Power Sensing - Scans & Swaps 3.0 (No Tarot Please) (Part 1)

Who’s this for?

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For the general thread :joy: didn’t have a specific person I was responding too.

You want a general scan?

I’m actually looking for something more specific and detailed, also weren’t you needing to take a break from scanning for a bit?

Technically, I never said yes to the break lol

What kind of specifics

Scan me what do you see

I Stan a scan. What you need looked at?

That’s exactly what that was :slight_smile:

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Anyone want to trade an in-depth scan?

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I do, give me a min and I’ll be ready.

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No worries!

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I had wanted my relationship with my lady and also with Lady Lilith scanned. Basically where things are at, etc. It would be very helpful to compare to my own experiences and such. Kinda like an in-depth check in. Is that do-able? Also what do you want scanned in return?

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Yes this is doable.

For me, just what I need to know in regards to my physical and magical aspects of my life

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Sounds good, who shall scan first?

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In regards to Lilith I am seeing a beach. The horizon is at sunset and the sky is a orange red pink color. The ocean is a crystal blue and the waves are very calm. There is a lady in the ocean and she isn’t doing any thing crazy. She’s in the ocean and being in the moment. She is standing in the waters and taking in the light of the sun.

First off, I think you guys are chillin. Secondly, I think what she wants you to know, is to just take it in as it is. I get the vibe that sometimes you overthink and that she wants you to rest. Take time for yourself and nurture yourself. Otherwise the two of you are just fine!


I remember when I was scared of Lilith…lol

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This is most likely very true of my situation with Lilith. I’ve never been afraid of her @MagickVigilante , but I do over think alot and more so recently over some personal issues I’m having in life so it comes to no surprise to me that this is a message she wants me to know.

@Mephisto after you scan for how things are between my lady and I - I’ll be sure to scan what you wanted. Definitely appreciate. Things are matching up to my own observations so far, I do feel Lilith And I are “chill” but sometimes I have a hard to knowing what type of relationship we have due to past mixed messages I had gotten from her. Which I told you briefly about in the past.


I never insinuated you were afraid of her, I was talking about me lol

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I just want to make sure I’m getting the right info. Has she taken a step back?

Lilith or my lady?