Power Sensing continued

Thanks @Svartulf
Ive been literally feeling a weight tied around me on my solar plexus

Hell yes :metal:

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More power, more time; More time, more power.


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This is almost exactly how the ā€œkingā€ looked, just think older more gray to his hair and beard.

This would be the Queen, black hair, smaller crown, lavender gown

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Reading for a trade?

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A man who has been at war for too long. Scars, ripped clothing, cuts still bleeding. Exhausted.

He walks with a limp, clutching a M16 in his left hand, down a long, dark rocky pathway. On his right and left in the darkness, shadows and eyes can be seen. Demons and evil spirits, waiting for him to give up so they can feast on his flesh and soul. He continues, growing weaker and weaker as he

He reaches a point where he is about to stumble and fall. The darkness and itā€™s beings creep closer, anticipating his demise. He suddenly looks up and seeā€™s a bright area at the end of this road and a house. His wife and children are outside, waving and smiling at him.

With newfound strength, he begins to move faster, and faster this time with a reason to live. He finally exits this dark pathway into bright, almost heaven like, surrounding. His kids run into his arms, he kisses his wife. Heā€™s home and has found peace.

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What is this a metaphor for, exactly?

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Whatever your doing right now, keep going. Success will happen, as long as you donā€™t ā€œstumble and fallā€.

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ā€œstumble and fallā€ ?
Is it about ascent or material life or both?

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Whatever you currently are doing and want to succeed. What that means to you I donā€™t know exactly

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Care to trade a reading?

Alrighty :+1:

Or ā€¦ Would someone be willing to read me?

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I gotchu once I finishing eating.

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A homeless guy. Dirty jeans, jacket, and a patched up beanie on my head. Long hair, long beard.

Sitting on a NYC sidewalk, begging for change. Lost everything. House, car, family, job, everything. People walk by, not even glancing at him

A man in a tailored black suit, black shirt, black shoes is the only one to stop. He grins at him and says, ā€œYour weakā€. Youā€™ve always beenā€¦weak. You know why your in such a shitty position right now? You doubt yourself too much. You look to others for comfort, instead of to yourself. He pokes your chest and says, Tap into ā€œitā€. ā€˜Itā€™s been waiting for you to grow a pair and use it.ā€

He tells the guy to get up and come with him. A all black limousine pulls up alongside them, and the driver opens the door. The man continues as he leads the homeless guy into the car and says, ā€œWeā€™re going to get you cleaned up. Then we have much work to do.ā€ As he gets in the guy asks the man in black who is he. As the driver closes the door, the man looks over to him, his eyes turn into those of a snake, and he says with a smile like Hannibal Lecter, ā€œCall me Belialā€. And then the limo pulls off.

I donā€™t think I have to explain this one lol


You are surrounded in fire. Dark figures with glowing red eyes surround you. I see Lilith, standing over you. Your eyes are black and itā€™s almost as if your in a cave or a cavern of some kind. I see a hissing, swirling, energy all around you. It whispers in your ears.

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Very very accurate. Well done my brother.

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Bruh :joy:

That whole scene for @Fuego1 was some straight up Voodoo shit :joy::joy::joy:

Awesome read man


How goes it everyone, how go the readings?

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I think everyone is having fun. And we have some newcomers to the party. :+1:

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@Svartulf would you like to trade readings?

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