Power sensing topic

Ancestors, digging into the earth. Star shards lay broken on the ground. Lots of water, a bit of earth. It feels like your looking for answers of an emotional nature, and you may have recently lost something dear to you. Stabilizing mental health and healing wounds both fresh and scared over.

Huh… Interesting.

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Hmm… Mind looking a bit deeper? I worked with Tiamat yesterday to help consecrate a sigil banner I made for her but I didn’t do anything baneful yesterday…

How so?

I know things.

Anyone free to read me?

If you’re willing to return the favor :blush:

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Shall I start?

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Yes please.

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Very well. One moment

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I’m just gonna list stuff off. First thing I picked up on is a darker feminine energy. Black hair. Darker purple. You’re calm but you can be a bit “let’s get stuff done” sort of thing. I’m actually having a hard time putting things into words (I worked 12 hours just now, I got off a little but ago, bear with me) essentially there are times where you do it like to bullishit. You aren’t young but your not old either, at least in my book. Dogs. Something about them. Fangs. One sec while I take care of something @Narsonix

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Your aura is free of hexes. It’s clean. It’s not too bright but it’s taken care of. Other than that nothing really comes up @Narsonix

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Thank you, reading incoming.

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Was it accurate? Sorry I just like getting feedback so I can improve

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Thick dark clouds, they hover along the ground and seem to be made of ash. The air reeks of sulfur and it burns my eyes. It seems to be the half crusted over vent of an active volcano. Hardiness, a nasty temper, the image of a huge armoured boar. His eyes glowing like hot coals, there’s no mercy in his gaze. I’m scared, which is hard to do. It snorts at me and points its head to the north.

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I can be very blunt and direct at times and i just turned 29. I’m not sure where the dogs are coming from, but I’m getting a lot of wolf/hound/fox imagery lately. Not sure what it means yet.

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I mean I just tore apart an entire establishment lol with magick. I can see why you’re seeing that

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Unfortunately what I see runs emotional and symbolic. Still trying to figure out the reading thing.

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Well either way, I still can have a nasty temper. Symbolically I would not know what some of that means

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