Pazuzu kinda in love with me

yes because i was thinking he wanted to kill me and hurt me but he wanted to test my boundries by scratches bur since i know why hes here he never does it anymore


Without looking it up, what can you tell me about Pazuzu?


my friends played the night before the party i had nothing to do with it ubtil he scratches the 11 year old girl who also played Lucy shes okay now and then hes been around me


well hes got a temp sometimes but hes pretty cool loln hes watching me type rn lol … hes a very nice sweet demon ive learned that he does get offended easily and is very much hated on but… hes very protective everytime im with a boy or on the phone he scratches me and i know he is jelly but overall hes amazing he goes everywhere with me. and i understand my friends pissing him off and people messing with him if people would see they would understand how awesome he is


he does get agitated easliy when i show a little hesitation but i just talk to him it calms me down and i think hes taking the like to girls getting their makeup done by bad artists lol on youtube


Okay, here is what all of this tells me. Ouija boards are notorious for bringIng through lower entities. Given the likely frivolous nature of that gathering, I believe that is exactly what you have on your hands. You obviously know nothing of the ancient Mesopotamian god Pazuzu. I have met him and sweet is not how I would describe him.

Given that you know nothing of this god and his nature, I would suggest you are not in a position to discern what this spirit actually is that is around you. Ancient gods are not typically found hanging around ouija board gatherings. I predict that this is going to lead to trouble sooner or later.


My advice… learn the banishing ritual I sent you very well, for if things do go wrong then you have a way out of trouble. Might be another entity the scanner does not know by name, or it could be a lower entity, just keep an eye on what happens next.

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I guess sweet to some, but not others

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Pazuzu is desert and storms personified. Really, @anon84896414, this is not helpful


It might be him but he is sweet to her as he is a lover of hers


yeah when he does test my boudaries i say please stop and immedently stops i mean he respects my word


Dude, it’s not. This has all of the hallmarks of a lower entity. I’ve been there.


Lower entities would also follow your command since they are in your domain and have limited power for now… you have the power over your domain, until they dig deeper.


but for over 46 days its a big long


Some people have astral parasites with them for years before they really mess them up for good… it will likely be a rocky ride, such as him scratching you.


Imposter spirits might do that.


yea i understand but he never really harmed me like he did my friends and he lefted a mark of me on my right wrist and it was Z.

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My only suggestion is work on your clairvoyant senses (not that astral senses nonsense that’s just jumping in a pool of thoughtforms and junk) and confirm it yourself. As you mentioned someone else read the image.

Multiple confirmations without frontload is helpful along with your own witnessing of it. Then you’ll know for sure if it’s an imposter, a thoughtform, or legit.


alright!! i will thank youu


I’m just gonna leave this here, because you’re gonna need it sooner rather than later.