Power Sensing - Scans & Swaps

I see a woman out in the brightly lit woods. She kisses a fox on the forehead and seems very fond of all the creatures in the woods.
A black horse jumps into the woods before her. She screams very loudly until the entire forest disappears. Everything is pure white with no objects to be seen. She now creates her own beautiful reality with elven type forests.

Anyone interested in giving me a read. Concentrate on anything you want but see what you can get from my godself.

Pm me plz , and thanks alot

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Thanks :pray:t2:
Can u explain the house of cards and the other 4swords … I don’t fully understand the last 4 lines

I honestly dont know too much about godself. Ive been interested in seeings people versions of them but never tried to scry them myself. Energy looks different to everyone, and I would not want to put misconceptions into peoples head of what they look like, when it is just how the appear to me.

I get the sense that you have seen it before, your godself.

Once you take a step back, it will reveal itself. There comes a point where one is looking too hard, and therefore misses the picture. idk if that applies to you. Just a sense that I am getting. Focus on building your practice, the expansion will come naturally.

But! Thank you for the scan. It was interesting.

Everyone always sees a fox :stuck_out_tongue:


Basically deception is afoot. Lies will come unraveled and you will learn the truth.


Thanks for that… My godself told me that stuff already once. Guess i will listen.

@Ryce I think it already happening, last night a big fat lie reveled, it was shocking, still , but I don’t know what is coming else , thanks for ur help

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Thats concerning. I dont have any of my divination stuff with me right now so I cant do anything more in depth besides give what I gave above ^ Intuition can be a bitch sometimes.

Though I feel this is only a rough patch, and as I said in your initial reading: things are going to happen fast and rapid fire. So be prepared. You will weather this, and be a better stronger person :slight_smile: There are clear skies in the horizon for sure.

Anyone up for a trade?

I am.

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Cool. Want me to read first?

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I am in the middle of darkness.

I see a fairy. She points a sparkle of light towards a tree. That tree grows humongous. I see Quan Yin, she moves up the tree and the tree grows so big that it reaches the star. She takes a star, plucks it from the sky, and feeds it to the tree.

The roots grow and nourish the surroundings with this energy, growing a forest.

I feel like you will be using celestial energy in order to accomplish something.

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I see a man with eyes that are very much wide open. The facial expression and eyes make me think its due to shock of something.

I see you jump down and land on the ground in the middle of a city. Blue energy radiates from you. White wings. Black armor and a black crown connected to the armor.
“Angel of darkness. being of light. One is not enough many is to much. Guided among all yet known to none he is the god amomg men the champion among immortals he is forever a god of old.” I hear someone say.
This man bows to me and disappears.

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Cool thank you for the read.

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Until next time. :kissing_heart:

I’ll be sure to make it longer.


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Until we meet again :kissing_heart:

I’ll be sure to get some more detail in my reading.


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I see a oldschool street sign, with four directions at a crossroads. Lower on the pole, sits a mailbox with the flag up. Impressions that your mailbox is full, you must check it.

I think your advisors or aspects of yourself have important things for you to hear before you pick your path. This overrode the whole thing, with a sense of urgency

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Could you scan me, please? @DormiensDei

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I see a silhouette of a man in front of the computer. His head is outlined, but the inside has a galaxy within it. There is a stream from the computer flowing into the galaxy. The more you learn, the more it inspires you to create. Though your creations are small now, the more knowledge that streams in the larger, and grander your creations become. Impression of worlds beginning to form in the nebulous inside of your head.


Are you Irish??

I see you walking on city streets. There is art and tension and politics in the city around. You are holding a statue that you’re focused in on. It seems to pull you in, and lowers your vibration. You get to your work/home and enter, still intent on the statue.

From outside, I see fae peering through the window. They want to contact you, but you’re no fun right now.

Overall impression of you falling deeper into the qlippoth. Stressing about it. Lighten up, I think the fae are calling, or that fae energy can meld with you.

The fae outside were of the summer court. Lmk accuracy

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