Petitions to archangels OR planetary powers?

If I remember right DarkestKnight wrote this really great post on petitions.

(I did remember correctly and I found it)

Lets say I wanted to do something with an unhealthy subconscious.
Could I write a petition, and maybe ask the Sun/Michael for health and do it in the hour of the Moon/Gabriel so it would make my unconscious more healthy.

Can you use petitions that way. (I read some stuff in the Picatrix that just seems more elaborate then I normally would go)
Maybe add a bigger yellow candle and a smaller white candle. maybe even whip up some sort of sigil.
(if I wanted to use a sigil I would use a Sun Kamea correct? Because the Sun is the main power and it the Sun’s day) I don’t really understand how to use sigils to get planetary favors.

Thank you

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Yes, petitions are very versatile, and can be done in many ways, from the simple to the complex.

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So that would do it.

And should i use the Sun’s Kamea or just make my own sigil?

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I assume you are talking about making a sigil using the Kamea, or without, right? It’s really up to you.

To use the Kamea is pretty straight forward, you would just use grematria to find the numerical values of your intention, and then trace them upon the square, to get your sigil.

The other way is to simply use the Spare method to turn your intention statement into a glyph.