Power of the Dark Druid. Ogham in relation to the LHP

I wasn’t sure if I should put this here or in the European paganism category but since there was barely anything in this section I figured it could use some filling in.

I have decided to cover a not so well known topic in this thread and that is the ritual material of wood. I myself was raised in a family business of custom woodworkers, having Celtic genealogy included in my wide mixture of ethnicity, and a fascination with D&D style fantasy of Dragons and Wizards, I loved the Arthurian legends. My favorite version of course being the Mists of Avalon, I must admit it did appeal to my Stag Vixen fetishes :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

I remember the 1981 Film Excalibur was my favorite as a child and it conjured up fantasies in my head about the great sorcerer Merlin who could manipulate the forces of nature summon demons, read minds and see the future. It also conjured up fantasies of Helen Mirren :laughing:
9TGZAfB and so naturally I, in my early magical journey gravitated towards the Druid philosophy of spirituality and magick. Having been at one point an active member in both the OBVD and the Issac Bonewits founded ADF Druidry became an important part of my eclectic background. Later discovering the LHP I carried my druidic past into my new work and found that these systems compliment each other well. In my omnitist views I could easily recognize the current behind the mask and saw a deeper connection beyond the surface systems of magick. I found that all things in the world of magic are as interconnected and well woven into the fabric of consciousness and reality as my sacred geometric Celtic knotwork designs inspired by the craft it’s self. FB_IMG_1574882101590
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So in the spirit of the Dark Druid Merlin I have made it my goal to go beyond the system and seek ultimate power and knowledge of my cosmos in raw nature it’s self. By recognizing the same associations and correspondences of attributes, I’ve found that in magick associations create manifestations. So therefore I gladly present to you dear siblings of the shadows the seven planetary corresponding woods of the Ogham to the Goetia. As Time permits me I will include all seven but today I will start with the most obvious, Sandalwood.

One major player in the LHP is sandalwood. It’s Druid Ogham letter is equivalent to UR the 18th letter of the Ogham alphabet, or Heather as it is commonly known. 11057359_970637219654046_3153079565625419953_n-e1438645857146 One thing about the Ogham is that one letter can actually encompass many species of plant life across the globe and is not limited to only one tree or shrub species in western Europe. As Heather corresponds to Venus just as Sandalwood, the attributes of the two are mostly identical.

Some of these identical attributes include but are not limited to

Opening and closing gateways to the spirit world. Summon beneficial spirits and energies or remove negative spirits and energies,
Promotes romantic love.
Healing, divination, luck,
Aids in astral projection and psychic abilities, water and weather magic, both have medicinal properties and are sedatives, antiseptics, aphrodisiac, decongestants among many other benefits. Research Heather and sandalwood side by side and you will simply be amazed at how much they have in common.

The correspondences are
Element- Water
Planet- Venus
Gemstones- Emerald
Direction -West
Chakra- Heart
Color- Green

Goetia demons include but not limited to

Agares, Astaroth, Barbatos, Bune, Dantallion, Eligos, Sallos, Gremory, Vepar, Zepar.


Have you ever seen the mini series of Merlin from 1998?

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Yes I did I loved it!

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It’s my all time favorite of any the Arthurian movies or t.v. shows. It was just really special. How well it was written and every actor was top notch.

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What’s your opinion on the Atlantis connection to Druidism? If there is one?

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I believe there is a connection between Atlantis and many cultures from around the world. I believe the myth has its origins in an actual history. About 11,000 years ago the ice age was ending and the sea levels rising. Much of what once was dry land then became enveloped by oceans. We see the remnants of complex and intricate building work in archaeological discoveries such as Gobekli Tepe: The World’s First Temple? | History| Smithsonian Magazine
And other remnants of what could be sunken civilizations such as Mysterious 10,000 Year-Old Underwater Ruins in Japan | Ancient Origins

Then there’s this…
All these things suggest that our timeline of events in human history not only go back much further than previously conceived but that we are missing many thousands of years of human history.


This idea was posited by Douglas Monroe in his widely unpopular work ‘21 Lessons of Merlyn’ (interesting discussion on why that work was refuted by practicing druids here). I’m not aware that that is any evidence that Druidry was a remnant of or related to any philosophy from Atlantis as Monroe claimed.


I enjoyed his works as fictions only, but I did thoroughly enjoy them. It was fun for a highschool aged kid to read. I myself think that an Atlantis of sorts is more of a collective memory of a time when humanity had a high point then lost much of what it had achieved and went through a dark age lasting several thousand years after the end of the Ice Age. But who knows I myself like to keep an open mind balanced with a healthy amount of skepticism.

I didn’t read his work, I did read the Mists of Avalon as a kid and enjoyed it, but it was a faint memory when I studied the Bardic grade with OBOD.

I’ve recently been drawn back to that current, and I have found new depths of meaning and new understanding that were made possible because of my research into the LHP and the insights of LHP authors. I’ll very likely do the Ovate grade in 2020.

I actually believe Atlantis existed. My feeling is, it was rather longer before the snapshot of druidry by the Christian Roman writers was taken. I think it makes sense that there was an Atlantean diaspora after the accident, so it’s reasonable to expect that what we know of druidry has at least some undocumented roots deep in that pre-history.

I’m not sure if it matters much. Druidry being a philosophy, or religion of you make it that, of nature, it is, like the LHP something ever evolving and unique to the practitioner. We read where others have gone before, then take that information to self-initiate and put into practice a personal path.

Beyond that, I do think we live on a planet changed from what it was before, so that personal gnosis will necessarily have evolved with it. It wouldn’t be appropriate or useful to try to copy the druids of ages past as the received religions do. There is likewise no correct or original druidry even when it was in it’s heyday, as it was mutable to the needs of the people that followed it’s precepts.

So I’m very interested in this thread, that talks about this sort of evolution and synthesis for the needs of occultists who are into druidy. I think it’s perfect. :slight_smile:

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Well thank you I’ll try to make the most I can of this thread then, cheers!

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Its a.merlin magic book in amazon its a grimoire whit pictures, cnt remember title, but its uniqe whit pictures

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When I think of Atlantis, ‘Doggerland’
comes into my mind. Did you know it?

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No I have not, I would love to hear your take on it though.

Doggerland is a sunken Island between Europe and Great Britain. Hunters & gatherers lived there.

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Give us some links and share with the thread.


Actually there was one other mention, but it was from the Joy of Satan website that claimed that the Druids came from Atlantis. Unfortunately I can’t find the link to it.

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I found another, um, I think it might have been in Dion Fortune’s book, Psychic Defense. So it’s her personal gnosis.

It’s the sort of thing that if there was an influence, it’s so far back in time it was lost with the rest of the knowledge that remained only in the oral traditions. I can imagine the influence was 2nd hand through connections with Egypt and the middle east, as there was some travel. There is documentation by an Arab describing Norsemen from a foreigners perspective, so we know there was some long distance travel that could make that not impossible.

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I am actually discarding the books he wrote (douglas Monroe), because he is pushing ideas that are not even druidic onto the reader. Like Druids being celibate…
Druids were vegetarians

So I am really turned off and now I regret wasting my damn money.

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Yeah it’s fiction man.