Power Sensing - Scans & Swaps

Hello all,:raising_hand_woman:t4:‍♀️
I would be super appreciative if someone could give me a scan! I have A LOT going on and I am at the point where I am wondering where I should truly place my focus. I’ve been doing a lot of purging and cleansing of negative belief systems and I generally feel good when I am out and about creating my reality. The strange part is I feel totally drained and “off” when I come home and I have my suspicions about what is holding me back but I would like to get someone else’s opinion if you can “see” where the blocks are. Any takers??

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@FantomGirl could I get a scan one mo time? To see if somethings changed :wink:

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Haha thank you, when you break it down like that defintly resonates. Lately I’ve been disciplining my self more to increase my self in all aspects. Thank u for the read

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I see you standing in front of yourself. You stare at, and then try to chase your mirror image, but every step is reflected. You are one of duality, similar to me. Gemini? Whether it’s you or the mirror image in control depends on the day.

Personal advice is to mix your mirror self with your regular self and become whole. A lot of people have a hard time getting to know their darker side, however I was always in tune with it and the light self was always the mirror, always stepping out of reach. I feel you’re like me in this regard, and have to reconcile your lighter side into the whole. Trust in yourself is what you need most of.

Let me know the accuracy of this read

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THANK YOU!! This is quite accurate. I am actually a Leo sun and Aries Moon but I am a Libra Rising. So I have a very dual nature and oddly enough I suppress my fire nature more than I should because I often lose control when it comes to the surface. Most people know me as a super friendly and lovable girl, but they know nothing of my shadow side. I actually love my dark side. I suppress it because I have a feeling life will be a bit too unpredictable once I show more of that side. The days I feel more “dark” I tend to lock myself away at home. But I feel deep inside that I came here to let my darker nature out and ruffle some feathers … as if life isn’t unpredictable enough! I am consisdering connecting with a Mars or Saturn spirit to embark on protection and defense energy work for those looking for help with basic safety issues. I think this may help create a little balance…?

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I dont what the situation is but I feel power, thiers alot of enegry that has been called forth. Its attacking the situation violently and I feel you have already seen and is still seeing the effects of what you did.

Does this resonate?

Most definitely. Don’t discount spirit guides. We all have them and they’re pretty helpful :wink:

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Close brother. About to start attacking the situations :wink: just the typical the reality I’ve allowed myself to be trapped in is mad oppressive, so it’s time to break it and build anew

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Thanks!! Yes, I must admit I don’t connect as often as I should. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Scan swap?

I would enjoy being read. However I also have absolutely no way to repay it.

Hi @Leander_Jordan
I’ll swap with you.
I’m in the middle of darkness and I see a point of light which explodes outwards.

I now see a huge shadowy blackness and I see you fighting against it. Are you doing shadow work?

The more I see the shadow shrink, I see that it spills “bodies”, representing your inner demons. I feel that entities guiding you through this process would be helpful.

I see the shadow disappear completely, although now it’s backed up against a cliffside.

It disappears to reveal a cave full of bats. They fly out. In the cave, there is a green jewel which represents your personal power hiding behind your psychological hangups.

A good definition about what “shadow work” means? Sorry if I interrupt you.

This is really interesting.

The first thing that pops into my mind is ILLUMINATI haha xD with the triangle-eye artifact of power. Not to make light of it though, I find it very interesting and intriguing. Was there anything more you could tell me about it?

The people cheering for me, smiling and hugging and bowing, is similar to how things manifest on relaity for me. If I ever need anything, whatever that is, just sort of appears. It happens with money a lot, but I also run into people randomly who help me by challenging my ideas and notions. They remind me that I am a God, and am in control of my own destiny. Its one of my mantras that I tell myself every single day. It helps me take responsibility and control of my actions.

The white bird is interesting and could correlate to the thoughts above ^ The stars align themselves to my Will. I am far from perfect, but I am working on reclaiming my power which is probably what that forest path means. I still have a journey.

Thank you for the read. Any more insights you may have had would be great, but no pressure! I just never quite had a reading like that before. If you have questions about my reading for you, dont be afraid to ask, Ill do my best to reread what I wrote and try to decipher it further for you.

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I guess you could say shadow work. I’ve been doing alot of meditations to heal past trauma and pain. Through chakra work and this meditation I recieved from my god form. I had my chakra removed and replaced with something else for the longest. But I’m allowing my spritual bodies to correctly aline again. So very accurate

But your reading

This point of your life I feel a inner peace. I see a child who has matured and grown. He walks a straight path and at end of the road I see a new house. Filled with love and warmth.

Does this resonate with you?

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Need scanning guys… Need to find out what’s blocking me

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Good evening for all! Any could scan me, please?

I see you as a man kissing your arms. Lol.
A woman comes to you and kisses you.
Both of you look very much in love and seem to be married or something.
You seem more positive… Different than before.

Anyone want to do a scan on me. I will trade…
Anything on a daughter of mine that i might have in any incarnation would be nice… Anything you get.


I will

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