Power sensing topic

Ah hence the alligator. I’ll do a deeper one in a few minutes

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@anon27714670 a door cut into a stonewall. Torches on the sides of the wooden frame. I enter. Down the fucking rabbit hole Alice. Worms and dirt. Life and death. Cycling and crushing. An orb of black lightning. Chaos.

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Could someone please read me. I think I might be full of parasites and surrounded by imposters. Would anyone be willing to check this for me?

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“I know things”

Would you mind filling me in?

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i’m on it! :slight_smile:

oh dear
i saw three lil black spherical things with triangluar teeth and bulging lifeless eyes chewing on your right bicep, left ring-finger, and left shoulder blade

have you been working with Hel or another chthonic goddess? I saw her in two forms; a giant crone and also a half white half black imposter… I looked into their energies and the imposter’s was represented by a burning crown…

i lent u some of my energies to help u deal with all these nasties :heart:


also something of note:
this version of the chthonic goddess definitely had the right energy signature, but was behaving oddly, separating into clones of herself as i chased her down a labyrinthine set of corridors, all descending to a great pit where the clones all gathered and formed the single giant crone…

i sort of get the impression that this goddess was testing you? :thinking: :woman_shrugging:


I hate to ask @anon27714670 but do I have nasties on me?


one moment please

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you keep scratching your right calf muscle… i zoom in and see little blobs that are the same color as your skin. They bounce around screaming “weeee!” and it seems theyre having a great time. I dont get any malicious intent from them and I dont believe they can harm you, but yeah maybe just ask them to leave? i also got the impression that they could just be like residue or some kind of non-intelligent thingies

also saw a white ghostly looking person watching you. it freaked you out and you ran around in a panick. i asked the ghost what he was doing and he said he was just having fun watching you wear yourself out and worry over nothing. I get no ill intent from this dude other than a slight schadenfreude. Could ask him to leave… or swallow him whole. shouldnt be a big deal for u either way


Why do I see frogs?

Fuck sake. Makes a lot of sense. Thank you kindly. I’ll speak to them. No sense harming the harmless tricksters


Hmmm…* thinking *…nah…no reading on me.

…but. This thread is leaking a LOT, right now, and it’s hard to even visit this thread to read out of curiosity. Maybe do some cleansing in here?


@anon27714670 … Mind giving me a parasite scan?

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Ashtu malku ta dat arkata
astus seckz altamu partu
Iretempal krez ta felta
Vaskalla regent met senturus
Ta sastrus estos melta
Kelta, kelta, ketla hine.


@succupedia I’m not quite sure what you mean. Care to elaborate on what makes you say that.
And how to go about cleansing it?

Much obliged my good fellow.

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When being in this thread I feel very anxious, my head chakra is tightened and I’m getting slightly “panicky”. It’s like eating too much sugar, making me “sugar high”.

Maybe practicing more on your aiming of targets and ground yourself after a reading, rather than going immediately on the next one? Make the readings more balanced, perhaps?

I live with spirits and deal with energies 24/7, so I have to stay balanced myself to being able to handle these kind of experiences.


Sure one sec

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Goodmormning Gods and Goddesses,
Whos needing a scan?


Dude @Fuego1 I barely closed my eyes and immediately I got visions of infestation…

Maybe go soak in a cleansing bath for like a week? :stuck_out_tongue:

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