Power Sensing - Scans & Swaps 3.0 (No Tarot Please) (Part 1)

Let me get to you and @anon72564005 soon.

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I see you with black wings. Dark as fuck. You are lying om the ground with your head up and your upper body up. You have blood or black blood dripping from your mouth.
Looks as if you went through some shit but are strong and victorious. You look like you loved it… Nothing can hold you back.

You are at grave yard calling on the dead… From what i can see.

(Sorry if its off a bit… I am a little off my head :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

I am working with the Loa… Specifically Papa Legba. I feel like i should reevaluate who i work with and for what reason. So thank you.

Now onto your reading;
I see you as a being of darkness. You are very calm and your energy is very peaceful and tranquil.
I get the sense that you aren’t always like this and it seems you won’t be like this forever.

Shemyaza is a name i hear from you… So Satan.

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Here is how accurate you were.

  1. I just accepted Hela as my patron Goddess.
  2. She gave me the “Spark of Death” which is basically a tendril monster that exists within my body.
  3. Hela basically ripped me apart and put me back together after I showed her I can take the punishment.
  4. She made me a warrior priest of death.

You were dead on.


Wow… Even with a fucking shot or 2 of brandy i am still damn good.

That’s awesome what you did btw @anon72564005

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I am still up for some trades.

I need some advice on where i should go next… Spiritually and all that.

Anyone up for the challenge.

I’d like a reading!! And also, how do y’all sense or do power scan ? I’ve tried to do it before, but I’m guessing my skills are not that developed.

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Simply focus on the person you wish to scan. (For me focus on my profile picture and my name). Then write down whatever comes to mind… Any images or words that are seen or heard.

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I will read you.

I’ll give it a try

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I see you as a woman wearing a suite… And being an office type lady… Professional and all that. Very pretty.
I see you with astral wings that are blue in color but your aura seems to be yellow.

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Accurate !!! blue wings?? I do have yellow aura .

Here’s what I got/ sensed. (First time I do this btw)
Cthulhu is with you… currently shedding the old, and rising into power (kind of like a phoenix). You transmute pain, wrath, suffering into power. Mastery of light and darkness. Blonde?

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I also read that you were looking at where to go next spiritually. Poseidon popped in my mind. Have you worked with him before? I get a lot of Atlantis/ ocean vibe, almost like floating in the water. Thoth’s emerald tablets might help.

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Awesome… Yes blue wings. Yellow aura i guess is accurate which is good.

Thanks for the read. Cthullu, i have worked with them before i will look into it again. Attempting to rise like a phoenix i just need a fricking reason or goal to do it. Transmutation of pain, wrath and suffering into power… Interesting i believe i can be but i will look into it further or maybe i am. I am of both light and darkness. Blonde… Yes when i was young… But now not as much.

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Everyone sees me with water… I seem to emanate water vibes.
Very accurate… I haven’t worked with posiden though… I do know him well.

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Your own spirit knows the purpose of rising. Leave logic aside and flow. You might feel confused and even frustrated at first, but once you see the destination, you will understand why and how every event is tied together. On another note, spirit guides are always there to help us.

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Thank you for that. @Maca_W
I think that is what i needed to hear.
(I usually give advice to people but its harder to give yourself advice from yourself. Lol).

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I’m glad it helped! Embrace the change, because you will see great things.

Back to the blue wings, I’ve seen my soul/higher self as a blue person with a bunch of odd tats, but I have never seen wings. Interesting.

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My advice is a bit skewed towards my patron Goddess, but you need to stop harboring your old ways and allow them to fade. Allow death to come to that which must pass on and move forward.

An old attachment has been rotting and festering, you’ve spent too much time nurturing that which should have died years ago.

Embrace change, allow new life into your being.

Change is hard, but it must be done. You know of what I speak.


Yeah… I see wings a lot with people.
Apparently they are extensions of the shoulder chakras.

Blue wings can symbolize what a blue aura would symbolize.

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