Pathworking My Current Past Life (Shadow Work)

A serious of extremely odd coincidences has lead to me finally understand, at least in part what it is I fear. I still don’t remember what I saw that scared me as a child, but now I know why I never look in mirrors, or black reflective surfaces, especially after dark has fallen outside. Now I understand what was watching me, as well as a being I’ve encountered many times over the years, that literally terrified me, had me hiding under the covers or walking around the house, turning on every light, double check the door was locked and that every window as sealed tight.

The trouble is I don’t know what to do with it. I picked up a grimoire last night randomly, on a whim, that I had no desire to work through, but do to a recent reading- piqued my curiosity about the beings I might find inside. Something similar guards my circle, myself and my magic and as such, I was hoping to find him in this grimoire. I did not alas I did find many things that astounded me.

Six months ago to the day, with the aid of my boyfriend, I finished creating a magical weapon, then charged it under the moonlight. I know the date I finished it, because I took pictures. The stone on top, I painted black. Curiously enough while it was just a rock, it’s a rock related to one of the types of stones that you are advised to choose from and use. It’s roughly the right shape and size even, so even though I epoxied it to the top of the staff, and then tied leather around it, creating a medieval type staff, I find it curious.

I got the message loud and clear, I read about the association with Azazel and suddenly it wasn’t so far fetched why these beings are in the background. The grimoire makes it pretty clear these are not for beginners, certain tools and procedures should be followed and only those worthy won’t be devoured. At one point or another over the last year I felt spurned to create and craft pretty much all of these tools, always telling the boyfriend I had no idea why I needed them, just that I would know when it was time.

Now that I know, I have none of them with me. I’m not really sure I want to dive into this current anyways. Things are going good. My magic is on track, things are looking up, my little side work is taking off and I am keeping myself busy earning money, being a mom and preparing the way for the future. Why would I risk everything now.

I feel like, in the end it isn’t as much of a choice as I’d like it to be, if I refuse to jump on the train now, it’s only going to keep circling back, demanding my attention and goodness knows when I deny things I should do, usually something way worse than any possible bad outcome happens. While the cards say take my time to decided, there’s a few weeks left before I have to, I already know what the answer will be. The only problem is now I can’t get the tools. I can’t create the elements I had ready to go. Even If I order in what I need for it, none of the operation can be done as far as charging them or any of that.

To jump in, I’d be breaking most of the rules that are outlined, I’d be doing it my way again, taking what I feel is needed and running with the rest. I’ve never had issues or even worried about operating this way, yet I pause here. Wondering if it can be done when I can’t get the things I need either due to financials or where I live. Do I care?

One might think this means the purview of this journal is now complete, I’ve got the answers I sought.

But I haven’t. I still don’t remember seeing these beings or what they did that scared me as a child, only that they did. Questions remain, and if I dive into this current, well the past is exactly what I would be dealing with, going forward. Being as such, and that I want to continue this project-I know there are other things I need to work through from my past, much like did today during my sleep and dream time with this thing, I can only say this journal is not complete as of yet, and onward we will tread.


As I feel asleep, my consciousness shifted. I had been trying to project again, while I did not, I shifted to a point of view that I recognized. I was not in control of it, though I recognize it from it memories, it is a passive point of view. I was in the top right corner of the room, watching my body as I fell into a deep dreaming sleep. Within minutes I was watching my self sleep and viewing my dreams at the same time. Suddenly it made sense, how the point of view of my dreams is often outside of my body, yet I am inside my body actively as I dream. It sounds rather strange, but I’ve often wondered I had two views of every scene within my dreamscape.

I was in the bathroom, which is behind where I my head rests as I sleep. I could hear my landlord and his wife, downstairs arguing in real time, while I was dreaming. The wife was yelling at my landlord, quite literally having an emotional rage fit-and it was my fault. I’d not left my apartment since 6am, I haven’t seen either since last yet, somehow I told her a secret, that he told me last night and asked me to keep between us. As I came into this realization, and wondered how the fck I managed to share a secret without leaving my home, my perception shifted to inside my dream body. There was a woman clinging to my body, and having a pout filled fit. Their arms were wrapped tightly around my waist and their legs were wrapped around my right leg, almost like a toddler trying to get their parents attention, during a temper tantrum. I looked down, to the right and into… my eyes. I was looking at an exact replica of myself, just as I am today. As soon as I made eye contact, I knew who it was. I recognized the Shadow Woman behind my eyes. We have met before, after all.

I wasn’t angry, but I was very displeased. I had not yet decided if I was going to work with this current at this time. Despite knowing that one of them is in my circle, guarding me and my magic from the moment I broke free of the curses, I clearly had concerns. I looked directly into her eyes and realized that this was a test of my operatorship as well as a lesson. I was going to need to be crystal clear, and so I was. I informed her that she could drop the act, that she shouldn’t have acted without my permission or direction and that it would not fly with me going forward. I would not be walked on and my life would not be turned upside down, or I would walk. It’s been clear that it is in my best interest to work with this current, but that does mean that I have to, and it was going to be my rules, or it simply wouldn’t be. I will garner the major result I am still waiting on, with or without them- of that the cards have been clear. The path is supposed to be easier with them, but being me I doubted it, based on what I’ve read. I may have failed to follow through and pass this test in the past, but I would not today, nor would I going forward.

I woke then, and recounted the experience to a very baffled boyfriend. He wondered how I attracted their attention and well, between reading about them and studying their sigils and energy signatures a few nights ago, to the fact that Ranzael, has haunted my dreams for years, Azazel has followed me around, really I don’t personally wonder how I attracted her attention. I was surprised that my decision was assumed, and while I had somewhat decided, I still had time to change my mind and thusly hadn’t moved on it. I was worried that I may suffer again, if I proceeded and quite frankly, I am done with that. I knew if I did not work with them now, that they would keep coming back until I did, as they have for many years. This is the first time I’ve not found myself filled with so much terror, that I could not even face them. This is the first time I’ve stood for myself.

The coincidences and message are clear. I will need to be firm and crystal clear with them, I will need to be the operator, but many of these lessons I have already faced-the difference is now I am stronger. I will not fail them again and allow them to act without my permission or at my direction. I can avoid this for now if I wish, but I will continue to fear reflective surfaces, I will continue to see an increase in their activity around me again, scaring me- feeding off me, if I decide to walk away. I feared that as the experience can be rather traumatic, that I wouldn’t be able to handle it, but it is clear that is not case. I was concerned about being scared of their forms and the images, as I recall them from my past.

Tonight Shadow Woman showed me, that they can, as every other type of spirit that I have worked with can, take on a form that does not strike my heart with terror. She showed me, that they can and will enter my circle- they are not the wolves I am supposed to be wary of. I need to be wary as with all spirits, but they do not come just to scare me, they are here to teach me and make me stronger not simply harm me.

Coincidently, two days ago I pulled a quote a card, asking what would the outcome of my most desired result be working with the shadow people compared to the out come if I choose not to work with them at this time, and walk away. This is the quote on the card I pulled:

-When you meet someone better than yourself, turn your thoughts to becoming his equal. When you meet someone not as good as you are, look within and examine yourself.

It isn’t implying that I am a better person than he is, but I am much further along in my path than he is. While we discuss all of these things and many more, and he can even comprehend and explain better than I can, how I am able to do visual magic without being able to visualize, I often am explaining things, what I think and experience. It’s a higher level explanation than I can give anyone else in my life, but it’s clear he’s not at the same spot I am yet, and what a coincidence it is, that this quote tells me to look within myself, when the question was in regards to whether or not I should do this. I don’t need the tools, despite creating them or purchasing them on a random whim, while I was in Washington, all I need is myself.


I was in my apartment but it was wide instead of long. I became aware of the fact that I was being watched. Even though I rarely leave my apartment, so how “they” had managed to installs cameras, watching my bedroom and I thought probably the rest of my apartment was beyond me,. I was only sure that “they” were watching me, and they wanted my magic journal.

My biological mother was in the dream and sleeping. (She passed away about 6 years ago) It was nighttime and I knew I had to act quickly, if I waited they would find a way to force my hand or kill me. I’m not sure how I knew it or suddenly had knowledge of it all. I’m also not sure what kind of work I was doing for these people, because they had given me a drop box for money. There was technically no way to get the money out, but I already knew they would likely accuse me of stealing so made sure I positioned myself to show I only dropped money. Then I took my journal and a few other things, but I’m not sure what they were. I tried to conceal that I was taking my things out of my room, but I was pretty sure if they had cameras in my bedroom, they might in the living room. I loaded my things up in my purse that had a real long strap and realized instantly I preferred when it was over my head and crossing my back because of the length, making it harder to knock off my shoulder or steal. It was not a purse I actually have, I never carry one, but I recognized it from other dreams. I had already realized that I would be unable to burn such a large journal in an apartment.

I was prepared to go out, when an older man, wearing a long trench coat, showed up and very forcefully told me about how their was money missing. . I knew there wasn’t, I knew I had made two cash drops and he was full shit. I’m not sure how he got in my apartment but I made sure I was clear with my words and did not get upset. I told him I made two cash drops, I knew about the cameras and he could watch them and see I stole nothing and aside from that I didn’t know what to tell him about the lies he was feeding me other than they were lies. He told me he had already watched the cameras and they showed me stealing the money. I knew it wasn’t true then and that they were definitely going to either put me prison, which wasn’t real like since they’d probably get caught altering the videos, or kill me.

