Power Sensing - Scans & Swaps 3.0 (No Tarot Please) (Part 1)

Divination is its significance

I saw an image of your family arguing with you , then I saw an image of you lazing away after summer started , then The Archangel Michael said “ you are only just beginning your journey , baby steps are essential “

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Hi =] anyone would like to scan me?

Yet another beginner , I saw an image of you trying to read large books , complex texts , but when you looked into it the words were reading like French to you , “ you are a beginner , try small things first “

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Thank you for the scan! This is totally happening I’ll make sure to try some small things first :sweat_smile:

I get the phrase. “You should take yourself more seriously.”

Not really in a derisive sense, more of you need to allow yourself to be who you know yourself to be.

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We’re you seeking to trade ?

Yeah, if you don’t mind. I picked you at random

Hi, would you please scan me?

Scan for a scan please people?

Trade for a trade!

Come on people! There must be someone out there, who wishes to trade?

I read you

I saw an image of you as a man / woman , trans sort of , a man walking around in heels , then I saw an image of you looking in the mirror and trying to figure out who you are “ if he/she struggles with their identity , they should seek self improvement and meditation “

I saw an image of you reading about demons , this was quite fascinating to you , also reading about Solomonic evocation , then an image of you dipping your foot in the water ( testing it out ) , but not fully immersing yourself in it as you feared the things that could go wrong in demon work and the consequences of it

I’ve been thinking of working with a few entities lately, but I am far from a beginner.

Thanks for the scan.

How long have you been practicing ?


Started magick as a wiccan, learned a lot from the Goddesses, became disillusioned and went edgy Satanist devil boy, now, I am full fledged LHP that has done things in spirit that I can barely describe. And that isnt just a figure of speech. I literally do not have the vocabulary to describe some of what I have seen.

Side note, I had to stop typing because a baby woke up.

Okay , I’m not sure then , but The Archangel Michael described you as a beginner , can you astral travel ?

Micheal, what an ass.

Only astral when I feel the need, but I’ve rarely left my body. I fi most of my work in soul.