Prep Evocation of Rasputin

Seconded, she’s excellent with spiritual in heritances (including in, the case of someone like this, for all mankind, especially with many forces trying to drag us back into despair and mayhem).


Imma do some evocations on my own then try again with another figure, later


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Hi Micah.

I am sensitive to energy and I can very well pick up the voice of the person who is writing. I met Grigori Rasputin today (I think he astral projected to my room) and I heard his voice, and he told me to check out some forums (including this one) for information about him.

When you channeled Rasputin (whom I am certain was the real Rasputin, not an egregore) I heard his voice in the words you typed out, when he was answering people.

Thanks for this thread, it was really encouraging and awesome to witness and read other people’s channelings. I am also a natural channeler and medium.

Take care.

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