Power sensing topic

Yea, Azazel has been trying shape up everyone lately! He’s been pretty busy. :astonished:


He has me doing what he wanted me to do when I first started lol focus on one thing at a time and meditate 3 times a day but he’s added more to it now I gotta invoke him once a day. UGH I guess this will be the one thing for awhile since I seem to be decent at it


Also what you said got me thinking about how I am that sums me up perfectly I’ll challenge anyone and if I lose I lose :grimacing: lol

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Wanna read each other?

I see a marsh. There’s water and weeds everywhere, but then the water starts to ripple, as if something is coming. There,standing in the water, is a man or king with serpents slithering around his feet. I keep hearing “the reed king” and I’m seeing flashes of gold and yellow. The internal kingdom is popping into my mind, and I see the king holding a book. Perhaps he’s with you? He keeps trying to tell me something but I don’t understand.

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Yeah, I’m down :+1:

Ok, I’ll get started

I also forgot to mention that I got the vibe it was more than likely King Paimon

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You ever feel pulled to shekmet? She is literally raidiating off of you.

I’ve heard the name, but I never really took the time to learn about Sekhmet :sweat_smile: I should start researching about him/her. Although lately I have been feeling like there’s another spirit watching or trying to make contact with me :thinking: hold on, I’ll give you a reading

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Pretty accurate well done !

And my element ia not earth, but i am pretty down to earth for a magickian:smile:

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Tell me about it i got Azazel and Samael performing black alchemy on me.

I feel sick :face_vomiting:

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Pretty fucking accurate!
Well done.

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Scrying on your profile picture, revealed a solar eclipse with a yellow tinted corona shining behind it. I’ve felt a slight pull on my scapula bones, which can be a sign of your element to be AIR. You also felt balanced and grounded, with a slight tip on the upper plane, but your body are touching the upper, lower and middle spectrum as well.


Will you visit my astral celebration, and tell what you see or feel? :wink:

While looking deeper into this, I just realized as my physical body is consecrated for unlimited divine potential and power and as the vessel to my godform(s), one of my aspects is Kherty, the lower one, a Netherworld deity, at least considering my darker half. Only recently have I begun to manage incorporating the light half, only because I just discovered that half. (Yep, I’ve been running around with an incomplete godform.)

I actually have a question about this. So when your crown chakra tightens, what’s that mean? From previous observation, it also seems to do this around death energy specifically? Also what do you mean by intrusive (not taking offence, just fascinating)

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anyone looking for a trade?

Right here. Seeing if anyone can feel the change.

Oh cool, that’s my second reading I’m happy to get it right… would you mind try on me ? I could literally feel Micah scanning me yesterday I wonder if it’s proper to his energy or if I can connect better when the person “looks at me” if I may say.

I don’t know what astral senses you’re using, or what senses that are most developed for you, but I’m fully depending on my Clairsentience ability, which is connected to the ability to sense and feel spirits and energies on a physical and an emotional level.

A tightened crown chakra has nothing to do with the death current. It’s a focusing reaction that either gets tight or less tight, like a hand gripping a ball. It’s also similar to get a “target lockdown”.

The death current, or any other current for that matter, comes with a physical and an emotional reaction. Death- and the dark current has the common denominator of solidity and coldness to them, but death current leaves a lingering breeze, that often residues and remains for a longer time than the common dark current. Death also leaves anxiety, restlessness and a panicky feel. Especially when the bearer of that specific current isn’t trained or equipped enough to control it.

With “intrusive” I meant that it was forcefully poking on me, without touching gently.

Thank you, good sir! Any ideas as to the meaning of the solar eclipse? Odd that you sense the Air element; I’ve always had a much stronger connection to Water. And by slight tip to the upper plane are you talking about celestial vs infernal?

In return:

I’m using the elevator technique for getting into trance. I get in, punch in @succupedia’s username into the console, and sit back and relax while my breathing slows and the elevator descends. I get the impression that we are going deep underwater, with bubbles rising up past the glass door and the light slowly darkening. I arrive, and the door strangely opens into a lush, green jungle. Very primeval… we are back in the age of the Dinosaurs, well before the advent of man. There is a thick layer of trees and plants carpeting the area, and I can see insects buzzing around and little rodents scurrying about in the undergrowth. I see you as a quite large dinosaur, like a T. Rex; you’re green in color and although you look like you could be quite deadly if you wanted to, your mood is very chill… relaxed and jovial. You’re trotting through the trees, bobbing your head as if to a tune that only you can hear. You are the King of the Jungle, and the world is your playground.

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