I wanted to share my experience with Prince Orobas, and not just any experience. Most people post about their experience during the invocation or evocation. There is so many posts about that and not so many result based experiences. So, without a lot of rambling around, I will just get into it;
Today, I took my dog to the dog park for some fun time. The park is very huge, you can literally take 5 to 8 minutes to walk from one end to the other. Anyway, while walking around I noticed that my wedding ring was not on my finger. The panic started to creep in. I walked back my steps since I came to the park looking at the ground hoping to find the ring. I looked and looked and then I wanted to give up looking while feeling very upset and frustrated. I decided to sit-down and breath. Once I was calm, I started to chant Prince Orobas’s Enn, and visualizing his sigil. I invoked him while channeling my frustration and sadness, for losing my wedding ring which obviously means so much to me. I asked him to guide me exactly to where the ring is or show me a vision of where it would be.
Then… nothing. I continued breathing and consciously told myself not to try to force this image and just let it come to me in the way Prince Orobas wants to communicate it. I sat down focusing on breathing and calming myself down. All of a sudden, I felt this calling in my head to leave the park right now and head home. So, without doubting that voice in my head; I leave and head home. As soon as I opened the door, my spouse comes to me and says; You forgot your ring by the sink, I was just going to call you.
I decided to show him appreciation by drawing one of his most depicted form and that which he appeared to me as, as well. I hanged it on top of his alter. I also thought I should have this experience posted as a follow up to a previous post of all that you need to work with him. May this post be a way for you to see why this amazing spirit is worth working with.
Hail to the son of Moloch, Prince; Orobas!
The drawing (please don’t pay too close attention to it, I haven’t drawn anything in years):
Lastly, if you haven’t read my post on all you need to work with amazing spirit; check the link below!