Powerful Love Ritual

You did a little bit of everything to your target, how do you know?

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I have three times at work. Once on me. Once for me and once for a person that couldn’t do it for themselves. How long ago did it you try it? How strong of a will does the target have? It did take a little bit for it to work on me because it was confusing on why I was falling so fast and hard for someone. When I did it my target fell faster but there was already a seed. When i did it for someone it was in the middle of what happened to me and my target.


willpower? those things don’t matter. It’s like I said, some work and some don’t. It was a long time ago, two months. I did another spell and three days later my target was in my house.

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so I’m gonna ask you the same thing you asked the other person. How do you know it was the other spell not the first spell working because some love spells can take months to actually work especially the super powerful ones. So since you have more than one spell working you can’t really say it doesn’t work since magic isn’t always instant it’s not the movie after all, I’ve had spells take six months to a year for some major working but they did manifest in the end. I always tell people when doing love magick to give it 6 months before layering. So it could have been a slow burn and kicked in and the. you layered it with the second spell and it was a bonus.


What was the other spell?


6 months? Who wants to wait so long for something that is so simple to change.

Churaki ashan jinn magick - friday ritual.


I’ve never worked with jinns. I’ll take a look into it. Thanks

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you should


Can you pass me the ritual?

Hey i have a question! If a person is trans shouod they use their birth name or their chosen one???

Could I have the ritual on steroids, please?

the person who performed this ritual committed suicide?? why?? can any protective ritual be performed before performing this ritual??

maybe you could provide at least the second version?

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how to do such a ritual??

It’s not the break-up rite that caused suicide, it’s the Love Ritual. It’s because of the nature of “love” magick. Love, attraction and obsession spells/ rituals are actually pretty baneful in nature.

Obsession is a regular and most of the times unforeseen consequence of love spells, either for the operator or the target.
There’s no amount of protection you can cast against the chance of obsession, frustration and the feeling you are not in control of yourself anymore. It’s a normal psychological response. Especially if it’s (one of) the target(s) and they are not aware of what exactly is going on this can be a wrecking ball for your mental health.

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understand, but is it possible to change this ritual a bit?? Don’t write a petition? That these two people should be joined together, but ask that person A becomes obsessed with person B?

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I think you could add something either at the part “You shall fall in love, by these powers…” or add something at the part “In Astarte’s name…” or maybe at both parts. Obsession sounds attractive in theory, but I really wouldn’t mess around with it. In truth it’s destructive and dangerous for all parties

Obsession and the psychological results of a love ritual are human condition, there’s no clear predicting unless you know your target very well and not much you can do about it. That’s why the OP, mr Kendall posted the Break-up Rite first and puts in a clear warning about Love Rituals

Love Rituals like these are in nature not very balanced and “loving” but controlling and manipulative, so I’d considered a baneful action in nature first, especially when the target(s) are not aware that they’ve been ensorcelled. That means there’s always a chance it can backfire into obsession and psychological problems like your target feeling like they’ve lost control over themselves

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Thank you very much for your answer. I’m wondering about one more thing… when I light a candle, she will meditate, etc. can I leave her alone? but I will be at home, of course, but I won’t sit next to her for a few hours… and can I do it during the day? And in the room, not in the corridor? I have an animal at home

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May I please request the ritual on steroids please?