personal experience with the Greek pantheon.
does it mean something?

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As this seems to be a request for dream divination, I’ve popped it over in that category. :+1: :slight_smile:

So you’ve been struggling with a ghost. Can I assume you banished and warded your place already and it didn’t work?

The next step imo would be to attack it back, drive it out personally and win fight.

But you left out the most important part, which was what you felt and what your intuition tells you. Those are more important than naming the things. It’s not that it’s hades, it’s something hades-LIKE. What have you been experiencing that’s of the dead and part of a hidden underworld? Hades represents some energy that is chthonic, underneath the surface and hidden. So probably the ghost.

Meanwhile, this makes you run (maybe), and you’re running on rocky ground. The ground is dangerous and you’re running… from danger? So it’s a warning from your subconscious, I think that what you already know is freaking it out too.

That’s a good sign imo that you are in good alignment that the ghost is a thing you run from. You’re scared of it and it’s been aggressive and threatening so that makes sense.

Me, I’d use the usual techniques to attack it like I do any other astral thing I don’t want in my reality - burn it, cage it, fling it through the sun and into the black hole at the center of the galaxy. You’ve probably seen the Parasites Collection thread so I won’t bore you with it but there’s some ideas in there.

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it tried to take energy from me, and he mentioned that he would die
in the past I should have died, I had all the symptoms as they say, I was on that threshold, I also had hallucinations that something was close and touching me, then it stopped and reappeared strongly ,I have also had dreams in the past about Anubis,Santa Muerte,Hecate ,Hades

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you ask what it wants?

I’d be curious about that

If it’s a ghost, it’s a person that has not finished dying - he’s died the first death and left the physical body, now he’s not died the 2nd death to discard the energy body. The Chinese call these “hungry ghosts”, because not they don’t have the powerhouse of a physical body of their own to maintain the qi body, then they take that from living humans - most of the time this is automatic and they don’t know they’re doing it. They also tend to want to feel again, to experience the things they enjoyed in life, or contact people, especially their family and friends who can’t see them now.

So asking it what it wants might come up with a number of requests, maybe to contact family and tell them he’s fine (hard to get the names and find them though, and if you could would you want to?) maybe to feed on you, maybe to be invoked so they can taste and feel through you.

I he doesn’t get energy that qi body slowly fades and he will die the 2nd death, then his spirit will move one and he’s probably reincarnate on Earth.

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