Posible Stolas's presence with a message?

Last night, about 3:00 am, I’ve heard an owl hooting outside the house while I was checking Youtube thru the T.V. Then suddenly a new video by an Indonesian user, whom I’ve known some time, has released an English dub version of one his videos ‘‘Deus Ex Machina’’ 8 minutes ago right after I was starting checking the videos presentation. While I was starting to ignore it for a real the bird started sounding again, which convinced me to start see the pilot.


The animated video recounts a 100 centuries to the future where human kind has died out, and animals has evolved to an anthromorphic state to replace them on the top of the food chain, which now consist commonly of fish and soy plants. The pilot also narrates issues like the environment and corporation depency that usually reflects on the issues with real life.

I believe it was either Stolas, who I’ve worked with him at some occasions starting from the Covid pandemic, or a spirit who has a strong connection with me.

The cartoon may have been a warning to be aware of the consequences of society depending too much on the gorvement or competitive corporations. We should consider too on the state of the ecosystem, which has already confronted a lot detrimental changes from human actions.

What do you think?

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The fact that you made the connection to Stolas is the tell. You wouldn’t have thought of it if it wasn’t already there.

I say trust yourself and your intuition and run with it.

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