Power Sensing - Scans & Swaps

High as fuck, no weed

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High off Absolute Power XD

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No drug can compare to that :+1:

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Anyone else can read me real quick? I just wanna see if anyone can sense what entity is around. I got a few ideas, but I just need confirmation.

I know the typical “you don’t need any confirmation. Just go with your gut.” But with this one, I definitely need confirmation. :laughing:

so i asked “spirits who are around her tell me your name” and i got “amdusias”’

i have never worked with him AND i actually forgot he was a spirit… lol

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Can I have a scan, please?

Lillith- this one is interesting have you ever met a man that would out me over his own self? i have but they always amaze me. the second he learns to hear me the is the second when all of his dreams will come true

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Ah, very interesting. For some reason I sense someone is feeling panicked by knowing he’s around. I dunno if he didn’t want me to know he’s around or what. :rofl:

Eh, oh, well, thanks, though. :smile:


hey maybe just surprised i heard it it was pretty faint also i keep getting the feeling belial is there as well

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That’s probably it

So he’s the one who just now poked my ass cheek. I’m keepin’ my eyes on him! :joy:

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Have you contacted Cernunnos yet?

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Oh, no, I totally forgot about doing that. :sweat_smile:

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Oh crap @Micah
Read me from Sat nam?

Bruh :neutral_face::neutral_face::neutral_face::neutral_face::neutral_face::neutral_face::neutral_face::neutral_face::neutral_face::neutral_face::neutral_face::neutral_face::neutral_face::neutral_face::neutral_face::neutral_face::neutral_face:


i cant get his name out of my head now REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

why you do this @anon9236988


Is there anyone willing to read me? I’m just trying to see if there is something more supernatural or spiritual attached to my horrible back issues. I’m a healthy 45 year old woman who woke up with a pain in her lower back one day about 3 ago and it’s getting worse everyday.
Thank you for your help in advance. You guys are more like family to me everyday

Funny, I can’t get King Asmodeus’s name out of my head, and it’s sorta similar to Amdusias.


@anon9236988 can I ask you to do a general read on what I need to do to get my music career going. I can try to do a return reading but I can’t promise any accuracy

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Alrighty, but I may not be too accurate either, lol.

I see you sitting at a desk shaking your leg and tapping a desk with a pen. You start to write something down, but you get frustrated and crumble the paper up and throw it into a waste basket. The waste basket is already a little bit piled up with crumbled up paper. You growl and say “Something’s not write. There’s something missing.”

I see an entity standing behind you and smiling. They whisper a couple things in your ear. One thing I hear is something like “Change perspective. Then, you will entice others by your sheer creativity.”

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