I wasn’t sure if I should put this here or in the European paganism category but since there was barely anything in this section I figured it could use some filling in.
I have decided to cover a not so well known topic in this thread and that is the ritual material of wood. I myself was raised in a family business of custom woodworkers, having Celtic genealogy included in my wide mixture of ethnicity, and a fascination with D&D style fantasy of Dragons and Wizards, I loved the Arthurian legends. My favorite version of course being the Mists of Avalon, I must admit it did appeal to my Stag Vixen fetishes .

So in the spirit of the Dark Druid Merlin I have made it my goal to go beyond the system and seek ultimate power and knowledge of my cosmos in raw nature it’s self. By recognizing the same associations and correspondences of attributes, I’ve found that in magick associations create manifestations. So therefore I gladly present to you dear siblings of the shadows the seven planetary corresponding woods of the Ogham to the Goetia. As Time permits me I will include all seven but today I will start with the most obvious, Sandalwood.
One major player in the LHP is sandalwood. It’s Druid Ogham letter is equivalent to UR the 18th letter of the Ogham alphabet, or Heather as it is commonly known. One thing about the Ogham is that one letter can actually encompass many species of plant life across the globe and is not limited to only one tree or shrub species in western Europe. As Heather corresponds to Venus just as Sandalwood, the attributes of the two are mostly identical.
Some of these identical attributes include but are not limited to
Opening and closing gateways to the spirit world. Summon beneficial spirits and energies or remove negative spirits and energies,
Promotes romantic love.
Healing, divination, luck,
Aids in astral projection and psychic abilities, water and weather magic, both have medicinal properties and are sedatives, antiseptics, aphrodisiac, decongestants among many other benefits. Research Heather and sandalwood side by side and you will simply be amazed at how much they have in common.
The correspondences are
Element- Water
Planet- Venus
Gemstones- Emerald
Direction -West
Chakra- Heart
Color- Green
Goetia demons include but not limited to
Agares, Astaroth, Barbatos, Bune, Dantallion, Eligos, Sallos, Gremory, Vepar, Zepar.