Power sensing topic

Oh lol. Yeah a lot of people feel that my energy kind of demands that sort of attention if you know what I mean, to the point it will exert itself on everything unless restrained.

I’m assuming mine is uncontrolled and unrestrained? If so I can also see that. It’s basically just how I am.

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Sorry things happened

Here’s what I seen as I entered I got a MASSIVE burst of energy like my head was about to explode I seen you doing a ritual with a knife in hand looks like you stabbed yourself as an act of sacrifice or to kill the old you off I also seen a woman’s face she blew a kiss at me (think it was hecate) and try as I did I couldn’t get past seeing a sunken ship for awhile at the bottom of the ocean

I seen you opening athe portal letting beings not from the astral into our plane then I seen a man looked like a shadow he told me you and him need to talk said you would know who it is

It had no meaning, other than revealing your color. Why it looked like a solar eclipse is because of your circular frame on your avatar. Scrying on it long enough, leaves an imprint on the retina when closing your eyes, hence why I called it a “solar eclipse”.

The scapula bones is the medical term for “wing bones”, which I felt a pull, like something or someone connected a string, pulling me upwards. That made me think of the element of air.

I also mentioned “balance”, but with the upper plane, a slight bit celestial.

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Not quite what I did.

She was involved

I would not know who it is

Hmmm, atleast I got a bit right that energy burst REALLY threw me off

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Yeah, sort of. If it’s controlled, then it might have been unrestrained.

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Hey sorry for taking so long :sweat_smile:

I see a lion carrying a woman in white. She is beckoning for something to come to her, and there’s a large, bright sun behind them. The sun is radiating power and I sense there’s a being there. He’s giving off a solar vibe and he has blonde hair. Also, the lion and the lady were radiating power

Is the lion male or female? Is it a lion head attached to a human being?

I could see that

Is this me? If not, is it lucifer?

The lion felt more masculine to me, and I think the man was Lucifer.


Huh. That’s interesting.

Love it - try the alter and I talk to mine. literally every day. I have 4 quarters I use to communicate with them. They are your strongest defense. Before I had my alter set up they had my back and then when I honored them well My team went from little league to semi pro.

Question … How can I read myself?
With just eyelids shut?

i’m sorry, but i think in my language there’s no correspondent for "alter"
what are you saying in other words?

you could try what i do just scry into your profile picture or make a sigil that you claim

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To have to a table or area (shrine) set out with photos and trinkets of the family that are no longer. This table or area should also represent any family that you don’t recall but are watching over you. I had 2 entities/spirits in my life that watched over me and keep me safe - I found they were great great grandparents of mine. what feels right for you is what will work in honoring them. I have a dried lemon and lime that I have on mine along with a button from a trench coat- I have graveyard dirt and ashes has well. It is what works for you has you honor your ancestors- here are 2 examples - add cultural items… Just do not place any photos of the living on this alter. I have been told that is not a good idea.


I may suggest Marbas and Lucifer to heal you sister- that is who I called on for myself and it is working amazingly.


ALTAR, sorry i imaginated that but then i confused myself
hm, i don’t think i can have one in my house bc i have a protestant family…
trying to think about an alternative

just have a memory table - I have a very strict christian husband that has no clue about my family. But he does not cross it- you do not have to have all the crazy candles just some photos. I have tucked stuff behind the photos to hide the extra items.


First thing that came to mind when i tapped in :rofl::rofl:


i don’t have photos of familiars who are dead now
do you think offering coffee to the ancestors everyday (out of home) is a promising form of making a good contact with them? its the only thing i can think at the moment

@KingOfHearts616 I’m bored so in doing my return read for this morning early

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