[Peace Treaty] Community Unity - No More Politics

The only comment I want to make is that ALL forms of political topic or posting where the core premise is party politics or identity politics, and politicised topics such as mass migration of peoples are now prohibited. I mention this because “special snowflake” is a term often applied to people engaging in identity politics.

Those are also spelled out in the document Timothy gave me as not permitted. They can be discussed freely via PM as covered in the OP.

@Woodsman81 you already know this, but for the benefit of newer members, many of us (me very much included) feel strongly about political issues of various kinds, I am personally anti-marxist among other things, and we conduct magick to pursue our desired goals.

There is no expectation that forum members cease this kind of work outside the forum, nor is anyone of less value if they do political-oriented magick - I do not share the OP belief that politics and magick simply do not mix, and this forum is not a cult, so agreeing with the forum owners, or moderators, or Regular members is in no way expected or required.

So the ban applies on all forms of political posting. And is being meticulously applied as such.

I went into more detail regarding the practical application here: BALG RULES - Please read them! - #80 by Lady_Eva

If anyone has any questions, you are most welcome to PM me. :sunny: