Please help me interpret this spread

With your reading it is going to be a daily reading like this for a little bit if you write it down everyday the pieces make anew. It harder to read on yourself because your cards want to please you and might also give clear answers.

What I and I am not sure if you will like this but you will be moving on. I can’t see when he is coming but it is soon. I am not seeing him clearly yet. But he will come and sweep you off of your feet and be everything wanted and dreamed of in the flesh, but you have one more big heart break before your Prince Charming. Trust me what I am seeing is a happy, healthy, beautiful relationship that will
Last through the dark times and fights.


Good, good.

So, a few questions.

How big is the heartbreak? Everyone has different definitions of big, if it was as big as the time he pretended I wasn’t there and looked away, then I’ll live. If it was as big as the initial heartbreak, I’ll rally the troops.

and how long will it take? I know he’s got shit to work through, and it’s very selfish to ask, but I gotta know. I don’t need a date or anything, just a relative frame of time. Reason why?

I got a bit of a lack of motivation to do things I already like doing cause the break up is on my mind. I’m wondering if it’s worth all the bullshit and trauma to fucking tough through everything until I’m okay, and do things I don’t want to do.

(knight of cups, tarot bible ayyy)

I didn’t read through all of the replies, so forgive me if you have updated information I’m unaware of.

Card of the day; Ace of Cups Spirituality, intuition, emotions.

Today’s theme is beginning to deal with emotions – likely triggered by what you’re picking up intuitively. Perhaps rationally you cannot explain what seems off (I’m assuming regarding another’s behavior), but you are aware of your emotional reaction to what you’re sensing.

Attend to: Four of Pentacles Frugal, possessiveness, fear of loss.

This means you need to acknowledge and contemplate why you’re so afraid of losing your partner(once again, assumption) and the possessiveness you feel.

Feelings that will arise: Six of Swords. Starting over, travel, recovering from painful emotions

These are fears and your mental preparation for being rejected. Perhaps you’ve been abandoned by someone you deeply loved before and are having flashbacks of the feelings you experienced after they left.

Your clarification card: XVIII The Moon Illusions, fear, the subconscious

Things are not what they seem. Just as the light of the moon is an illusion that it glows instead of reflects, there’s an illusion in your perception. Fear is clouding your judgment.

Based on these , I’m inferring:

  1. You’re in a relationship.
  2. You are sensing your partner being somewhat emotionally withdrawn.
  3. Your brain naturally recalls similar behavior from a previous relationship where they abandoned you.
  4. You feel insecure, ruminating over bad memories, and emotionally overwhelmed.
  5. The clarification card makes me think you either have PTSD, generalized anxiety disorder, borderline personality disorder (fear of abandonement), or ADHD (with its accompanying rejection sensitivity)

Don’t be too hasty to act. Instead, focus on why you’re still afraid to be alone.

My three months won’t be over until February 15, so I don’t believe I can give you a reading. However, as it seems you have your own deck, I am allowed to help interpret such as I’ve done on this post.

Tarot Spreads to clarify what’s going on between you and your partner

Spreads to deal with your abandonement issues/shadow self

(This one is my favorite to use)

Third spread down titled ‘Cut the Bullshit’

Good luck. Breathe. Ground yourself. Get something to eat and get some sleep. Things will be okay.


I am no longer in a relationship, yet everything is still up in the air. I don’t want him to leave me, because I don’t want HIM to leave me. He means a lot to me, and I think he’s handling his issues horribly by just bailing on me.

They purposefully emotionally withdrew themselves.

I don’t.


No, my illusions are in my constant second guessing myself.

Cut the bullshit spread is straight forward.

1: 5 of pentacles
2: 5 of swords
3: 5 of cups

4: 2 of cups

5: king of wands.

So, I feel like I’m at some huge disadvantaged, at least when the thought is shrouded in illusion, like I’ve been wronged.

But the actual thought is that I’m beating the shit out of myself for no good reason, I am both the winner and loser, and I as a person lose for that.

But in reality, I just need to work with it. Not despite it, not block it out. But just work WITH it and use what I got.

The key to acting on this is to just not impose my expectations on him and let him be his own individual.

King of Wands always shows up as an “end result”, so to end the lie, I end the issue.

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I understand. It sucks.

Cut the bull shit has 9 cards altogether. What were your last 4?

I did the wrong spread ouch. One moment, I’ll get the cut the bull spread.

Pulls “root of my problem” card.

Turns it over.

It’s page of cups.

Okay, my cards are getting sassy, they just called Sam the problem. And they listed his coping mechanism, distraction, as “how it is effecting me”?

OR maybe, it’s just saying this is HIS layout, trying to show it to me from HIS perspective.