So I stated what I already had word for word again and said, “I’m sorry o have an appointment and I am going to be late, we can discuss this as soon as I get back,” and I turned around and calmly walked out. I got to the top of the stairs and at the bottom where the landing and entry way was some box shaped thing that had been set on fire. (it was just like real life) I was not even shocked, I knew then they would have let me die in the fire to get magic book, and if I escaped they would blame the fire on me. Unfortunately it would like take off a few minutes after I exited the building which would make me suspicious but I didn’t pause to consider anything- it was simply fact. I made sure not to touch anything as I stepped around the fire, knowing they could plant evidence on it, but as long as I didn’t touch it, there would be no real evidence as I had nothing to do with it. I’m sure they expected that if I found it, I would put the fire out and then their would be evidence I had touched it and the entire scheme would be blamed on me.

I stepped out the doorway and looked down the road towards Riverside bar and the post office, it was around 4-6 am but still dark out. I saw one person walking up from the railroad tracks, I looked over at the unimart. I’d considered or even planning, walking down to the river and dumping my journal and magical things into the river and hoping it floated away and became so deteriorated that it would be useless, but as I looked around, I knew it I did, I would did. They likely had people or at least one person watching me and who was going to follow me. Instead o took off running towards the left and grammas. As I ran I wondered if I’d get there before they could grab me and if she was not awake, I’d I had to stand there and bang on the door, I’d likely be dead.

I realized as I reached the corner and started up the steep hill right before her house, that gramma and pap both usually got up early but if not likely one of them was awake. Sometimes they sleep in but rarely. As I got near, I saw gramma and pap not sitting on the porch, but at a park style picnic table with an attached bench. I cut across Dan’s yard and knew gramma could see me coming. I worried for less than half a second she’d think I was going to by weed and go inside, but then I was suddenly behind gramma.

I said something to the effect of I didn’t want to interrupt but it was an emergency and I need help. Gramma asked what I meant and I said I know your not going to believe me, but they are trying to kill me. I started to give a brief overview when two woman walked up. One had short black hair, and was about my height and slightly heavier than me. The other I did not get a look at for some reason, but I backed up towards the door, worried that anyone could be working against me. Gramma had somehow moved to her chair by the porch door and I was on the porch. The woman handed my grandmother a small gun in a thick carrying case, similar to John’s plier holder.

Gramma handed me the gun and asked the women, if they had made sure they were not see with it. The lady said she was certain no one knew they owned the gun or saw them bring it. I realized then that gramma had sent a text before I had even explained what was going on, she heard me say they were trying to kill me and sent the message and they came right away. I almost wanted to have the gun where it could be seen, to make myself seen as more dangerous to any of them following me, and realized right away that it was likely stupid as then they would send people with guns.

I wanted a cigarette so went out on the porch but was worried. The gun was a revolver, I was worried because it didn’t have a safety but I didn’t want to leave it in the carrying case and wanted to have it where I could whip it out at any time, but I also didn’t want to accidentally shoot myself. I realized I’d left my laptop and all of my recent journaling and magical notes, were on my computer-but for some reason, they only seemed to know about the physical journal, that I used while I was in Washington State.

Something spooked me so we all went inside. I sat on the floor of the living room wondering if it was even safe to be there or sleep. The woman with the short dark hair told me she was going up to bed, all three of us would sleep together and she needed to borrow one of my pillows. I wondered how three of us would fit in a full sized bed comfortably but at the end of the day, it likely didn’t matter. She left and I sat there a minute. I was surprised, that even though I was only three blocks from my apartment, there had yet to be fire truck sirens. I wondered if they put the fire out themselves, either knowing I had not touched it and had just walked by it, or not knowing that I hadn’t touching it, but still hoping to incriminate me. I knew if however, as long as I lived, anything they accused me of would be impossible to prove, unless they planted evidence that it had been me, as I had not done anything.

Suddenly I was back on my couch, looking at my lamp. It was turned on, the lamp shade was not on it, just like it is for real. I realized immediately I was probably in a dream or it was likely a trick of some sort. I wondered how they managed that tried to very quickly roll off the couch. I couldn’t get up. I tried one more time.

Nope I am not doing this game of false wake up. I know how it goes and I will fight to wake up and get out of bed over and over, five, ten sometimes even twenty times and half the time there is someone standing over me, and it always terrifies me and then I fight even harder. (I believe most often Razanel the shadow person, wearing a long hooded cloak/robe) I wasn’t going to play this game, so I just laid back and closed my eyes. I should banish, but other than my own energy hard to do in the moment. My nightmares and a few things, like shadow people, are well know for not being banish-able. You don’t get rid of them, you can integrate the archetypes and kill them, but banish? Not as far as current or past documentation I’ve crossed. Not as far any shielding I’ve attempted or protection I’ve used.

If I couldn’t banish, I knew I should summon an entity that could protect me. My first thought was angels, then thought about the spirits I work closely with. The decision and all of that thinking was more like instant knowledge than thinking. There was no point in calling on something if I wasn’t fairly sure it would come or help was another thought I had during this false awakening dream state. I found myself calling out to Azazel, I called his name three times in my mind.

I did not feel the shift towards awake. Nothing changed except I opened my eyes again after calling Azazel’s name three times, and took a minute, wondering if I was truly awake or if it was the same trick. I clamped my eyes shut and focused, trying to remember the things that I know I can use to distinguish the real world, from the dreamscape. My bedroom was dark and the door into it was open. I was still spooked but not feeling terror. Throughout the entire experience, I never once felt terror like I have in the past.

I laid there a minute, reaching out with all of my sense and wondering what time it was. The lamp that was on directly In My sight and the everything I could see, was just as it had been in the two false awakenings. Atropos jumped up to snuggle me then, and the warmth of her body and solid feel of her feet, spoke to me, she was real and not a dream. Sometimes dreams have physical feels just like this, but with people, food and things, I’ve never had a pet feel so real that I wasn’t sure if they were a dream or real. I got up and shut the bedroom door, despite knowing it would make it warmer on my apartment. I checked the clock and it was only 8 am.

I had already gotten up three times to pee, and at 5:30 I still wasn’t sure if I had slept at all yet, I thought remembered being awake the entire time I laid here but when you trance for a few hours, it can be difficult to tell because hours pass line minutes and it doesn’t feel real, though you don’t have the waking up experience. It just feels like a few minutes past and you didn’t accomplish whatever you were trying to do.

I was surprised, that this second encounter happened, so swiftly after the first. I wasn’t aware that this was going to be a quick process, but either way- I believe I handled it well. I never reached a state of fear or terror, despite being uncomfortable and knowing that I would normally be scared, and unable to react or take control of the situation. While I’ve never been one to play the blame game, and always think we should own up to our wrongs, when we can- because we are all human and all have them, there has been more than a few times I’ve played scapegoat for someone else, or been blamed for something I did not do or even think of doing.


I was in my ex-husbands house. For some reason he was not being his normal self to me. In my waking life yesterday I noted that he wouldn’t address me in court, and still nearly three months later the man will not even look at me when he picks up our children-He makes a point of parking where he will never look me in the face, and always has his face buried, quite obviously in his phone, until he believes I can no longer see. I realized as I walked up the stairs back to my apartment, after delivering the children to his vehicle, that he’s still butt-hurt, that I am not longer his. That to see me doing well and thriving without him, likely even pains him and reminds him of his loss, despite the fact that it was his own doing.

At any rate, I dreamed that I was in his home, but it wasn’t his current home. I’m actually not sure where it was, but he was babysitting several creatures for a female friend. I was curious, as I love animals and then I saw the big black snake. I immediately thought of @DarkestKnight 's encounter a few months ago with Damballah. I’m a little scared of snakes, so even though I knew what was about to happen, I was not thrilled that he quite literally dropped this snack around me, and told me to go let it outside for a time to get fresh air. I hurried towards the door, and through the garage, that now reminded me of my childhood home on Green Meadows, not even connecting that he’s so deathly afraid of snakes, that irl this summer, he had my son kill several of them, because he couldn’t. As I am quickly walking this snake is hissing and scaring me. But it’s not a normal snake sound, it is quite literally words. The snake keeps saying “Please stop touching me.” I get just outside the garage and I don’t want to just drop it on the concrete, afraid to hurt or anger it, but it lounges at the skin under my chin and bites me- forcing me to literally drop it on the concrete. As we neared the destination, the snake was no longer black, it was tan with diamonds.

I return inside, the bite not really hurting, but seeping a yellow, yet clear colored substance, that makes me immediately think of venom. I ask the ex-husband, if it was a poisonous snake, and even though I was most certain it was not, the ex-husband did not answer that question. Instead he talked about how the woman who owned the snake talked to it often and was trying to teach it words in our language. I was like well that’s strange, because the snake kept telling me to “Please put it down, it didn’t like me.” He confirmed that the first part, was indeed something the woman had been teaching the snake to say, and we discussed how I was surprised that I could understand the snake tongue to an extent, because even though it was our words, it was still spoken in snake. It confused me, yet it didn’t as I often am able to share thoughts back and forth with dogs.

I’m not sure how we ended up in the ex-husbands car, unless he was taking me home, but instead we ended up at the mall, walking into a very fancy restaurant. He led us to a table and was talking about how he just wanted a drink. One of the kids was clearly a bit sad, and I knew it was because they wished that there dad and I were still together. I told him to not be so sad, because look, mom keeps saying someday she hopes we can converse friendly, without being close like friends, but for your sake, and it does seem nice that that’s happened doesn’t it? Their dad immediately shifted, clearly put out that this was not going where he wanted it to. He pulled out a revolver and pointed it at me, upset. In the end I was holding the revolver, and instead of unloading it like I’d planned, I noted that it had a weird mechanism and battery system that very slowly engaged as it spun around to load the gun, then the batteries quite literally plugged themselves into the bottom of it. They looked like nothing more than double a batteries. I didn’t like holding it, as it had no safety and while it was putting itself together, it was difficult to determine where you were pointing it, or if you were pointing it at yourself even. I was even pretty sure that while it couldn’t be fired while it was loading itself, it would fire immediately after if the trigger had been pulled during the process.

We were still waiting for a waitress, and while the ex clearly wasn’t going to heed my dislike of this particular gun, and my fear that it was unsafe to have around our children, and particularly his girlfriends baby, he finally revealed we were just at the restaurant because he wanted a drink. I was like “Oh, well I don’t see anything in here, but I know these dream malls pretty well, if you walk out the main door here into the mall, there will be vending options to either the left or the right of the door, do you want me to go and double check though?” He declined and lumbered off towards the direction I had pointed out and me and the kids were left there alone waiting. After some time it became clear he’d left us, so we started searching for the parking lot we had been parked in, to see if he truly had left us, or if he’d just decided to go shopping.

After a while I realized we probably needed a way home, and I saw that there was a bus stop downstairs. The children and I walked down, to find that all the terminals, were covered in water, though it wasn’t deep we were going to get wet. I approached one of the gates and realized I didn’t have tickets, nor did I see where they were sold, so I asked if I could purchase the tickets there. The lady was really a downright jerk, telling me I was clearly dumb, no I could not. I said “Alright, where can I purchase tickets?” Her response was to tell me “In the store.” I took a deep breathe, “Mam, we are in a mall, that I have not bee in, for about 10 years, I’m familiar with public transit, just not this public transit and theres about 122 stores in the mall above me so, could you kindly, indicate which ones I might be able to purchase bus tickets from.” I didn’t get an answer the kids and I walked back up the stairs towards the mall and when we reached a waiting area, they sat down, so we could try to figure things out. I asked them to call dad, and tell him I needed help getting them home, because I was not sure what to do at this point. My son told me, that his dad had replied that I should look up L and L, a taxi service in a nearby town. I was a little annoyed, that he would expect me to be able to pay for a cab, when he dumped us.

A teen-aged girl walked up and sat down in a nearby seat, after swiping one of my bags, that had the Amtrak label. I turned to face her and pretty well told her how rude she was, and it was mine and I didn’t intend to be sitting here while she napped with my blanket. She clutched it tightly and repeated in a baby like pout filled voice about how she would use my blanket to take a nap. I snatched it out of her hands before she could open the pouch and told her exactly what I thought about her behavior. I was then approached by an adult, who explained that there were quite a few of them traveling through and they’d been watching me, impressed with how I handled things. I turned back to my children and asked them to once again please call dad, and ask him to come get us. The daughter got the same response, that my son had. I was quite annoyed but pulled up the app for the taxi company, and immediately noticed it looked like Uber. (Not an app I’ve used, so whether or not it really does look like uber I have no idea.) It was harder to navigate than Uber, and had moving images that quite literally showed where the drivers were in the local area. It was cartoon like images but they were still three dimensional. I didn’t like it at all, and if it wasn’t a legitimate taxi service, and it was all random for hire locals, I wasn’t sure that Uber wouldn’t be just as safe, and maybe even cheaper.

Somehow we ended up in the back of a taxi. There were two men sitting up front and one was in the back with us, I sat next to him, trying to figure out how I would get us from the place where they would drop us off to the ex-husbands. My apartment was within walking distance of the drop off, but the kids home was not. I finally realized I was quite literally taking all of the space from this guy and pressing him into the door of the taxi. I apologized and asked if I could pay them extra, to take me off the route and about 2 miles up the mountain. The one took a $5 and tossed it in the glove box, assuming that was roughly what I would pay extra and so that was theirs. The told me they used to do stuff like that, so no big deal. They pulled up near my apartment, and had us all get out. I told them this wasn’t the location and that it was up the mountain, but it wasn’t far, the first left and I was willing to pay. They said we’d have to walk then, and I was upset because if I could walk up the mountain with my asthma, I would have done that instead of agreeing to pay extra.

Suddenly I couldn’t find my kids, and I was alone. I walked up and down the street, looking and finally found the daughter, but she had no idea where her brother was. I heard a bunch of kids playing up a set of a stairs and opened the door and took a look inside. They were all younger than my son, but they were swinging across a big open hole, that seemed to go on endlessly. I had fits, at how unsafe it was and someone could die, scared that my son had fallen in and no one had noticed. I went back outside and found the taxi guys, well two of them. I made it clear that we had an agreement, and gosh they better help me figure out where my son was, before they found themselves implicated in kidnapping. I realized when I got into the taxi, that all of my things were gone. I wondered, why the hell I didn’t take my purse with me, that was just dumb, and the third taxi guy was missing… Then I was standing in a park like area, and the daughter was sitting on a bench, and the son showed up. He was all proud of himself and what he had been doing, though he apologized, he began talking about sexual acts and it feeling good and I was… angry, that he had worried me for a freaking girl.

I woke up, but soon fell back asleep, and was in the same area. I still had my kids, but I was no longer trying to get them home, and the town was still not laid out anything like it is. We were at a house and with a group of people. I’m not sure what was going on but there was essentially a bad group of people going around killing others. There was a man leading them, and I knew who it was. I ended up facing him several times, and while I wasn’t scared, I knew he would quite literally murder anyone in his path. I conversed with others and we finally decided we had to get in our cars and leave. I got my kids in an SUV, that had the keys in it and followed a lady, around a circle drive and then a back road, that would lead us into town, that was supposedly a secret way. I recognized the street we were merging onto then, despite it being significantly different from how it really is.

I wondered how we had ended up 20 miles away in such a short drive, but then it was my turn to merge. I merged too wide and was in a McDonald’s lane, instead of the road. I was going back towards the road since it was clear, when I realized I was hungry. I asked the kids if they were, and told them I was going to get a chocolate milkshake, something I never do, but asked if they wanted one as well. The daughter told me she only wanted French fries, so I went through a list of things, making sure she really didn’t want any of them and she added chicken nuggets to it. The son only wanted French fries, even after I went through the list to double check. I ordered our food and then we were standing there waiting at the window, instead of in the car. She handed me the milkshake and a few things, but we had to wait on the rest. The scene shifted so that we were inside, but it was still a take out style window. The young woman behind the counter was cleaning things and said something about she’d check the food, as she prefers to cook it till she knows it’s good, and not follow the timer. She did call out that the timer still had 3 minutes and 58 seconds to go. I saw a bag of food sitting on the back of a couch nearby, behind the counter. I knew it was probably ours, and that the lady had forgotten since, we had only received my milkshake.

The counter was then littered with trash and I saw a strawberry milkshake, that had been untouched, but forgotten. I asked if either kid wanted it and the daughter was like “really mom, you’re going to take random food, when you don’t know who touched it or what germs might be on it…” I explained that I could tell it hadn’t been touched and braced myself for her to ask me how I knew, as explaining that I could feel there was no one’s energy on it, was probably not going to go well. Instead I realized I was back in the little community area, where the killer was on the loose. But I was on our side of the house, and not the bad guys. I had Styrofoam containers of food for the bad guys, which I took to the fridge, which was right next to the door, that led into their half of the house. I put the food in, knowing when they saw it, they would know we were here. I didn’t want them to be hungry, but knew as soon as I did this, we had to get back in the car and actually leave.

I slammed the fridge shut. Wtf I didn’t mean to do that, but it was like something took hold of my arm and I quite literally slammed the fridge door as hard as I could. I opened it again, to put in the last of the food… hoping that they weren’t here, to hear the door slam. I slammed it again and the door to the other side opened. The lead murder was coming at me and followed by two others. I ran out and yelled to my kids, and the few remaining people around to run. I’d made the same mistake the first person had earlier, which had drawn their attention to us, and now there was no avoiding them. I tried to make it to the car, but knew as soon as I saw it, even if I got in and locked the doors fast, I didn’t have a chance of escaping. I told the kids to run and hide. I was then standing next to the murderous guy, looking at a rack of tools, and trying to find some sort of blade to kill him with. He was literally right next to me. My son pointed out a small blade, but for some reason I picked up the first one that had caught my eye instead, despite it being smaller than the one my son pointed out. It looked like a blade for a skill saw. I turned and stabbed the man. He was still coming after me though, and chased me.

The man never actually hurt me, though he tried. We went in circles, with me stabbing him, certain with my medical knowledge I had hit his heart with the first stab, but somehow, instead of dying he kept coming after me. I knew that if he caught me, I knew I would die. So I kept stabbing. Finally I had blood spurt all over me and my hands were slick with it, and the blade was as well. He went into some sort of berserk mode though, and instead of become weaker, he was suddenly stronger, and the pain from the wounds I had inflicted, no longer affected him at all. He didn’t feel it. I knew he was even more dangerous than before, and ended up tackling him, and somehow brining him to the ground.

Naturally he was taunting me the entire time. There was a revolver nearby and he picked it up and made a taunting claim about how he could just me with it. I snatched it and put it out of his reach. Suddenly, I was on top of a woman, and not a man. I held onto his hands and tried to figure out where to stab this guy to kill him. I was certain I’d hit his heart several times, I felt like I was looking at his true form, that of a woman, despite the fact in my mind it was still pretty much a guy to me. It never crossed my mind to try to shoot him, but it did cross my mind to keep everything dangerous out of his reach. Now that he was a woman, wearing nothing more than a very thin see-through white nightgown, I even tried stabbing him in his girly parts. I was worried that when the police came they were going to think I was a vicious murderer, that just kept on stabbing out of anger or hate or rage, but I knew the truth was, as long as this man lived, people were going to die.

The man smiled and told me how it turned him on when I stabbed him down there. In my mind I was thinking about how perverse that was, though I wondered if he meant it or was just trying to goad me. I finally realized there was only way to get rid of this man. I had to slit his throat. The idea was appalling, but I’d already stabbed his stomach and his vital organs and yet he lived and if I wasn’t holding him down, he’d still be killing. I made the decision and moved my blade to do so, wondering if I had the strength, would I be able to do what I had to do, or would I just die like the rest. The man seemed to know what I was about to do, and for a minute, he tucked his chin to try to prevent it. I held the blade to his neck and looked him in the eye.

I knew then, he wanted to die. He was fighting, but he was letting me win. I had no idea why, but I sawed, somewhat gently at this throat, knowing once I hit the jugular, it would be over soon. At first it seemed like I was just sawing into skin, and despite the fact I was killing the man, I didn’t want it to be anymore painful than it had to be. I pressed a little harder and finally saw blood seeping out of the wound I had made. He told me he could feel it then, I had done it and the life force was seeping out of him. I knew this to be true, but still held him down to be sure he wouldn’t try for one final blow. The blood didn’t spurt, like it normally does with a wound to an artery- spurting with each heart beat. Instead, it just seeped and I held the mans hands, much more tenderly. I knew he would be gone soon, but it struck me, that he and I were not really that different.

I told him about how we were kinda like best friends. He seemed puzzled and I said think about it. We are completely opposite, yet we’ve been in this fight against each other all along. We knew each other so well, that we could have been the best of friends. He told me that he would live on within me, and give me power. I kept seeing a beautiful blond girl’s face in front of me, instead of the man dying in a woman’s body below me. He told me that I was right we could have been best friends, except for one thing. I remember him telling me that one thing, and it was a surprising thing, as it was something I’ve done on occasion, but not often and I don’t think he understood the reasons when I had done it. I just maintained that well, we are all human while we are here, aren’t we? I knew then that he was gone, and I woke up, unable to remember what that one thing was.


This entry is a mixture of a working from last week, I don’t recall which date, as I only jotted down brief notes for recall purposes, and todays early morning working. Most of the time, when I go into ritual, I know exactly what to expect, what I am going to be doing, who I am calling upon and what purpose I am going to fulfill. Other times, the purpose may clear, but the mechanics are not. Even more rare, is the ritual that I have no idea who it is I am going into the ritual space to call upon, or what it is I am going to be doing. This cumulative entry was the product of exactly that. I knew what I wanted, I thought I knew what I needed, but I had no idea what I needed to do, or exactly who it was I was about to call upon, for either working. I simply knew it was time.

Things finally came to a head. I was emotional and I realized it was time. It was time to put this ridiculous fear behind me and face what I’ve been avoiding most of my life. First I called to the familiar that Azazel gave me, and asked for their protection and aid as I was about to proceed. I then called out to Azazel. From Azazel I moved on to Belial. As Belial entered my space, it became clear that I next I was to summon the demon, who I credit with the life I now live. The one who secured complete and total removal of a toxic relationship for me, who threw me through the wringer, and turned my life upside down, in order to right it. As I moved to call upon Abaddon, Belial indicated he was already here. Being the difficult one I am, I told him that was fine, but I needed to go through the motions anyways, I’m human after all. He chuckled at me and told me that they expected no less from me, then stepped back so I could do me.

I was truly fearing what I knew was to come next. I’d been feeling the fear, at the back of my heart and mind the entire time. The moment was here though, and on I went. As I called to the next being, or the hive mind of the next beings, my fear faded away and my confidence broke through. I found myself in negotiation, on behalf of myself, the boyfriend, my children and innocent forum members. We eventually reached an agreement, and I did something I rarely do, and sealed the agreement with blood. I moved onto the next being, one of the same race, and once again found myself negotiating terms. My offering in exchange was more of the target type, some quite specific and others rather vague, but essentially whoever was responsible for the current circumstance surrounding certain recent events. Naturally I had stipulations around the boyfriend, myself and the children, as a few of the targets are rather close to the four of us, others would not affect my day, in any way. I then moved on to the next being on my ever revolving list once again negotiating terms, and offering specific targets, which I quote from my roughly jotted notes: “eat them alive.” Finally, then one I’d been waiting for quite some time to appear, yet had not. These terms were rather unexpected, but I can see the necessity behind them. They would come to pass, whether or not I agreed. I once again had stipulations, but agreed that when it was time, I would guide my son to a very similar path. He already senses theses beings, whereas the daughter does not. As much as it troubled my mind, I knew my son would eventually find this path, whether I liked it or not. I negotiated when this would happen, and stipulated he would not be troubled by these beings, nor approached a day before his time. If this is how it’s going to be, it’s going to be on my terms. I dismissed the beings, and climbed into bed, expecting nightmares to run rapid, yet they did not.

10/30/20- Once again sleep alluded me in the early morning hours, prior to the arrival of my children. I decided if this was how it was going to be, I should at least use the time wisely and reach out to Legba, who has indicated to a friend, that I should do more work and have less fun. Hmphs. I was a little put out at that, being as compared to most, I do a lot more work with spirits than normal. It’s not uncommon for me to call upon spirits of several currents, all within one night, roughly five days a week. I was put out, but when the rage subsided, I knew what he meant. Too much forum time without a purpose, I spend hours chilling between the forum and mindless phone games each day. I do it for a reason though. The reason is quite frankly with the amount of work I do, I’m high risk for loosing myself, or becoming delusional. The forum bullshitting and mindless phone games, keep me right here in the now.

I realized that it was almost time, for a working that’s been delayed roughly a month and half. I was told quite clearly to wait. I comprehended why I was waiting at the time I was told to wait, but I expected, that somewhere a long the line, the details for how to proceed with the working would reveal themselves. Yet here I was, the early morning prior and that had yet to happen. The spirit I’ve been waiting to show himself, still hasn’t shown up with the plan, yet I knew he was integral to the upcoming work. Tired of waiting and unable to sleep, my defiant little soul sat down and summoned him into my space. Somehow, I was no longer terrified of this being. In fact, I argued with him for almost three hours, about revealing the plan to me, right now. He refused, telling me that I would know, when it was time. Well if that was case, perhaps, it could be revealed to me, exactly how I could obtain something I saw in a future time line during a journey. It was an exploratory journey, rather than a soul retrieval journey, and while a lot of it confused me, at one point, I entered what I believed during the journey to be a future time line. I encountered the boyfriend, and as I realized this was our beautiful home and life, and told him about how I was projecting, I was baffled at his lack of surprise. I couldn’t imagine how we got here, and knowing it was unlikely I would get answers I could understand, I asked him. “How did we do this baby?” He blinked and told me that “We didn’t, You did this.” I did this? How was that possible. I’m not well off, and while my needs are met, I do have credit issues from the past, and well he’s young compared to me. I stood there baffled but asked none the less, if he knew how I did this. His face looked blank and my heart fell. How could I make it happen, if I had no idea how I did it, how did we get there. Maybe it wasn’t a future time line. Maybe it was an alternate time line, that I would never be able to obtain.

I was Rather frustrated, with the spirit I had summoned into my space, as a woman who prefers to know the agenda and plan things out, I taunted and teased and even dared him to show up in the one space where we could come to an agreement, that would be undeniable to my mind, that it had occurred. I wanted to know what the plan was for the ritual and goddammit, my terms are I want that life. I want that time line, a few other minor conditions about the safety of the boyfriend and my children, and I agreed to something I never expected, but only if it came about in a way that wasn’t going to be detrimental to myself, or these three people important to me. I knew all the while, that it wouldn’t happen, that my space was not going to be invaded and that when I did nap while my children were here, I would left quite alone in my dreamscape. No surprise when that was exactly what happened. But there was a surprise, as the early morning hours grew near the time for my children to arrive.

I know a lot of people think that when we hear spirits, that it’s quite discernible and audible. Sometimes that is the case, but more often than not, it almost appears as impressions, or even thoughts at the back of your mind, that if you don’t recognize as something you wouldn’t think or that the language use is different than your normal though process, you wouldn’t even pick up on it being something else. It’s often not literally hearing voices. In fact for me it rarely is. Sometimes I wonder if this is because I am a thinker with words. I can’t make pictures with my mind, so literally almost all of my thoughts are in sentences. I do so much thinking, that while it can be hard to discern at times, my thoughts from communications, often it is so blatantly not my own thoughts, that its rather unbelievable. If you’ve never felt like you could be crazy, wait till a spirit adds thoughts rather clearly to your own, and you will be most certain that you have lost your shit. Well, I lost my shit. Rather suddenly how I got there, to that beautiful little house and cozy life was revealed to me. Not in detail mind you, but what I needed to do, to lay the ground work. It’s going to take a lot of work and determination, but suddenly. I could see it. I don’t know all the details, or what growth will occur along the way, but I know where to begin, and essentially a plan to begin was laid out in front of me. I know I’m going to have days I don’t want to, that I have no motivation and it just seems too hard. But it’s using skills I already have, things I already excel at, it was so obvious that it blew my mind. Thanks, I needed that, truly I did.

So once again, I went into a major ritual tonight, with no idea who I was calling or what I was doing. I only knew it was time, I’d been waiting for a month a half, and now it was time to begin and take the next step towards making this life what it’s meant to be, instead of what life destined it to be.

Whether or not I share the notes for that idk. It’s got a lot of cryptic details to remove the personal aspects and thusly, doesn’t feel like it would be a productive contribution to this journal at this time.


Just quoting myself here, I feel like I want this someday, and it’ll be harder to find when I do. :rofl:

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I keep putting off writing in this journal, because most of memories from here on out, are not as fun as the previous. I’ve had one on my mind for over a month now, and while it’s not the worst memory in the world, I just haven’t felt like sharing it for some reason, though it oddly enough is not the next in line, but I suppose since it demands attention, attention it will get.

I was in the first grade, my teachers name was Mrs. Glenn. I walked out the side entrance of my elementary school, which was where t-1 and first, and 2nd grade entered and exited the building. I was surprised to see, that it was my daddy waiting for me, and not my mother. My daddy usually worked till 3pm so he was not the one who would normally be waiting for me.

I got into the car and could feel my daddy was upset about something. I remember the the deep color of the interior of his Cadillac and the quiet drive home- it was only maybe a ten minute drive. When we arrived, my daddy took me into a room alone, and told me that my parents were getting a divorce. He was on his knees in front of me, crying. He told me he didn’t want it, but my mother had fallen in love my younger sister’s pediatrician. I wasn’t sad, but he was. I cried with my daddy, because I could feel his pain.

It wasn’t long before everyone I went to school with knew that my parents were getting a divorce. One of my parents set up counseling with the guidance counselor for me, and while I knew everyone was talking about what a scandal it was (1991 divorce where I grew up in Oklahoma was still quite a scandal) but I just detached myself from it. I didn’t feel any hurt or pain, though I did feel awkwardness. I was embarrassed as I was already made fun of for several things, but I remember telling my guidance counselor that it was a good thing, my parents wouldn’t be fighting over my daddy’s drinking anymore.

It wasn’t long before my mother moved me and my sister to a small two bedroom house on 3rd street. My daddy stayed in the house on Cardinal Lane for a while, though I remember the furnishings getting sparse and him purchasing what seemed like a giant tv. I don’t remember much about the house from 3rd street during this time period, but eventually my daddy bought it from my mother and purchased her a different, larger house so I do have later memories of this dwelling.

It wasn’t long after we moved out, before I would find myself in the car with my mother and sister well after dark and bedtime, every night she was not working. My mother would drive up and down the street that my younger sister’s pediatrician lived on. I still recall his name, and his red hair- but since I am not sure if he’s still around, I’ll leave his name out of this.

One of these nights, my mother got pulled over by the police. They told her to take us home, or they would put her in jail for neglecting her kids. Sometime shortly after she received a restraining order from the Pediatrician, and was told she could no longer mail him long love letters multiple times a day, and that it was all fantasy, in her head and the doctor had never made any advances on her. From what I remember of the doctor, this is true. My sisters medical visits were much like my children’s today are, short and too the point. But over the years I have forgotten that she worked in the hospital while I was small, so perhaps there was something I didn’t know.


Alas, I don’t really want to go into details, as I would need to recap 13 years of an emotionally, verbally and mentally abusive marriage to do so and explain it well…

I came to the realization with the help of a spirit friend today, (After he let me have a total meltdown due to everything in the near future falling apart) that the current struggle is because I have to face this, in order to truly let it be in the past.

I’ve hid from it, I’ve ran from it, I’ve fought it and I’ve hurt and I’ve cried, and I’ve set it aside- hoping it would just walk its ass away and disappear.

Shame, that’s not how shadow work goes is it?

Nope. I have to face the worst next week and hope for the best, so that I can truly file the 13 most painful years of my life, into a file and label them part of my current past life- as something that wont haunt me anymore.


I missed my first week of first grade. My daddy was moving up in his company- Rockwell (Boeing today) and had the opportunity to take the family with him to Denver Colorado. I don’t remember if we drove out then flew back, or flew out then drove back. Because he was taking four of us, despite the fact that at the time young children could fly free, he used both of his plane tickets for one flight, instead of making a round way trip for one person with them.

I remember looking out the airplane window, and expecting that people would like ants and buildings would look like toys, but that was not case, everything just looked like it was further away than normal.

In my six year old eyes, (Remember I was born 10 days before Christmas, so I started kindergarten the year after I turned 5 instead of the year I turned five because of regulations around birthdays and when children can enter the public school system) I remember in my six year old eyes, that Denver was the most beautiful place I had ever been. My daddy was in meetings all day, so my mother took us down town for sight seeing. I vaguely remember seeing mountain peaks in the distance, and walking through an area where the road or sidewalk was constructed with pebbles, rather than concrete. I remember seeing benches and trees, and there were squirrels that would come right up to you!

I don’t remember much else from the trip, but I do remember my first day of first grade. My mother walked me to the door, and all of the other children in my class were sitting on the floor in front of the teacher. I must have been at least a few minutes late, but it could have even been near the end of the day, for all I can remember. The teacher was holding a book and knew my name.

I was nervous as I approached the group, my mother was gone but I scanned the little crowd and as I got near…I farted. Everyone laughed. I stood there wondering why the laughed, I didn’t know farts were funny things, and thought they were laughing at me because I looked funny or something was wrong with me. Mrs. Glenn, hushed the students, and told them it was a natural body function, then continued reading the story.


I often forget, about the condo my father purchased on Eufaula lake. I’m not sure why, as it was one of the first major things my daddy did after my parents divorce, and I have several pictures of the inside of the condo.

I was pretty excited when we first go to see the condo. It was very near the lake, and there were steps leading down from the back side of the condo to the water. I loved to watch the sunset over the lake. I remember sleeping on pallets on the floor for a while in a room with my younger sister.

I also remember my grandmother coming to visit there, and my parents eventually trying to work things out. My mother thought it was a ridiculous expense, yet was rather pleased when my daddy bought her a brand new, white Honda Eagle.

I can remember the kitchen area, and the furniture, though it’s hard for me to describe these things in words. I would be able to pick them out of a photo line up, yet to describe them from memory always feels challenging. The kitchen table was a glass top. The chairs were light brown framed, but had wicker like bikes, and the cushions were a molted multi color. The couch and love seat matched the chairs sorta. They were a dark shade of molted color patters. I can remember how the pattern had a pink stripe that almost looked like twisted dna strands, but I feel like my challenge of putting this into words is failing.

Shortly after my parents divorced, my daddy received one of the three DUI’s that I remember him obtaining through out my lifetime. I think it was actually part of what spurned my parents to try again, and I remember him riding a bicycle up to our house on third street one day, and talking to my mother about at least giving it a chance.

Things seemed to be going well, though I knew my mother was hiding the fact that she was doing some odd things. She would often sit and talk back to the radio, as if the radio talk host could hear her.

In a last ditch attempt to save what seemed to not be salvageable, my daddy rented an RV, and we were going to go road tripping. I remember the interior and thinking it was neat how you could be in a home setting almost but on the road while my daddy drove. It was going well, until one day when my daddy stopped to get gas.

My daddy went into the gas station and my mother started tearing things apart, looking for secret compartments, pulling backs the carpet and wall panels. She was looking for bugs or listening devices. She was convinced someone had planted them on the RV and she was going to find them. My daddy came back, and my mother had to explain what she was doing. I don’t remember how the argument went, but the trip was ended abruptly and we headed home.


I keep seeing the topic of subliminals come up, so I am going to jump several years, while I am reminded of it.

My mother was schizophrenic, though I didn’t know the word for it until later, around the age of 12. It wasn’t very noticeable the first few years. Things like searching for bugs in my daddy’s RV, talking to the radio like it was listening- were just the tip of the iceberg in my childhood.

I can’t remember how old I was when my mother first spouting off about subliminal messages on a daily, sometimes hourly basis. I was between the age of 8 and 12, based on my very good memories of where we lived.

After my parents re-split up, my daddy purchased my mother’s home from her on South Street. I’m not sure why I wrote it as 3rd street above, that was inaccurate and I’ve never lived on a 3rd street anywhere that I can think of at the moment, off hand. I just updated my scrivener copy of this journal with the correct street, but alas I haven’t been wikiing these posts, so I can’t edit it here. Anyways, time to get away from my flaws as a perfectionist and back to the story. My father also helped my mother purchase a new home, it was older Victorian style home on the corner of 4th and Wichita.

The home on Wichita, had old white siding, and a big wrap around porch on the front side. The floorboards on the porch were painted black and many were beginning to rot. The porch was higher than I was tall at the time, and had white lattice that went from the deck portion, down to the ground. We had a really nice big front yard, a covered carport, and a fenced in back yard with a big white shed. The interior of the home was rather spacious. There were two bedrooms, a large walk in closet the size of a small bedroom and a bathroom upstairs. Downstairs there were four large room, two had old school French doors leading into the other two, as well as a kitchen. There was also a large fireplace constructed from white painted bricks.

My mother progressively showed more signs of her schizophrenia as time went by. At first you would not have known anything was abnormal, unless you lived with her. Eventually she reached a point in time where she rarely slept, would spend hours sketching clown faced people wearing clothes that would remind you of the circus. She painted flowers on our beautiful hard wood floors, drew maps on the wall, and would talk to the radio. Eventually she could no longer hold a job, because everyone was working against her and she felt she had to tell everyone about the subliminal messages and what the government was doing to her and her children. She tried to rip out the fireplace, tore up the carpet upstairs, demolished walls and many things trying to stop the activity underground and find the bugs she believed had been planted in our home, because she figured it out.

She would ramble for hours, about how everything was a subliminal message. Every song, every commercial, every talk host, was using subliminal messages from the psychics. The psychics were astrally touching her twat, my twat, and my sisters twat. The German army was going through underground tunnels under our home, and the fireplace would move up and down to allow their passage. I could on for hours, but the topic is subliminal messages.

She would talk about how the subliminal messages were in the radio waves, on the tv and soon we had a broken tv because she was convinced it was brainwashing us, and everyone who watched it. We were being brainwashed with subliminal messages so that we wouldn’t know who were really the bad guys. Everything was fake, and she had figured it out. The FBI and the CIA were a big conspiracy theory to her, and I cannot post my memories about the rest of the subject, due to the politics rule, because even though I don’t wish to discuss politics, most of my mothers rantings about subliminal messages were related heavily to politics.


Sorry to comment on such an old post, but I feel that you should know this is me, rather unexpectantly, when I’m just here for a good time:



I was going to type this up last night (actually this morning since it was around 5 am by the time I got motivated to actually do the work)but I found myself suddenly so tired, that I was asleep within minutes of laying down for a short rest. I ended up sleeping about 13 hours, and wanted to keep sleeping, but made myself get up to eat and shower and actually do this. I didn’t expect 2 hour pendulum sessions to drain me so hard, though I’ve also noticed that I always feel drained while my children are here.

I sat, quite literally in the bottom of the shower allowing the water to flow over me and absorbing its energy. Sun is normally my go to, but it’s winter and in Pennsylvania it may be weeks before I see the sun shine again. My mind kept drifting to why do my children drain me so? I pondered it for quite a while, at first wondering if it was one child, or both psy-vamping me.

I quickly realized that my daughter is content just being near me. She will happily lay on her bed or couch for hours just enjoying the ability to relax and watch movies, or she’ll literally dance around the apartment while listening to music, just happy for the freedom she experiences here, and not having to hide her personality. This led me to remember that while she struggled while I was away, it was actually my son, who rarely spoke up about it- that struggled the most.

When my children are here, it is my son that demands my constant attention. For example, both Saturday and Sunday morning he was up at the butt crack of dawn, despite being able to stay up later than he ever is at home. He quietly came out, not realizing I’d either not slept yet (Sunday morning) or that the movement had awakened me (Saturday morning). He got out headphones, turned on the TV, PlayStation and gamed without making a sound, until I got up to go to the bathroom. As soon as he realized I was awake he non-stopped talked about all sorts of things, even after I laid back down and rolled over. He’s always disappointed if I sleep late, take a nap, spend time talking to Madison, sit down to check my email or even when I’m making dinner. Anytime mom mode kicks in and I inadvertently tune out the chatter and focus on something else, my son feels like he is feeling neglected.

While I don’t think my son is a psy-vamp by nature, I do think he’s suffering from lack of attention at home, the children’s father has always been one to ignore them, tell them their conversations and ideas are stupid, no tolerance for noise, and pretty much you can go fck yourself on any conversation if he’s watching TV. My son’s need to just be himself, and to know someone loves him for what he is, is so great that he’s draining the fck out of me. I suppose time will tell how I should handle it, but hopefully it will lessen in time as well.

Now back to the purpose of this entry. I’ve been testing, Baal Kadmon’s pendulum methods. Essentially you charge a bottle of water with the intent of clearing the gunk in your subconscious mind, that causes pendulum errors. It doesn’t even sound like he channels the intent or the energy to do so in the bottle of water. He pretty much tells the reader to just fill the bottle of water, and then to write a word, or short statement on the bottle of water to represent the questions you will be asking the pendulum. He then says to stow it in the fridge for a few hours, overnight or even to just let it sit out. He also recommends using brainwave audios, to clear your mind and drop you into a trance state- before, during and for a few minutes after the pendulum work.

I am going to be pathworking through a book that requires the use of a pendulum for spirit communication. It does not fully evoke the angels of the Shem Ha-Mephorash, but the entire method of summoning and communication with the angels revolve around the pendulum. I was already going to work back through the 72 angels and demons at a slower pace than I took when I worked through them in August, so I figure a different approach could be enlightening.

As such I purchased a pendulum for the operation, and then created a pendulum board of my own- on a 12”x12” piece of poster board. For winging it, using two different sized plates for my circles, a measuring tape for sewing and an incense stick for a ruler, I think it looks okay enough to use for the operation. I then sketched a butterfly in the center, as this word is closely associated with my souls name and when I was trying to decide what to fill the space with, as I didn’t want to leave it blank, it stood out in my mind.

I am disappointed that pink metallic marker I used on the wings, was the biggest mistake of my life, as it looked like dirty blood smeared with dirty and would not stroke evenly on an my poster board, or paper or anywhere else. Shame I did not test it first. I tried covering it with a darker marker, but even black would not go over it. I ended up painting over the wings with black chalkboard paint. Despite the fact that symmetry is just not something I can do, I’m actually really pleased with how the butterfly came out in the end. Slightly annoyed that the pink metallic smeared and it looks like I put blood on this pendulum board, underneath the butterfly- but such life. It took me six tries to get the circles and letters nice enough that I could accept their imperfection, so I wasn’t doing it all again.

On a whim, I purchased a brainwave audio mp3, from Baal Kadmon’s website, for an entity that I’ve only worked with a few times. She’s been calling to me in my dreams, and I originally intended to purchase one of his files for the Loa spirits, as I work with the three he has audio for, then changed my mind. I’m curious to learn what this entity that is calling to me, has on the agenda and I had a few questions I knew she could answer anyways, though most of my questions are not directly related to her.

So long story short, I have a few questions- that even my trusted Balg friends, could only help me so much with. We’ve drawn broad conclusions, but confirmation is a nice thing isn’t it? Also I thought I had a partial name, for the entity the questions revolve around, as I had dreamed about it, or perhaps it was a vision. I’m not really sure, as I was trying to project to it, when it occurred. That entry would not only take up a lot of space, and I already squander space, but it gets rather personal so, I’ll only say that there were three names that I saw during the dream, and I knew two of them wrong and which was right. I was able to find similar spellings for the two I knew were wrong, but nothing for the one I knew was right. I obviously couldn’t remember the name that was right when I came out of it, or I wouldn’t have been on such a mission to find it afterward. I was certain it started with an L, and I thought the second letter was an a or an e, and that it was approximately 7 letters in length.

With a brand new cleansed and consecrated pendulum, pendulum board and a method of increasing your pendulum accuracy from 50% average to 80%, it only seemed right to take on a three day project, to see what I could learn about this entity and it’s name.


I placed a bottle of water in the back of my fridge, which I had labeled- questions about the voice, on Friday evening, prior to the arrival of my children. I spent the evening with them, then once they were in bed, got out my pendulum, board and the bottle of water. I followed Baal Kadmon’s recommendations and played the brainwave audio in my ear buds, while drinking the bottle of water and gazing at the sigil of Lilith- which I had pulled up on my computer screen. The pendulum and board laid between myself and the computer. I listened to the entire audio, (20 minutes) prior to beginning, then hit play as soon as it had ended. I noticed I quite easily dropped into trance, without even trying.
I began by confirming the yes and no movements on the pendulum, before getting into the questions. I also asked questions that I knew were either or wrong, between each question to see how things were progressing. I also asked each real question three total times, each day.

  1. Is Lilith with me? Yes

  2. Is my name Sandra? No

  3. Is Lilith with me? Yes

  4. Is my sons name Maria? No

  5. Is Lilith with me? Yes

Now that I feel confident you can see what I mean, by asking questions that I already knew were definitely yes or no, I’m only going to list the questions that I actually had questions about. I still asked each of these questions at least three times, with the ones I knew the answers too in between to keep constant verification that I was getting accurate answers.

  1. Will you (Lilith) answer questions about the voice, that I keep hearing calling my name? Yes

  2. Is the voice that I hear calling my name a shadow? No

  3. Is the voice that I hear calling my name, my ubi? (I used his name) No

  4. Is the voice that I hear calling my name from my boyfriend? (I used his name)? Yes

  5. Was the voice that I hear calling my name created by my boyfriend? Yes

  6. Does my boyfriend know that he created the voice that is calling my name? No

  7. Is the voice that I hear calling my name, here to protect me? Yes

  8. Is the voice that I hear calling my name integrating with me? (this question was based on something I saw in the dream/vision) Yes

By this point, I had long noted that there is a slight delay between the switch of the yes and no movements. I already noted that in practice sessions, but the significance here is that I noticed I could feel it where my fingertips held the pendulums chain, as it began to change. I also noticed that as the motion would begin to change, it would at first almost go in a circle, before straightening out to the new movement. Now I wanted to learn about the voice’s name, so I let Lilith know that I would be referring to it only as the voice going forward.

  1. Does the voice’s name start with L? Yes

  2. Are there more than 9 letters in the voices name? No

  3. Are there more than 5 letters in the voices name? Yes

  4. Are there more than 7 letters in the voices name? No

  5. Are there six letters in the voices name? Yes

  6. Is the second letter of the voices name A? No

  7. Is the second letter of the voices name E? No

  8. Is the second letter of the voices name I? No

  9. Is the second letter of the voices name O? No

  10. Is the second letter of the voices name U? Yes

  11. Is the third letter of the voices name A, B, C, D, E, or F? Yes

  12. Is the third letter of the voices name G, H, I, J, K or L? No

  13. Is the third letter of the voices name A, B, C, D, E, or F? Yes

  14. Is the third letter of the voices name M, N, O, P, Q, or R? No

  15. Is the third letter of the voices name A, B, C, D, E, or F? Yes

  16. Is the third letter of the voices name S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, or Z? No

  17. Is the third letter of the voices name A, B, C, D, E or F? Yes

  18. Is the third letter of the voices name A? Yes

  19. Is the third letter of the voices name B? No

  20. Is the third letter of the voices name A? Yes

  21. Is the third letter of the voices name C? No

  22. Is the third letter of the voices name D? No

  23. Is the third letter of the voices name A? Yes

  24. Is the third letter of the voices name E? No

  25. Is the third letter of the voices name F? No

  26. Is the third letter of the voices name A? Yes

Now that I feel confident, that you remember that I asked each question at least three times, with confirmation questions in between each asking, and that you can follow how I went through each block of letters to confirm which set of letters that I need to pay attention to. I’ll progress without showing all the question that don’t really apply to the answers. I followed the above outline for every letter, so I feel like it’s just wasting space to type it all out for each of the six letters of the voices name.

  1. Is the fourth letter of the voices name S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, or Z? Yes

  2. Is the fourth letter of the voices name S? Yes

  3. Is the fifth letter of the voices name S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, or Z? Yes

  4. Is the fifth letter of the voices name Z? Yes

  5. Is the Sixth letter of the voices name M, N, O, P, Q or R? Yes

  6. Is the Sixth letter of the voices name O? Yes

  7. Is the voices name Luaszo? Yes

  8. Is Luaszo my ubi? No

  9. Are you appearing my dreams because you want me to work with you? Yes

  10. Did you give me an incubus? Yes

    I thanked Lilith for her help, refilled the water bottle and placed it once again in the back of my fridge, for the next evening. I was surprised that it took me roughly two hours to ask all of my questions, and reach the end of the session.


Same preparation as the first day. The point of this session was to see if the answer varied at all from the previous day’s session. I also mixed up the order of the questions, after the first few, figuring that it gave clearer insight if they were out of order.

  1. Lilith are you with me? Yes

  2. Will you answer questions about the voice that I am hearing? Yes

  3. Is the voice that I hear calling my name from my boyfriend? Yes

  4. Does the voice’s name start with L? Yes

  5. Is the voices name Luaszo? Yes

  6. Is the second letter of the voices name U? Yes

  7. Is the voice that I hear calling my name, my ubi? No

  8. Are there six letters in the voices name? Yes

  9. Is the third letter of the voices name A, B, C, D, E, or F? Yes

  10. Was the voice that I hear calling my name created by my boyfriend? Yes

  11. Is the third letter of the voices name A? Yes

  12. Are you appearing my dreams because you want me to work with you? Yes

  13. Is the fourth letter of the voices name S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, or Z? Yes

  14. Did you give me an incubus? Yes

  15. Does my boyfriend know that he created the voice that is calling my name? No

  16. Is the fourth letter of the voices name S? Yes

  17. Is the fifth letter of the voices name S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, or Z? Yes

  18. Is the voice that I hear calling my name, here to protect me? Yes

  19. Is the fifth letter of the voices name Z? Yes

  20. Is the voice that I hear calling my name integrating with me? Yes

  21. Is the Sixth letter of the voices name M, N, O, P, Q or R? Yes

  22. Is the Sixth letter of the voices name O? Yes

  23. Is Luaszo my ubi? No

  24. Is the voice that I hear calling my name a shadow? No


Same meta as the previous two days, I was looking to see if I had consistent answers.

  1. Lilith are you with me? Yes

  2. Will you answer questions about the voice that I am hearing? Yes

  3. Are you appearing my dreams because you want me to work with you? Yes

  4. Does the voice’s name start with L? Yes

  5. Did you give me an incubus? Yes

  6. Is the second letter of the voices name U? Yes

  7. Is the voice that I hear calling my name, my ubi? No

  8. Are there six letters in the voices name? Yes

  9. Is the third letter of the voices name A, B, C, D, E, or F? Yes

  10. Yes Is the voice that I hear calling my name integrating with me? Ye

  11. Is the third letter of the voices name A? Yes

  12. Is the voice that I hear calling my name a shadow? No

  13. Is the fourth letter of the voices name S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, or Z? Yes

  14. Is Luaszo my ubi? No

  15. Does my boyfriend know that he created the voice that is calling my name? No

  16. Is the fourth letter of the voices name S? Yes

  17. Is the fifth letter of the voices name S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, or Z? Yes

  18. Is the voice that I hear calling my name, here to protect me? Yes

  19. Is the fifth letter of the voices name Z? Yes

  20. Is the Sixth letter of the voices name M, N, O, P, Q or R? s

  21. Is the Sixth letter of the voices name O? Yes

  22. Was the voice that I hear calling my name created by my boyfriend? Yes

  23. Is the voices name Luaszo? Yes

  24. Is the voice that I hear calling my name from my boyfriend? Yes

Some of these questions I know rare correct. Some I still need to confirm, but I am actually pretty astounded at the consistency across all three days and sessions. I expected to see variation from day to day, and that some questions might turn up with different answers, despite asking them three times each per session. As it is, I got consistent answers within each session and with each subsequent session.


Sorry, that was emotional for me when I was posting it too. :slight_smile: Surprised me as it’s been a few years since it happened.


Pfft! Why are you apologizing?! I’m sorry you had to go through that (even more than once). Losing a pet, even nearly losing one, is the hardest thing you can go through and I’m sorry to hear about the difficulties you’ve been through.

It’s been great to read a bit about your journey and your powers. It takes a lot of courage to post about stuff like this—real and raw—and I’m here for it.


I’m sitting here, looking out the lone window in my living space. There’s a small window in the bathtub area, but it really doesn’t effect my day. The sun is out today, or rather it was as it’s already begin to lower from the sky and drift behind the nearby mountains.

I’m obviously inebriated, despite the early hour, because well I’m alone again so I can be, so why the fck not. But it’s obvious because the word mountains, triggered thoughts about how different the mountains are here. How small they are in comparison to the mountains out west. How dreary the winter is without sun, and how many more people there are here, even in this rural community- I’m not far from the next one. But when I was in Washington state, you could drive quite a ways before you ever hit the next town and most of them, you’d wonder why the fck they bothered giving it a towns name. Really you would.

But I’m off topic. Funny how those factors were sometimes annoying yet, they are so damned appealing in life today. Granted it was even more remote, so my getting supplies daily dilemma would be more of an issue but. I’d go back in a heartbeat. If somehow, someway, 2600 miles wasn’t a barrier to seeing my children, one that they just can’t withstand going through again until it’s their choice and not mine that there is distance between us, but if somehow that was not a problem, I’d be on the next train home.

It’s not even home, I don’t understand why I feel that way about, despite being off topic to what I wanted to note. Washington isn’t home. I have nobody there. An ex-roommate that I’ve not spoken to since May and a man with troubles of his own that I could help, but he doesn’t want my help so for now, they are troubles of his own. Yet somehow Washington is the place I call home.

So it’s not family, it’s not friends. I don’t have anyone in those departments here either, the closest would be to go back to Oklahoma, but that isn’t home. Not anymore than here is. Old friends I haven’t spoken to in 20 years sure. Family I’ve not seen since my mothers funeral, oh like 8 years ago? Old employers, small towns, explanations to give of how fckd up my adult life has been, to people who don’t care but would ask cuz curiosity is a human thing? I mean I did up and just leave and never look back. No one out there knows anything more than the bare minimum.

