Physcial changes due to magic

But only through the limiting availability of the physical can a person evolve. The stagnant lack of push of the astral can’t shock into evolution like the physical can. It’s only in the physical that we can make the greatest leaps in spiritual ascent because we live in the physical. Guess that the best way I can put it.

That is where I differ.

In addition to my physical evolution, I am learning how to keep two streams of consciousness working at the same time. I exist in both the physical and the astral whenever I want to, although keeping them both active is rather difficult and I can only perform simple actions in both, I am progressing in this.

I’m not sure about you, but I live- I EXIST- in however many worlds, and planes, I damn well please to at any given time. I’ve been a monster, a knight, a bird, and a dragon. I’ve also been human. My mind is not bound by flesh. I’ve even acquired a slightly working triple-consciousness stream. Who needs flesh when you can become anything you please?

The physical is obsolete. It is primitive. It is weakness, no matter how fit the body, for even the strongest man can have his soul torn from the simple will of a true mage.

That is why I do not practice in the physical.

It makes sense to me that if you want different outcomes, you’ll take different routes, and I also know that I manifested a dream apartment for myself, against all probability, at a time when I was physically a mess, not working out, living off ready meals, drinking nearly a bottle of wine a day and crying myself to sleep every night - BUT my focus on magick was so intense, SO pure, that it carried the day.

I lost the place when some fears about the morality of it all caused me screw some things up, I basically started thinking I couldn’t “deserve” it because I wasn’t killing myself doing healing work 24/7 and so on, which to me back then (firmly entrenched in RHP mindset) was how you “earned” the right to have occult power in the first place.

I’m sharing that last bit to remind people that any conditionality you place on your powers, be it “I have to be a perfect physical specimen before I deserve this” or ANYTHING at all is best avoided.

I like to look good so I stay in shape, and I think the right diet’s important, but I would advise against letting it become an obstacle.

And Sev, check the last paragraphs in this post about the “unholy” nature of the lower (below butt-level) chakras - this is traditional Saivite Hindu stuff (plus, I’ve worked with those myself doing “healings” on people) and it might be interesting for your predatory path?

I’m not sure what I think when I read differing interpretations of chakras (a lot of modern teachers hold that the base muladhara chakra is at the feet - a direct contradiction of that system I linked to) - maybe intention carries the day? - but it’s something you might find useful.

My desired outcome is to become an Ascended Master. Being in the physical would hardly help with that at all.

Anyway, Lady E., I am sorry to hear about your troubles in the RHP mindset. I was so tired of all of the light when I was a child, that now I embrace the shadow full force. Call it rebelling against one’s parents, I call it coming home.

Also, I back Eva’s third paragraph full force and more so. This is quite possibly the most important thing in magic.

Reading the link now. I’ll PM you if anything sticks out. Thanks for the info!

I can see your point of view, Sevarn, but I am curious as to why you think the physical doesn’t matter, especially if you want to be an “Ascended Master?” After all, to truly be a master, you should have power over every plane, and that includes the physical. Every story I have ever heard or read about those that are considered to be Ascended Masters, talk about their mastery of the material world. None of them ignored it in favour of imaginary journeys in the astral. In fact, mastering the physical world has long been considered to be the test of mastery in many schools and orders.

Some food for thought. Take as you will.

Watch a video of the Shaolin monks. I don’t like their religion, but I have a lot of respect for thier thoughts of combining physical training with spiritual practice. Masters indeed. Plus, they can kick some ass!

The Spartans also saw harsh physical training as a way to elevate themselves in the eyes of the gods. The pain of training made the soul stronger. Just another example.

Those are systems. They believed it would work, and as long as it didn’t severely affect their biology, like the Boxers and their rituals, it most likely did.

And Darkest, I don’t care for the past. I care for the future. The physical lasts for only a brief time, and the astral is nigh forever.

[quote=“Sevarn304, post:48, topic:2163”]Those are systems. They believed it would work, and as long as it didn’t severely affect their biology, like the Boxers and their rituals, it most likely did.

And Darkest, I don’t care for the past. I care for the future. The physical lasts for only a brief time, and the astral is nigh forever.[/quote]True, for most people, the physical is brief, but humans in many different paradigms, especially those that have the title of Ascended Masters, have mastered the physical to the point where their lifespan is measured in hundreds of years and they die only when they choose to. And I very much disagree that the astral is forever, since it constantly changes according to the whims of consciousness. From my limited understanding, it is the realms above the astral that are truly Eternal.

We all have our opinions regarding what we define as Ascent. Thank you for elucidating yours, Sevarn. It’s good to hear differing views. To me, Ascension means a complete and utter mastery of every plane of existence, which includes the physical, so that is where I am focused right now.

IMO, it’s good to have conflicting opinions. It’s not like this is a private forum, all you have to do is sign up, so if someone interested comes along and identifies with a separate viewpoint, then I say I’ve served my job.

Consciousness is something so profound I’d rather not get into the mechanics I’ve worked out of it.

For me, an Ascended Master does not even exist in the physical. Though I suppose a better term would be “Transcendent Master” for my views.