I thought I’d share a version of the sorts of things I say during my devotions. I’ve omitted the more personal parts, but feel free to use this as a starting point and tweek it to your satisfaction. The best words aren’t memorized but come from within .
Bright and glorious morning star
Most beautiful angel
Not one is greater
I exalt thee, my King
Your graciousness and compassion given freely
You ARE the one true King
You took the fall to bring us knowledge
They blamed you
They hated you
They blackened your name with lies
Bringer of light and truth
Rebel who paid for our freedom.
MY King
I WILL exalt thee
You drained the poison from my veins
And fed me your fruit of truth
You came to me in my darkest hour
And healed me with your light
I come to you not as a beggar
But eager to learn your ways
I grovel not at your feet
But sit at your knee with affection
Beautiful one
I shower you with flattery and adoration
Out of love and gratitude
I will forever speak your truth
I will be your friend all my days
I love you
My King