Power Sensing - Scans & Swaps

Water. More specifically a lake. Deep and still, introspective you stare looking, hoping for answers to present themselves. You already know the answers, they are buried deep within your subconscious, you just need to dig a little deeper with meditation and practice, practice, practice. Everything will unfold in time, and the symbols you see in the water will begin to make sense.

There is discord and discontent, impatience, but along with it a sense of wonder. Of Light and darkness, you fear not any of them, but in your eagerness rush to both sides. There is a striving and wanting to learn, to turn a new leaf, to enhance your practices and further yourself. A large period of self growth and renewal. Though some Truths will hurt, and working though the past can be rough. You can do it. You have the Will.

The Sun is on your side.


U know tarot reading i need Consultant to some cards



I drop down a city in the clouds. The tone to the scene is pink. I drop through loads of fairies.

I come down to a platform with a marble floor. I see a building that looks like a Greek Temple.

The Queen is there, she has a crown, brunette hair, and red lipsticked lips.

I go away before I get more information.

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Unfortunately I don’t.

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Could you scan me, please? @Epsilon_The_Imperial

Scan me plz if it’s not bothering u ?!

I see Lilith. I see you huddling around a campfire making food. You’re stirring a pot, and she’s running her hands through your hair.

I feel like you’re making something in the real world, building your domestic life.

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Good scan… For now, I am laying in my bed watching some TV and reading the forum. And yes, I feel her lovely presence… Thanks a lot!

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Yours is different. I see the color purple and a forest of swords. Many sharp minds have fallen, and you remain. An eagle flies overhead and clouds gather. A storm looms but it has yet to break. You watch the lightning dance in the sky, but feel no fear. No, you have escaped the chains of your past and do not fear what the future brings.

A purple aura surrounds you, and the swords rise higher into the sky. Disappear. You step forward into the storm, head held high. There is nothing to stop you from this journey but yourself. One step at a time. Step forward. Move. It is time to take action and fear the rain as it will wash away all obstacles.

The Star and the Chariot are the tarot cards that comes to mind when I look at you.

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Thank you very much for the scan. It is interesting you see Quan Yin in your vision. :slight_smile:

The black portal with eyes is interesting, I will keep that mind!

Water! Isnt it the best element? I have a lot of ‘water related’ things to work on personally.

Partly true. I am looking for -something- and I dont have a full understanding of it right now, but that is why I am reading and researching and practicing nearly every night. Ill get there!


Thanks sweetie so much … Thatre resonate with my life at the moment so much … Feeling everything hard and keep practice but no results tha pleases me … I’m kinda impatient person… Needing everything to be quick and easy… But that not realistic… So I’m going to ease my tensions and do more meditation and see what’s going to turns out… Thanks again

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There is air and fire about you. A dangerous combination. The flames are fanned by the air, sparks jumping consuming the things that they land on. Ash and air now. The winds stir change and it feels a lot is going to happen in a short time. Rapid fire. Bang, bang, bang! Be careful who you aim that energy at.

A house of cards is folding in. Truth is going to come to light.

Serpents balled, tangled in knots.

The Tower projects itself to me, along with Four of Swords.

Any else could scan me, please?

Is anyone willing to see what Angrobda and i have in relation to each other.
I keep hearing her name when i try and discover my magickal name but i know she is a norse goddess married to loki.

Lachdon and athena one moment your reading awaits.

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I see you with grey wings looking up at the sky in wonder. You eat popcorn outside with a woman maybe it is lilith.
Its her for sure.
You two cuddle closely together.
The night is beautiful.

I see a man with blue eyes. Silver aura beard and grey wings.
“I am him. His godform. He knows me as mighty ****.”
“Should i tell him?”
“Indeed.” he says with smile. “I must go now. And thank you.”

…Athena i know who he is now… I can tell you in pm or here up to you.


I sense a kinship, a sort of sisterhood. A patient watching.

It could be a hint, a nudge down the rabbit hole.


Thanks ryce.

Anything on my godself?

I will read you.

Could I pm you, @FantomGirl

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