Petition with Duchess Gremory

I knew she was with me because there was a shift of energy and I felt a bit headache… I did divination as soon as I finished saying my petition…

  1. Did She hear my petition?
    -Temperance reversed: there may have been some imbalance or lack of harmony in the situation. It’s possible that my petition didn’t quite resonate with her initially.
    • The Chariot: my petition did catch her attention and she took notice of your persistence or assertiveness.
    • Seven of Cups reversed: it’s likely she did hear my petition, but whether she fully understood or agreed with it is uncertain.
  1. Did She accept my petition?

    • Four of Cups reversed: a new perspective or a willingness to consider new opportunities. a potential acceptance of your petition, though perhaps with some reluctance or hesitation.
    • Three of Cups reversed: acceptance may not be straightforward and there could be underlying issues to address.
      -Ace of Swords reversed: acceptance may be possible, it might not be immediate, and there could be challenges to overcome.
  2. What does She think of me/from my petition?

    • The Emperor: She may view me as someone with strong leadership qualities or someone who is assertive and confident in your petition.
    • Eight of Cups: She may see me as someone who is seeking something more meaningful or fulfilling.
    • Five of Cups reversed: She may view me as someone who is ready to leave behind negativity and focus on the future.

Overall, she may have heard my petition, but her acceptance seems uncertain. She might be feeling conflicted or indecisive about it, and she may view me as someone with strong leadership qualities but also someone who has caused disappointment or loss in some way.

Does someone have second opinion regarding my reading/divination? Thank you

You know something was with you, how did you verify it was Gremory?

The last time I was meditating her enn, I heard an angry camel and couldn’t move my body.
I just felt that it was her because I was also visioning her while meditating and doing divination.

Of course you should always trust your gut, but sometimes it’s good to know how to identify if you have an impostor, and “angry camel” does sound a bit odd.

I recommend keeping an open mind and being aware of the signs of having your time wasted in advance, just in case: this tutorial contains some good info, and with this under your belt, you won’t have the issue some have where they start blaming the entity or magick in general for failing them, when they were never in good contact with a helping spirit in the first place.


Oh my! How do I clean this? I feel like it’s an imposter…

The first step it to tell it that if it’s not got your highest good at heart it’s not welcome and must leave.

You can escalate from there, but many will already go if they’re told to.

This collection has a few ways of varying intensity to get rid of unwanted presences. And after you have got rid of it, set up wards (like a magick fence marking your territory) so that everything astral knows it’s not supposed to cross that line and bother you (and if they do after that they’re fair game).

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