This is HIS spread.

1: Page of Cups, root of the problem. Literally saying, “okay, so this is Sam, not you.”

2: 7 of cups, “how is it effecting me”. 7, for most people, is balancing too much shit. For me, and for SAM, it’s “distracting yourself.”

3: Super convoluted, but Hist agrees. How it effects others? Knight of Wands. Basically just called Sam a heart breaker. That’s not what he is at heart, but that’s how he effected me.

  1. Face of the situations, Hierophant. Unable to adapt to others. I quote, “Clinging to the past means you can’t move forward and accept necessary changes that will improve your life.” The cards know I primarily use this book, they take advantage of that.

  2. Heart of the problem, Justice. Hist insists it means that he’s going to make the right decision, with just reasoning.

  3. What should he NOT do to fix the problem? Two of wands, he’s not supposed to do it all on his own and carry all of his burden.

  4. Four of pentacles reversed. What should he do? Quoting Tarot Card Interpretation & Meaning - 4 Of Pentacles Reversed , " Love : The 4 of Pentacles reversed is a card about fear, when it comes to love . However, the reversal can mean that you are about to let go of the fear, and finally open yourself up in a way that is real, and which will give your relationship a fighting chance"

Outside influences, king of pentacles. This card is commonly known, in this issue, as the outcome, or the relationship as it was/might be eventually.

Inside influences, 3 of cups. No idea.

Where you were not intentionally doing the spread for him, I’m going to interpret this as how it fits you. Also: who is Hist?

Inverted Cross: The Foundation

  1. The root of the problem, what’s causing it? Page of Cups.

I believe this is you or an aspect of yourself you need to manifest as this card is fairly similar to the Ace of Cups. The Page of Cups is an imaginative and artistic day dreamer. He is compassionate and very much a romantic deep at heart. Although he’s got his head in the clouds, he still is connected to the world and dreams of a better future. He is a herald for emotional beginnings. As the root of the problem, I believe this card appeared because you forgotten who you are deep down. You are a highly intuitive and emotionally expressive dreamer. Stay in touch with your emotions, believe in your intuition, and dream of ways to manifest your desires into reality.

  1. How is the problem affecting me? 7 of Cups.

You are seeing possible choices before you, but not all of them are realistic. Right now, your dreaming self is undergoing wishful thinking instead of looking at realistic options.

  1. How is the problem affecting others? Knight of Wands.

You are able to effect others emotionally. You invigorate them with energy and inspire them to be impulsive as they journey to their heart’s desire. Knight of Wands – when it comes to love, is an extremely passionate and intense yet short lived affair.

  1. The face of the problem, how do I view it? V The Hierophant.

You have socially conditioned beliefs you wish to conform to. In this case, ‘never give up and keep fighting for true love’ is relevant.

  1. The heart of the problem, what is it really? XI Justice.

The heart of the problem is your sense of justice. If you do and say these things, then X should be the results. You did your part right and yet you haven’t been able to reap the benefits of your investment. You may feel cheated and that you deserve what’s owed to you. This is a natural feeling – particularly when it comes to relationships, that the energy and time you invest in something should give you a satisfying reward. Things unfortunately do not always turn out this way.

  1. What should I NOT do to try and fix the problem? Two of Wands.

Do NOT plan how to fix your relationship with Sam and merge your lives together. This is basically a stop sign.

  1. What should I do to try and fix the problem? Reverse Four of Pentacles.

This relates back to your previous reading where you needed to address the Four of Pentacles. In this case, you need to not be afraid of loss and to let go of your relationship.

To quote the Stoic philosopher Epictetus on love,

  • “has been given to you for the present, not that it should not be taken from you, nor has it been given to you for all time, but as a fig is given to you or a bunch of grapes at the appointed season of the year. But if you wish for these things in winter, you are a fool.”*

As Above, So Below. As Within, So Without:

  1. Outside influences: King of Pentacles.

The outside influence of you refusing to let go is someone who is honorable, financially stable, and conservative. Perhaps this is a family member who espouses the merits of continually trying to make a relationship work.

  1. Inside influences: 3 of Cups.

The inside influence affecting you is how you value feeling connected with Sam. There is a sense of friendship, identity, and understanding you feel between you. To know that you’re actually being seen and understood. You don’t want to lose that.


Tarot: Okay, loser.

You, nine of swords, hit the bottom, and decided to start a grand journey of REASON (ace of swords like the fool you are, so begins the quest. Little did you know, nine of cups said all your wishes were alreaddy fuckin’ granted. So you work with your friends, spirits etc (three of pentacles to get shit together).

Lots of other cards graced my massive conga line of the tarot cards ranting, but I forgot them.

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I wasn’t intentionally doing it for him, but cards like to say (for me) "I’m sick of your shit, you keep asking the wrong question. Here’s the right answer.

  1. I won’t deny that’s even true seperately.

  2. No, my choices all seem realistic.

  3. I did affect him emotionally, no shit spoken there. I just don’t believe it means this, simply put, the other aspects of this card didn’t apply to me at ALL. Seems to general for my taste.

  4. I don’t believe he’s my true love, however, I believe true love is overrated. I keep fighting because I want to, I don’t let other people make my own rules.

  5. I can’t argue that. Not without stretching a little, but my basic hold up is that I don’t feel cheated or “owed” to. I feel like he fucked up, and I feel like he cheated himself. I also know that ultimately it was the best thing for him to do at the time.

  6. Let me be real with you. I’m dropping all of my feelings and beliefs for a second. That’s only partially right. I shouldn’t do it right now, approaching him right now is a death sentence.

  7. So many meanings. Jeez.

  8. Absolutely not, no one n my life is remotely close to this.

  9. No kidding.

Listen, I love ya, and thank you for trying. But unless I’m being fooled on some cosmic scale, most of that is off. I’ve not hidden any piece of myself I’ve forgotten, I checked. I’m like that on the surface. This wasn’t a short lived affair because of any of Knight of Wand’s qualities, it was because of Sam’s personal issues, I am the least conforming person I know, society doesn’t exactly phase me with how it believes love should be. I don’t have any outside influences like that, and everything that was correct is a dead giveaway.

It’s a little too much off to be okay with, you know? Otherwise I’d take your word for it.

Let me just put it one way. Your reading, or interpretation, is a statement. If one piece of it is wrong, it is a false statement. It’s sort of like someone who read the cliffnotes of a badly written autobiography about me and then got hit in the head directly by a sledgehammer told me my situation. I feel like this is like an alien stealing human skin but sucking at pretending to look/act/appear human, except it’s for readings. Not an insult to your reading skills, you look capable. But maybe the cards draw different for other people?

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I know nothing of your life. My job as a tarot reader is to interpret the story they tell. That’s the story they told me. You and only you know your life best. If you feel that it is wrong, who am I to argue? I do appreciate your feedback as I’m always looking for ways to improve my interpretation skills. I hope things get better for you soon.


I feel like the cards often are interperated by those who read them, when they do. It’s always hard to get the best advice through 72 symbolic cards, but it always depends on someone’s relationship with them.

YOu talk different to different people for different reasons. Talking to your friends playfully might seem rude to your parents.

Tarot is to an extent a more subjective divinatory art than say IChing or Futhark throws; hence yes people can only call 'em like they see 'em.


Or HOW they see em. I always make a note to not have wishful thinking to get in the way. Unfortunately, this has is to the dismay of my deck, as I seem to have overdone it and become pessimistic.

I think I ascribed it with personhood, and it took that mantle? It started when I began calling some of the cards “sassy” or began pulling fun cards. Whoops.

How can one read cards without interpretation of the questions, positions, and connection to one another? Do you mean interpretation through one’s own subjective experience? Perhaps. I’ve found that I see cards and stories that have never shown up in my own personal readings when I read others. It’s quite fascinating to read ones with trump lessons I’ve never experienced in my own life.

There are 78 cards typically. Depending on the deck, the pips may not be illustrated to convey meaning.

I have no idea what your second paragraph is all about.


The two best pieces of advice I can give you from my own experience about eliminating personal biases and smartass pulls are these: 1) Pull ONE big spread like a Celtic cross or a Hagall, trust it to be the right pull for the query, and if you HAVE to double check it use exactly one DIFFERENT mode of divination; 2) for the love of fuck start using reversals and TRUST them, it’ll really save you a hell of a lot of wishful thinking in the long run.


The cards can begin to find patterns. It is not objective at all, different people will see different things. What is true, then? To the person who drew it?

I say drawing cards is important because whatever forces that may be are sentient and living. It’s like a concept. Symbolism can expand. Besides, it’s not what the cards mean, not always. It’s what they mean to you.

Sam and Page of Cups? Looks/described just like each other. I said, “That’s Sam, yup.”

Court cards, hell, all of the cards can represent someone in your life. They’re a force, are they not? You just KNOW these things. I find it’s interesting to have a conversation with the deck, talk to it, not just ask it questions.

I mean I referred to the deck, or whatever controlling it (obviously) as a person and it started showing patterns like that.

It refers to me as The Fool" frequently. I asked who it was, tried to pick up one card, and got two.

The Star and The Fool.

The Fool’s Star, or guiding heavenly body.

Three people are typing. I’m about to be assassinated.

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