Power Sensing - Scans & Swaps 3.0 (No Tarot Please) (Part 1)

Just a general read :ok_hand:

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Your aura appears to be a mix of blue and yellow, with the yellow sitting on top of the blue. I gave it a quick glance when I posted my first reply and I saw the yellow sitting on top of a solid foundation; from this Iā€™m assuming the blue represents your core/foundation ( the true you ie. Your potential ) and the yellow the outermost edge of your aura.
Moving the foundation to encompass your whole energetic form would be beneficial to both your magical ability and your ability to see situations clearly, in terms of how they relate to your goals. Essentially itā€™s where divination and confidence in our own rituals comes from. Itā€™s not that easy to do: I started a year or so ago and I still get times when the core can slip a little, so to speak.

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Anyone wanna trade?

I would like to be scanned

Darkness surrounds you. Your very being emanates darkness. Your wings are black and you are being of darkness (visually black).
The forces of the infernal empire have you en-snared. They circle around you as dark smoky vines. They are attached at all parts of your body.

(Be careful and donā€™t become reckless or your utter demise will come).

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This result from a reading hesitated me a lot:

Can someone scan me and find what exactly is the case? Am I ungifted? :frowning:

I was wondering if I could get general read if it not to much trouble.

Here is your reading!

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The first card is the ace of pentacles. You are starting forward on a new beginning. Iā€™m getting from this card, a new year, a new me vibe. You want change to come about you this upcoming year.
The second card is the world. I sense a good start for a new beginning. Meaning the beginning of this upcoming year, good things will start happening.
The third card is the hierophant. You have done learning and now it is time to share your knowledge. This year was about learning and experiencing for you. This time is coming to an end and from a student, you will turn into a teacher.

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Anyone wanna trade?

Iā€™ll try @Micah

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A skull purple the earths core a violent energy? Someone in the distance, fire, a hammer, earth, land, something spinning

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Not sure how I did

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I see blood on or around you. Itā€™s thick and black mixed with red.

I donā€™t get a positive or negative vibe, but it seems to be a situation that is forming around you which you arenā€™t aware of

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Just did a tarot very much confermed what you said thank you

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Do you think you could do a general reading for me?

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May I try ? im still new for scan people ?

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No way what happens with ur energy ?
My heart getting fast when i scan you
and cold

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Go ahead man
Give it a shot

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Anyone willing to scan me and let me know what they sense? pretty please :slight_smile: