It was a thread for a political leader and I honestly don’t remember the name but I know that someone made that comment. Wether or not it was meant as a joke who knows.
Then I know that another member with differing political views began voicing her opinion on the thread and people weren’t very receptive and were being rude to her.
So I am using that experience as an example that talking about politics is great and all, but my own view is that it wasn’t usually productive
Most threads I saw were open to sharing perspectives but, as per their titles, were about one perspective or another. One of the rules is no derailment so if you had a difference of opinion and wanted to talk about that in depth you could have made your own thread.
As I see it, each poster set the tone for their own thread. If they wanted to debate that was okay. If they wanted to rant and hate that was also okay. But most threads were about one thing but still always open for discussion.
If you see a room with a sign on the door that says “Hey, this is what we are doing in here” it’s not okay to walk into that room and start yelling and flipping over furniture. Just go to a different room.
I am not joking, this is a serious matter and since death curse threats are NOT allowed, I need to know/you need to share this for admins to know.
Let’s get some daylight shed on this.
Being rude is not a death threat.
We did a whole consultation which resulted in a rule about not derailing these, to remove temptation to flame them off or try a heckler’s veto and then complain if that was rebuffed.
was on that thread. If you find it please link the post where it occurred.
You also say “most of those threads that got removed” were threatening death to people - please identify which other ones you saw death threats occur on. Keywords or something will allow me to find them.
Nothing gets deleted on this platform and I can easily locate material you saw these on.
I am going to now read that thread for death threats against people, feel free to do the same and link any death curse threats you see.
I feel like you are attacking me when all I did was share a personal experience AFFIRMING THE NEW DAMN RULE
In case it was unclear I specifically said that people said that leftists deserve to die and other people jokingly agreed
If I am in error then everyone can continue attacking me and pissing on me as seems to be the custom here which was exactly what my original post was trying to prove!
Just delete my account please. I have anger issues as it is and don’t want to be arguing with people I don’t even know .
I have linked the topic and have not deleted anything from it. If I did, the admins can verify this easily. This platform does not delete anything.
No, I am inviting you to share, in a topic where admins can see (even if I manically deleted your reply, it will still be visible to them) what you found that was death threats.
I linked the topic you meant, you can link posts that did this by clicking the date on the top right of the post.
Claiming multiple topics were full of death threats?
I Never claimed that there were multiple threads where people were being threatened .
I mentioned one that I remember seeing where the topic was mentioned and only used that to explain that balg is very intolerant or anyone from the left.
If people can’t see that reading my posts then I really don’t know what else to say.
I’m not going through some long goddamned thread . You are not my employer and I don’t owe anyone here shit. You’ve already ass raped and sliced up my comments to twist my words.
I’ve aleays been open and tolerant on this forum but I seriously do not appreciate this condescending bullshit.
If you can’t ban it delete my account that’s fine. Absolutely zero fucks given on my end. Just honestly not interested in being on this forum where I made a comment sharing my experience and it took up my morning trying to defend and explain myself.
I know of several members on here that are lefties and they love being on this forum. There are (or where) threads dedicated on left policies.
The thing about BALG is that no one digs bulshite. We don’t like being told to have a specific belief or faith. We appreciate being open minded not narrow minded. Thus we treat each other with respect and dignity.
Sure, there a always some spoiled apples. But that’s unavoidable. Every forum on net have trolls and maggots. But @Lady_Eva does a damn good job on maintaining this place.
Is it freedom conceptually, the idea that all people should be free to do, think, and live as the please, or Timothy’s personal freedom to do as he wishes with the forum?
I can only imagine what this thread looks like to someone stopping by for the first time. Though, if this where you’d draw the line, I don’t think the rest would sit well with you.
IMO this isn’t really a question. Sure this guy can change what he wants about a site that is under his control, and, as made evident from his activity, completely ignore anyone with different ideas, but that’s his pit to fall in.
The pure hypocrisy demonstrated by a person who claims to support individual freedom and evolution is always a joy to undermine, because these kinds of dudes are all the same. They’ll say or suck on anything if it throws a penny their way! Watching them try to bury the shit they dug up could be even more entertaining.
This thread was unpinned for a reason, which is to shift focus away from it. But as long as it’s on topic, I don’t see any reason for this thread to be closed or even slow down?