Practicing yes/no answers reading

The King of Wands is a voracious, determined, and confident authority figure. He represents some sort of expansion, establishment of something in your professional life, or financial gain along with success. He is a positive presence, likely to bring along positive outcomes. The answer is yes.

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The Three of Wands stands for fresh starts, achievements, and positive partnerships. It could mean some sort of business expansion, or it could be the confirmation that you are on the right path toward success. It has an overall positive tone, and the answer it provides you with is yes.

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The Three of Swords shows the presence of pain and suffering either through an emotional loss, the end of an important relationship, or heartbreak through separation. The emotional disturbances and mental anguish that come along with this card portray an answer of no to your question.

Thank you so much!! This is such a wonderful affirmation that Iā€™m on the right path :heart: :smiley:

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The Eight of Pentacles is a card suggesting an improvement of skills and studiousness. It shows a desirable career and acquiring new skills just ahead as long as you use discretion and take a balanced approach. The outlook from this card is positive. Yes is your answer.

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The Ace of Cups represents overall satisfaction throughout all different areas of your life. It predicts success and abundance through use of good intuition and creativity. New relationships or possibly a birth or pregnancy could be associated with these positive outlooks. The answer is yes.

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The Magician is symbolic of action and power in your life. Its positive connotations illustrate someone who is a smooth talker and good at all aspects of communication. This card suggests using your strong will power to move forward and take action. The answer to your question is yes.

Thank you very much for the fast answer!

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Nice, thanks for the reading!

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Will my financial situation improve by the end of the year?

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Will my mother get better ?

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Will S try to pursue me for intimacy again in the near future?

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The 5 of Swords suggests conflict, discord, and troubles to come. There could be a loss, defeat, or painful separation in the near future accompanied by feelings of brokenness and low self-esteem. Nothing associated with this card is of a positive nature, and thus, your answer is no.

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The 6 of Pentacles means success, prosperity, and generosity. It suggests financially helping others, giving donations, and selfless charity. There is positive favour and an overall sense of good fortune and happy payoffs in the future. The answer you seek is most likely yes.

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The 9 of Pentacles stands for wealth and financial security. It could mean finally being rewarded for all of your efforts in business or important projects in your life. The presence of this card could mean financial and/or personal independence for you. The answer you seek is more than likely yes.

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Thank you @MiKu for taking the time to answer my question.

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Thank you so much!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::kissing_heart::pray:t4::heart:

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Did I see a soul mate yesterday?@MiKu

Is S becoming obsessed with me sexually speaking?

Your last prediction did come to pass immediately btw, so you are really honing in on your tarot skills! Thank you again!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Yooo @MiKu is the best :relieved::relieved: