Preventing physical or spiritual vampirism

How would one go about clearing and preventing future vampirism permanently?

You mean clearing it out for good like you quitting And want it out of your life or have your guard up for whatever comes your way By this practice? Didn’t seem specific there mate haha but I’ll add my input.

First off OP, all the vampires I’ve met so far (only 4 so it’s not a legitimate sample size) people who practice this… they’re not happy, they’re Neurotic individuals I’ve realised. It doesn’t work for everyone. It takes something from them and that’s why they must siphon energy.

You could call that karma or Newton’s second law but you get what you give so it’s better to be a vampire for the benefit of humanity rather than practice sanguine shit to suck the life out of others…

Not all of them, but there is a vulnerability in the vampiric realm to where it’ll take you, guises as the illusions, beyond what you’d ever imagine or it drains you emotionally, physically and spiritually. Why? I never asked them, maybe because they siphoned energy from sick peope?

I’d like to say in my profession as a counsellor I do seem to realise there’s tendencies in that particular sum that I work with that naturally have vampiric traits. (I call them wild cats because their feline energy is chaotic in feminine vessel).

Vampires naturally attained or purposefully learnt this craft and seem to draw energy from others to charge them. Some clients I’ve been working with lately (especially with this COVID nonsense) have driven them to not only drain their own energy but to suck yours.

We have grid lines in a certain layer of our atmosphere. The amount of sexual energy that is stored in these ley lines which happens to align with the Vatican, is fucking exorbitant… we must understand that half of the actions we infuse as a world as a whole has a dramatic impact. Turn on the Tv and we will see for ourselves.

According to V.K/Vidian (To whom I’m blessed to interact with on Instagram), I’m naturally more curse resistant and I think I know my reasons why but that’s another story. Have tools in your toolbox or you’ll never work out what you want to start.

This is a natural occurrence, energy works like electrical magnetism and people can have that propensity to use that to their ability.

I don’t feel worn out after helping… better word maybe “dealing” with my patients. I have compassion but I’m totally detached. So what I’m saying is it’s best to have the tough mind and you will not be penetrated as easily.

Ritual fused protective amulets to wear. Obsidian. Daily banishing. Creating a stronger foundation for yourself. Custom defensive ornaments to wear. Obsidian. Day by day handling your feelings.

It’s important to making a more grounded atmosphere For yourself and this leads to through healthy lifestyle and A solid psyche. That makes you truly tough, right?

On the off chance that you get your energy sucked extremely easily it implies you’re helpless. I’ve seen Christians undeniably more impressive in Hope and Spiritual Toughness (as far as dealing with the baneful crafts). Lol some of these Muslims and Christian’s are far more protected (yes, indoctrination to…) than some soothsayers rush the progress and fuck a lot of things up…

So I simply attempt to make this safeguard around me when I reflect to keep my chakra framework totally braced to the point that I will not wear out And become prone to weakness. The aura through healthy diet and healthy mind.

If you get your energy sucked easy it means you’re vulnerable. I’ve seen Muslims far more powerful (in terms of handling the heat) more than occultists/practitioners. Why? Because it’s not the tools you must reach out for to instigate it’s having the strong mind in conjunction with say… faith and hope that makes someone strong spiritually.

So I’m full of protective amulets worn all the time, enchanted rings… I just try and create this shield around me and when I meditate my focus is to keep my chakra system completely fortified to the point that I won’t burn out. From incoming spiritually or physically, all for now that’s required is how worthy you are to yourself and loved ones and how strong you are on your own two feet. Enjoy the read, you deserve it. :slight_smile:


Appreciate what you wrote. True, the odds of being vampirized or cursed by a black magician is rare, but vampirism somehow exceeded that. Due to The Satanic Bible and associated books, and hollywood and literature.
I can get that people need energy from others on occasion, but abuse is abuse in my mind, I mean, if I need to do a second Middle Pillar Ritual uninterrupted and non vampirized to recharge myself, as someone had a real dire need to vampirize me, then its different - again, abuse is abuse.
So, wondered why my mind was blah and then driven to solomonic pentacles.

You gave me great ideas, thank you. Not quitting btw :slight_smile:


For a great reason though :slight_smile:
Best to make use of them. Which ones specifically?

Seems like you got the tools there mate, it’s what you make of it!

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Saturn and Mars mainly. Since its an act of war on me, Mars is appropriate, since my energy is being drained to a point of decay, Saturn is appropriate. Perhaps one of each. There is also Sol.

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Clearing :
Find the tendrils, cut them, grab the end and suck back your energy double as a lesson to never vamp you again, and that guy won’t be back - these people are parasites, treat them that way and you get the same effect: they’ll hod off to find easer targets.

With the weaker ones, it’s fun to overfeed them, if you want to hurt them that is - take the tendril and send waay too much energy down it, charged with something nasty if you like, or with elemental energy, planetary, whatever - which unbalances them and fucks up their energy system, as well as making them very sick with rebellious qi, but you can send an actual sickness down the line if you know its energy signature. Warning - too much rebellious qi causes heart attacks, very quickly if they’re already sick, obese, diabetic, on heart meds etc, so don’t go whole hog unless you want to actually kill them.

None, it’s like trying to avoid being cyberattacked, if you’ve got something someone wants they will try to get it. Best to make yourself an unattractive target so they don’t want it, and have the skills to fix it fast.
Try not to hang out with known vamps, and if you do (like here) again, look unattractive/difficult.

Create thoughtforms with the intention that people looking for you astral find the stunt doubles instead.
I nicked that idea from E.A. when he mentioned it in a livestream once, works brilliantly.

There’s another option.

Absorb the effects:
Bring your cultivation techniques to a level where you can quickly, and ideally automatically replace anything they can take so easily it doesn’t effect you. You refill from clean sources as fast as they can take it. Beyond recharging in a ritual. They most you might need then is a good night’s sleep.

I reserve this privilege for people I actually know personally and like. I think there’s only one I ever offered it to, and they’ve since been cut off when we stopped talking. Unapproved contact gets the snip, if I notice, I might not.

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Made my energy poisonous to those who touch it without permission, last person to do it their own energy body started to “rot”

So any kind of overall programming similarly as well as a good grounding.