Can someone give me a primer on personal branding? I know there are courses floating about, but I can tell intuitively on its face that most of them are bullshit.
Personal branding is more marketed to yourself than anyone, and the way to accept a brand is the way to become it, that’s the idea here. Learn to be accepting, and write a list. Sit down and relax into the new “branding”. Sit down, put your full awareness into the feeling or vibration of the acceptance of your “brand”. Let it become stronger and stronger, even welcome in a spirit or someone to make it stronger with you. This is magick at a very raw state.
All of this self acceptance messaging hits me like time gouging malware.
You don’t get it. You’re accepting what you want to be, as you. You can choose to see that as time gouging, but over all, if you can’t accept your manifestation is already done, or that you are what you want to be, you’re gonna have a damn hard time becoming it. Re-read what I said in my first post with a more careful eye, please.
because it’s transformation magick.
What’ are wanting to brand yourself for? This can help with guiding you.
I don’t want to be anything in particular, I just want to satisfy my curiosity and preferences, and satiate my obsessions.
personal branding is marketing yourself and people know you as your name. Such is trump. He brands the name trump. So anything associated to the word trump has some business and value connected to it. Just like the word nike is a brand. trump is a brand. People associate any service or business to your name. that’s what personal branding is.
When you are selling yourself such as looking for a job. that’s personal branding. When mass more people know your name as a commodity. that’s personal branding. It’s basically positioning yourself as authority in whatever thing you do. It’s basically getting everyone to see interaction as relationship with you. Instead of customers seeing doing a business transaction with the company. they see it as doing business with you and not the company even though they are getting service from the company.
If your talking about personal branding in field of magick? i don’t know. lol
It is part of Glamour magic.
I know what Branding is, I just can’t make sense of it enough to actively do it in a way that works for me.
I want to move away from jobs and onto a series of gigs so I can have more control of my income. So called creative work will become the only work before I know it.
Easy. you basically package yourself as a service or value to others. You associate the benefits to you directly so that they can’t think anyone can do the same job.
It’s a marketing tool concept. don’t mix it up with it being magic. glamour magick is just one piece of personal branding of getting others to see you glamoury through magick.
All business success comes down to marketing. so i advise you go study up on that. weather it’s marketing self or product or service. It’s letting people know what you can offer. If they don’t know, then they don’t know you exist. Personal branding is marketing yourself in a way that others see value. However, you streamline yourself so people have common consensus of your value when they hear your name. Not a hard concept. It’s like being a celebrity. their name becomes a brand due to accidental fame. lol
So if you want gig base work. you package self as contractor per work done rather than by the hour. Many people move into consultant business to make more money rather than working by the hour position for company. And in this time and age of pandemic, it might be better for company to work with such people when they need help. save them time and money. As the long hours in the office is no longer productive due to virus issue.
basically it’s not easy to apply marketing stuff without mentor that has gone through business. Even if you study up on marketing. it will be trail and error if one don’t have such mentor that has been successful in finding clients.
Why lie when you can be the real thing? If you want to live a life of wealth and status and power, be all of those things, and it’ll be obvious. Illusions need attention to be maintained, but the way you are is already maintained by YOU. So maintain yourself in a way you find important. Glamour is for tricksters, shapeshifters and comedians, anyone who has a facade to show and not a personality. Transformation is for the magickian, neither is bad or good, but one is much more lasting. So pick whatever.
OML. Something I can actually help with.
- Value Prop
Is there a unique value proposition for yourself (this is the most important thing imo)? If you’re looking to get into a niche subject expertise (such as magic) or even professional gaming, you have to offer something different than what others are offering.
- This is why people who “copy styles” don’t always work. There has to be a unique spin on your content that will drive people to you vs. your competitors (even if that’s personality).
Part of this unique value prop also plays in a bit to Inbound Marketing. I took this class with Hubspot (they are amazing and anyone can fight me if they disagree) that I absolutely LOVE that talks about how you can use educational content to promote yourself and drive traffic to your website/content pages and build brand loyalty.
When I worked at HSN, we used to have a saying: “You’re selling them the brand, which is that we’re their best friends out shopping with them. This will put them in the mood to spend more money.”
- Diversify your portfolio
– Social media is the way of the future, begrudgingly
– Think of it as casting a large net, and you’re trying to grab as many fish as possible. Every outlet to put out content is going to help you gain more following.
I don’t want to ramble too much so I’ll stop there… In terms of magic, putting in steps like this reminds me of a principle that Eva posted about:
You could use steps like traditional marketing techniques to “open the channels” for your magic to work and bring you more engagement and following.
It’s really ironic this came up, too. I was having a conversation with a colleague this morning about personal branding in the workplace, and how a situation in my professional life is giving a lot of mixed signals.
- Remember people like working with / engaging with people.
– Personal connection and likeability plays a big role in stuff like this
I been digging around for years, I don’t think there is a real me at home. From my divination results I appear as a Kuudere INTJ who thinks Wikiality is valid reality warping.
Even if I said no, it would still evaluate to yes because the definition of unique.
you don’t have a concrete you, and while you sit as an illusion, yes, you are real, however. You are real, but there’s no one you.
That’s the #1 factor people take for granted. They think their people skills is automatic. lol . It’s a learned skill and most important. Interacting /communication with people is as important as your skills in whatever you do.
work backwards. focus on your goal and figure out steps how to get there starting from present self.
You can make excuse and talk all you want about who you are , but if it don’t help get you to your goal. it’s pointless. You can be whomever you want. If its in your head and you don’t market self, no one knows you exist. Personal branding is marketing self. Key word 'marketing". that means letting others know of you, not you knowing of yourself. lol
Personal branding is basically infusing your personality and energy into whatever you’re selling or marketing , so why do all people buy celebs bullshit , Kylie Jenner makeup , cause they deem her beautiful , an icon of success and fame
Possibly relevant post here.
I want to get into the niche subject of reverse engineering. Both of my technology preferences (Free Software) (Webarian Theory) and magical preferences (Chaos Magic) (Free Culture) have support for reverse engineering built in, and it is the only way to actually know how something works when there is just mountains of misinformation and stale information staked to the sky.