Power sensing topic

How bout a quickie for me? :smirk:
Scan I mean…

I sense in you a wandering, a sense of missing something, but what drives you insane is you don’t know what is missing.

You’re full of questions, questions that don’t seem to have one answer but multiple, you’re seeking guidance, you have so much, power and passion but are struggling how to use it.

I feel inside of you something rising it’s connected with mercury, it has a very strong urge to connect with you … Even feeling it’s energy is putting me from The TGS into the rapture.

Also there seem’s to be a building of psychic energy in your third eye … Perhaps you’ve notice pain or a headache, or even a building pressure followed by a push and pull in your forehead.

I looked into a remedy simply sit in front of a candle breathe in the fire energy as it connects with you extremely well, then vibrate " AH ", this will destroy the build up which is blocking the growth of the third eye which seems to be trying to cause some problems …

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Anyone free to gimme a reading?

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I saw this

I’ve never seen this before i just searched it …


All i know is it is masonic …

I also feel a new path opening but it’s opening from within you outwards …

Like your heart chakra is a bridge that travels beyond you, I also feel like you need to meditate in the right corner of the room, there seems to be something there taunting you to gain your attention.

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Thank you so much. :blue_heart:

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Do you have any orange candles ? @JezebelleMoon

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@C.Kendall was the Masonic symbol reading for me?

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Yes @Nyxifer i know the symbol but have never saw it with a skull before it literally flashed on my screen as soon as i connected to you … So i’m guessing it’s important

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Hmm, I don’t think I’ve seen that symbol with the skull & crossbones before… my Google-fu tells me it symbolizes Memento Mori, or a reminder of your own mortality. I have no idea about the Masonic connection though… :thinking:

That’s really interesting you mention meditating in the right corner of the room. Any feeling you get as to who or what it might be?

Your reading is comin’ up right now good sir.

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It feels strange i don’t really recognize the energy it felt like a static-like coldness for a lack of better words …

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I’d suggest getting one and place this square on it …

Then use a mercury incantation …

This is the perfect way to connect with that mercury spirit that seem’s to be near you

@C.Kendall here goes:

I see a room on a second story of a house. The scene is at night, dark, with pouring rain (think like a scene right out of a film noir). Thunder booms repeatedly. The room has a window, through it I see a bed and on it, you (erm) enjoying yourself with a woman. It seems pretty carnal and both of you are enjoying it pretty heavily. As the storm crashes around the house and lightning flashes, snakes burst out from under the bed, crawling in all directions. You don’t seem to mind, and as the snakes slither out your human skin bursts open and you transmute into a dragon. You spread your wings wide and roar as the rain pours on.

:thinking: Huh. Cold like death maybe?

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I’m going to try and read you, see what I find.

I see a black flame in the middle of Void darkness. It expands, expanding rapidly into a rising inferno. Flies are swept up by it, consumed-no, adding their darkness to the flame.

A bright red fire appears in the middle of the black flame, and a voice says, “I will come for you my brother, hahaha.”

I get the feeling of a devil’s face, then the scene ends.

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Hmm interesting wonder what this symbolism is …

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Trying to picture @thatrandomguy, being fuzzy wuzzy :joy:

I remember too much of the old forum stuff … :rofl:


Would anyone else be up to trading a reading?

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I don’t know if its death … But it feels old maybe even undiscovered

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Yes I’m up for it


sorry @narsonix I’m tired but what I got is a green colored energy and a trinity of spirits, 3 eyes forming a triangle
It’s an earthy energy. There’s definitely some finance related transition with it, abundant earth energy
I’ll try again in the morning I’ve just finished a series of evocations.