Penis offering to Marduk !?!?


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What if three months after offering one day he sees his dick bending towards him and starts giggling while peeing. Possessed penis can be scary !

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Imposters are usually barrel low spirits who are not direct, and are weak

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A bulls penis from a butcher would suffice, bulls being massively virile as such. Don’t go butchering a poor fucking dog bro thats just fucked up.

If you’re not sure, ask them to prove their identity. If they can physically do what you ask them to do, they are the real deal. Just give them a task and see what happens.

One thought: He wants to see if you are going to blindly serve him without putting any individual thought into your actions. Perhaps, he wants to know that you want to work with him to reach power and enlightenment rather than act like a mindless slave.

Another thought: He wants to see if you can use your brain to come up with a way to give him what he asked for. He was extremely vague – did he tell you to go acquire an actual dog and chop it’s dick off? If you print out a picture of a dog dick, for example, you technically gave him what he asked. Think outside of the box. There is a reason he would be vague.

Another thought: He doesn’t really have much interest in working with you and decided to give you a ridiculous task because why not. If that’s the case, don’t fret – Just because a demon doesn’t care to associate with you, that doesn’t mean they won’t come speak with you in the future once you have grown and learned enough to earn their respect.

Another thought: Maybe he just really wants a dog dick