Power Sensing continued

5-htp is another good way to replenish seratonin, @anon27714670 @FellowLightbearer. You can get these nifty pills that have various neurotransmitter precursors along with vitamins.
Edit: these things! https://www.amazon.com/Rave-Recovery-5-HTP-Antioxidants-Electrolytes/dp/B00BHMCAWQ

Lady Miss Trip - you mentioned the thyroid. The new age folks have named the point between the heart and throat chakras as the Aetheric Heart. The color would be the mingling of green and blue. It’s associated with the thyroid. That jumped out at me because of the associations of blue-n-green with Naamah.


Cool @anon27714670
Heres your reading:

I see a meadow with tulips of all colors. Deer are around and are chilling and feeding from the grass. Gaia (earth goddess) is smiling and all seems happy.

I get a New Age/New Earth vibe from this place. It is impossible for any hint of evil to thrive there as it gets killed off by hapiness.
Feels like springtime

I take this to mean that you are cutting out negative people and spirits and choosing to be happy. To the point where no toxic energy can reside in you or around you period.

Up to trade?

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I see a sweat lodge with alot of steam in it. I take this to mean that things are picking up pace around you. The “heat” is intensifying magically so to speak.

Also if there is some female youve been wanting to fuck, there will be a oppurtunity in a closed, private area that will quickly turn steamy.

Also your succubus could be wanting you as well

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eww gross lol

awww :cry:

i mean, this is true, but evil doesnt necessarily imply toxicity… at least not in my book

maybe u saw this cuz i was pulling in energy from the forest to help heal my sicky butt? :thinking:

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A fallen angel, with a face like Two-Face from Batman stands in the corner of a bedroom (think it’s yours). The fucked up part of his face is hidden by the darkness, while the other side has the moon’s glow on it.

He’s standing guard, vigilant. Both hands on the pommel of his blade, facing down to ground. Either something has been messing with you, or it’s coming. But no need to worry because he’s gonna beat the shit out of it, for sure.

It knows he’s there and definitely wants no piece of him at all :joy:

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Hmmmm this is the second time someone has mentioned something coming for me

I feel like i know the fallen angel too

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well then
seems i now have an idea of what to do… :sunglasses:
(do i use the sunglasses emoji too much… or not enough?? :wink:)

bee tee dubs, wanna trade readings? :smiley:

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Sure. :sunglasses:

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Sounds about right. It’s almost 24/7 of either playing with my cock whenever I try to meditate or just relax, blowjobs, or “riding me like a soldier”. The crazy part is she is cumming and trembling all the time, every time. Me, I’m just laying there at a attention with no release unless I make it happen myself.

I’m thinking this is some type of lesson or something, but damn bro, this is so confusing :joy::joy:

I can’t complain though :man_shrugging:t4:

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Pick a Demon you want to evoke

Lets say, Satan.

Let her ride you or do whatever.
While she does, chant:

Liftoach sharii-ha Qlippoth, B’Shem ha Thaumiel va-Satan!

Keep chanting that until you cant take the pleasure anymore. Make her give you release.

Enjoy the materialization of Satan

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read me again with another good news Micah lol

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This won’t turn into one of those scenes where the record stops, and it’s actually Satan on top of me, right? :joy:



I see a guy playing XBox 360 or Xbox 1

He is way too invested in it, but has great potential if he applies that same TRANCE STATE in magic.

He should look up the book “Pop Culture magic” by Taylor Ellwood and learn to upload his Astral body into the game to use it for various goals.

Hes a noob, but has great potential

@Svartulf Hell no lol
Thats what the evocation triangle and circle is for :wink:

@Svartulf do you see any female spirits around me? Or why i cannot feel as intensely

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@anon27714670 return reading friendo😃

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console is for the weak …computer forever lol


yup its on its way! just had to boil some broth real quick cough cough :face_with_thermometer:

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