Possessed by Belial for over a year!

I will Pm you dear Lugh. Please hold on. Don’t give up🤗

Not attempting to cause any trouble but it seems like you’re rejecting any other opinion or help besides the ones that reaffirm your belief that Belial is always in your body and anything that even makes a hint or suggestion at something else you shoot it down 100% no thought about it.


Sounds, besides the addiction and work. Physically are you ready? Is your body strong enough now? You eating will enough?

So you got muddled in stuff you dont understand. Fine, we make mistakes.

You need outside help. You need to listen and carry out what is being offered. Sounds like you are your own worst enemy and giving negativity power, wow you must be a bloody right power source!!

Either you are in control of the situation and you’ll sort it out or submit and be helped, by others.

When attacked, and when you shouted for Archangel Michael for help, what happened?


my point exactly, feeding the fire with more fear, doubt and negativity - its Ice cream for negative forces. Why would anyone give away free ice cream?



You said he is angry all the time. Make a list of all the stuff he is angry about, I mean most of it might be trivial, but if you could find something he is angry about to work on fixing it would make a difference.


You would think Belial would explain that to him though.

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Ok what the hell is LHP?

Left hand path.

That sounds quite amazing to be honest. He basically cured you . Do you have any triggers to want to do more ? Or has he cured you of that as well

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The more I read down this topic the more skeptic I got of it . Maybe because this is the persons first post . But I dont know . It just doesnt really seem to add up … king belial was the first daemon I worked with ever . And Im just not really sure I “believe” everything that’s being said …
To the person who made this topic…
I think you should do some more research on belial … because hes a daemon king like lucifer . lucifer is first in command . But this is still top dog KING you’re talking about. And I think you should show him more respect . As others began to give you sympathy. Only then did you express “love” for him . When orginally you were very upset and angry as if this was just some random daemon who’s possessed your body . Also who withdrawls 4 months after detox … it just doesnt add up. If belial is actually with you then I think hes treating you like such for a purpose. And hes probably not wrong in doing it . Maybe hes punishing you for a reason. Or you could show him some respect and feel whole when he speaks instead of anger that hes there…
Or maybe it’s just all in your head .
And you need medication .

Just a thought…

Anyways . All hail king belial . raises cup


let me just say this, you have no idea how lucky and blessed you are. You say that he is mad all the time but he honestly won’t get mad for no reason.

but shit like this really pisses me off

you call on someone like belial and still end up not seeing worth and strength in yourself to stand up to him i don’t blame him at all being mad.

what happens after he leaves? with you believing you are still weak and shit ? you know the answer

theres work to be done on your end, he sees something in you, theres potential in you work with him with fucking dignity and strength for yourself. oh and GUESS WHAT it IS criteria, 100%, read between the lines…

man i wasn’t gonna post but i had to when i read some of that dumb shit you were saying, rants over im out



No one goes through withdrawals after 4 months of being clean. Unless she was on Suboxone or methadone and stopped because she was attempting to stay clean on her own. Even then she would have been sick for a few weeks and continued to experience cravings and urges. As for Belial… I work with Belial. You gotta respect and follow through with what you say you are going to do. I can totally see Belial getting pissed off and teaching a knucklehead a lesson. So, if Belial is “punishing” someone they need to
Stop victimizing. I would ask myself, What am I NOT doing?
I remember someone telling me Belial was going to help him get a job and Belial specifically told him to stop smoking weed. Well this MOFO I know continued smoking weed and was not able to get the job Belial helped manifest. After that… Belial didn’t want to continue to work with him. This person also told me that he experienced a lot of blockages. I was like damn right! Don’t go fucking around with demons if you are not going to follow through. He deserved it.


You need to exorcise him. After that, you must not contact him, talk about him, or think of him for a good amount of time - a year or more. This will ensure the momentum behind the vibrational entanglement that has occured will die down, and it makes sure Belial cannot return to your life again via vibrational attraction.

Pazuzu may be your best bet for an exorcism. He will do it while you sleep. But do not fuck with Pazuzu. He will require payment for his services. Follow through quickly! Otherwise he can and will fuck up your life.

And don’t go making more deals with non-physical beings until you understand the occult a lot better.


Having read through the thread…

How do you know it’s Belial and not an imposter?

Everything you’ve described points to an imposter.

I’m undergong a full possession with Lucifer. Lucifer is extremely quiet. On the other hand, I’ve got a low vibrational being attached to me who never shuts up, and it lies compulsively. All the legit high vibrational spirits I’ve ever communicated with are not chatty. They only speak when it’s really needed.

And Belial isn’t abusive. A lot of low vibrational beings are.

So, I’d say you’ve got a parasite or a low vibrational being in you. Not Belial.

The treatment is the same. Get it exorcised. And then literally leave it in the past. But this time, figure out what your back doors are, and get them closed ASAP. Lots of inner work for you here! :stuck_out_tongue:

EA will be excellent for you if you decide to get his help. But, I strongly suggest you consult Orlee Stewart first for a Tarot reading. She’s superb and will get you the answers you need.


Jees… all this talk of payments and exchange of service one for another…

AA Michael will do it for free and more. You may need to stop messing with it all in future though so hes not back again


Wtf do you mean summon pazuzu to exorcise Belial?:joy::joy:

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Nothing is ever free the is always an energy exchange… Read on the seven hermetic principles… Everything that flows in flows out


I feel like its actually Belial with you… And people saying that Belial can’t possess one person as he has other things to do… What do you mean… These entities can appear in multiple places at the same time… Bounded not by time or space
.these are human concepts…
And soon if its Belial…there is a quote which I read long ago… Sth like the lhp is a path that once you stumble upon there is no turning back… So you best start getting used
There is no shutting this off or turning it down… Its not a on/off switch where you leap into the darkness… Make wishes… Get what you want… Pause it… When Sth else happens… Switch it on again
He’s actually doing you a big favour… Let’s say he leaves… Probably other negative entities noticed you light up spiritually… You’ll be a freakong target who can’t help herself…


Yes, but I suspect this isn’t Belial the OP thinks she’s possessed by. I think it’s an imposter. Even if it was Belial, if it is the OP’s will, Belial will obey Pazuzu.

Pazuzu is excellent at performing exorcisms.