Power Sensing - Scans & Swaps 3.0 (No Tarot Please) (Part 1)

Anyone up for reading me so many things have happened and changed so I’d love to see what you all pick up on :smiling_imp:.

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If you’d like to. @C.Kendall

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Much appreciated brother.

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Of course. I should be home soon and I’ll pm you what I see?

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Temptations can be illusions
Failures can be truth.


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Scan trade anyone?

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Sure. I have to handle C.K.'s stuff first.

Cmon on brother trade with me

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One eye is solid gold the other is a deep purple. Your energy feels ungrounded but strong. I get the sense you’re prowling… I see a black leopard stalking a deer like animal. The doe stands proud and fearless and over estimates its speed and agility. The leopard leaps and snaps its neck in a single swipe.
I’m also getting strong symbolism someone is trying to groom you, manipulate you into turning against family.

I’ll take that as a no?

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Sure I’ll trade.
I see you tinkering with a black cube… You push your hand into it a light goes off the cube changes shape. It’s like an alien rubics cube, quite interesting. The next imagery I get is a large king cobra. Half man half serpent, it stands behind you whispering in your ear…
@itsnathanm7 please “@Kassapu” when you’re done

Hi @Kassapu
I’ll trade. I tried to do a ritual last night to summon a female spirit. She was supposed to appear visibly, but she didn’t

Another scan told me to relax and be sincere, but something also came up about a timing problem.

Is there a specific time in which I am to summon her?
How else can I avoid failure?

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I see a naked brunette by a small pool in the forest. Her lover comes to greet her, then they have raunchy sex. I get a lustful energy, probably from your avatar.

I see Lilith.

I see that you are climbing up a mountain, having sex stops along the way.

I get the idea that you should invest in sexual alchemy or sex magic.

The rest is personal between me and Lilith.

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I see a dragon roam through a tunnel, then I see that he/she emerges out onto the edge of a forest and hills.

I see him/her breathe fire all over the place. Baneful Magick?

Underneath, I see hatred. Have you been betrayed by someone recently?

Underneath that. I feel love.

The moon phase should be different. There are more variables when it comes to physical manifestation

No, but I wish people would actually have common sense. The principal will suspend a kid for a vape but then not turn in a kid that’s distributing child porn or a kid that’s assulting teachers and students.

I’m not necessarily talking about the standard method.
But the moon phase has to be a full moon?

Anybody up for a trade?

I’ll trade … Anyone?

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I did a meditation with a being today, what do you see as the results of working with the being?