I think I’m good. There’s not really much I miss, other than the weather never got as cold, and snow didn’t happen. The summers weren’t humid, but Oklahoma represents all my awkward years. All the years I didn’t own who and what I was. That I let people walk over me, and use me and make fun of me, and not once did I ever stand for myself.

That’s why Oklahoma isn’t home. What excuse does Pennsylvania have? I mean I still haven’t gotten to my topic, but I swear this is more interesting ramblings anyways. At least to the topic of the journal- which is Current Past Lives. I’m not really sure I’m learning anything here, but I find how the human mind works very interesting. Especially mine, but all human minds. I analyze everything, so naturally I even analyze my own thoughts. What do they mean to me, what do I think this or that, where did that habit come from, etc.

So anyways, what does Pennsylvania, have to say for itself? 14 years is a long time, its not quite the 19 I did growing up in Oklahoma but. It’s enough, and its going to get there because of reasons so. Why isn’t this place home? Why do I hate it so damned much? Is it because most of the people to be on the rude side? Is it because weeds not legal and few are very open minded about anything, let alone weed here? Is it the long dreary winters and high humidity?

Or is it me? Is there something inside of me that just rejects this place because it’s not someplace else and none of these factors matter at all? Is it the history I have here? I don’t really have any history other than employment wise, and with my ex’s family. I was never really allowed to have friends, my step family is gone, and well I am awfully fcking alone some days. But that bothered me in Washington too. So it’s not that, because I would definitely be bothered by being alone too many days in a row, and honestly I am on a real long stretch right now, for months I’ve not left except to occasionally walk across the street to the gas station, and it seems. That I’m getting better at doing alone.

Alone last year was new and scary. I mean I’d not lived alone since I was 19 years old. I only did it then for 3 months anyways. So alone when I got here in July was scary, because even in Washington, I had a roommate, and a boyfriend. A domestic violence shelter full of woman. I was never truly alone there, even though I might go up to an entire seven days alone. There was always someone to text or call or ignore. I was overdramatic about it really, but to be fair I’d been a mom a long time. It’d only been a few years with my lung condition, so while I had already dealt with the bulk of the not being able to work drama, I had drama over being alone. Even at 11 and 13, my kids were in my face non stop. Plus I had an ex. So I thought I was real lonely in Washington, it doesn’t even begin to compare however to now, and well I’m coping pretty well there so. It’s not the loneliness

It’s definitely not the internet. I can say that with confidence cuz I wanted to try Comcast for 13 years and now that I have it, god I’ll never not have cable internet for my gaming, unless it just isn’t offered again.

So where does that leave me? What do I actually hold against this place? Is it the people who form tight little clicks in this community and laugh at you from the outside? I mean a little. This is the only place in my entire life that I’ve ever noted for being this bad about it. I mean everyone thinks they know everything about me, mostly from my ex-husbands claims, and in actuality, not one of them knows anything, unless my name and kids names and his counts. I also have to give some points here, I never could before but one of my ex-husbands aunts reached out to me on Facebook, and then her two daughters and well. Her husband and son made my ex made at them like four years ago. He’s still not speaking to them, they live like less than 2 miles apart and his reasons weren’t completely just him being a dick, but he became the biggest dick in the ordeal. But his family, the family that’s on the outs for being the black sheep and standing up for themselves, well they reached out to me. Offering support and transportation aid. Granted I’m sure I’ll never take it, because I don’t like to use people, but I mean I gotta give credit where credit is do. It was nice of them, amazing actually.

So I look back out the window, with like a tear on my cheek, because I know to an extent why this is not home and never will be. It’s because, I did a lot of wrong things. I did a lot of right things here too, but I did so many more wrong. I didn’t believe in myself. I’m a damned good and hard worker and yet, when I look back at how I moved through the ranks with employers and did so well… I still was always lazy. I like to pretend that well it isn’t so bad, … I’ve even said at least I know I gave it 100%, but that’s not fcking true. I was lazy. I’ve always been lazy. I graduated with a 4.62 gpa, 7th in my class, and that’s because I was fcking lazy.

I never once studied for anything. I always did my homework for one class in another. Teachers liked me and overlooked my rushed mistakes because they knew I could do it. I slept through 12th grade fcking English class every mother fcking day, and would score so high on my book reports that my English teacher let me sleep and didn’t care that I couldn’t grammar because I was one of the only students she’d ever had that could write a 20 page book report instead of 4, and keep it interesting without plagiarizing the book.

Lol and that’s not even getting into my adult life. To be fair, there were times I couldn’t When my kids were babies, my son cried all night, I worked second shift and my daughter got up at 6 am- while my ex-husband slept all night and I got yelled at for taking a nap. But I’m still lazy, cuz that was only a few years and I am still lazy to this day.

Also if I’m going to hold my high school self imposed failures on Oklahoma, well then no wonder Pennsylvania is not home. This is the place that I let myself get put into a tiny little cage and because I am an empath, I would never hurt anyone else to help me. I could never save money no matter how hard I tried and I could never hurt someone, to free myself. So it go worse and festered and eventually it became a situation where if I didn’t, I knew I wasn’t going to be anymore. Either my actions would end my life, maybe I’d be life in jail or dead or his would. Pretty much same scenario.

So that’s why I don’t like this place. I mean it has lots of other things against it like the weather and my lungs but. Mostly, I want to forget and move on from most of this shit and its hard. It’s hard because there’s always someone who doesn’t know or doesn’t understand or believed I was really in a mental institution for gambling till I came home in May so… I can’t. I have to face it and deal with it and yeah hiding out alone is not so bad when you just want to avoid life. No wonder being alone became so easy, cuz out there. I just don’t like explaining how I got to be where I am, and man. You either dos that when you meet new peoples or you make something up or you just don’t say but its part of me. My story doesn’t make sense without, so sometimes, it has to be told or you find me ducking under questions and hoping not to bump into that person again… like ever… in a town of 1500

I think that’s enough mind analyses for one day. I know I’ve been working up to that one for a while, I’ve been calling Washington home since the day I got back. The only thing I can determine for sure is maybe home is truly where your heart is. Maybe it’s because I had friendships there, that were amazing. The kind where you knew no matter what, the other person had your back. I left those there. I kinda miss it tbh, and I’m not stupid enough to think going back means I’ll find more of those, but the emotional attachments must, in same way influence where the home is.

Sadly now that I can get back to the original topic, it was also a mind thing. I was looking out my window this afternoon, enjoying the rare beaming rays of the sun and I noticed how dirty my window is. Not like dirty but like fingerprints and outside weather. It made me think of how my ex husband and my roommate, couldn’t stand dirty windows. To the point of ridiculousness, yet me?

I don’t even care. Not the inside, not the outside the only way I care about fingerprints on the windows, is if they are dirty or I’m trying to see and can’t see a detail because of it. But my windows facing a mountain and some houses. Nothing I’ll ever be trying to see a fine detail on. It’s amusing because I can’t stand clutter. I hate dirty dishes and laundry sitting around, I don’t like when the kids leave their bed unmade and though I hate sweeping the floor and half ass it all the time cuz it’s not actually dirty… I can’t leave it undone. So why the flying fck, don’t my windows ever need to be cleaned? I mean how does my mind work that most dirtys are bad, but dirty windows are whatever? lol what can I learn from this? I don’t even know yet, but there must be some inner significance or maybe not but I’m inebriated and well the human mind is so interesting to me. How did we get there, from here.


This one is a work of inebriated fiction. I was angry, I was upset, I was crying and then? I was telling myself a story.

“You are sure?” I’m certain my face remained blank, but still the demon twitched, almost as if he was hurt.

“Yes milady, you have watched us diligently and you know this true.”

“Yes well, I also expected he would change his mind long before you showed up to enforce the clause.”

“My queen, you knew that would not happen as long as you did not act upon the free will clause.”

“You’re the one who always tells me nothing is set but the benchmarks, and you know I wasn’t sure he knew what he was choosing. There was a time frame given after all to ensure his awareness.”

“Well, as fate would have my queen, he’s aware and he chooses to allow you to suffer.”

The demon must have been acting before, as he did not seem to notice my fist slamming onto the table. “Is there really no other option?”

“We can go over it again, but you know the answer has remained the same. Once enacted upon in this lifetime, you are bound to the agreement. You still have a window of time to enact the free will clause, but once that window has passed, you must choose what you will do. This lifetime was a privilege- an extra but part of the agreement allowing you to take this one, is your commitment to your cause. You must meet the benchmarks, and you must keep this contract as that is your will, and his. You were certain of what you were doing when it was drafted up, to date it’s the most iron clad contract we’ve ever encountered, and you know that is why you were allowed one more before you ascend.”

“Yes well what good is it, if I am only able to meet the benchmarks? If my personal reasons for taking this lovely vacation in paradise, are unable to be met, why the hell did I agree to this? Did I not know it would happen? The Blackfoot have confirmed it, the Greek have confirmed it, the god damned Egyptians have confirmed it- this lifetime was almost entirely planned, and there are only gaps of time that were not set, only a few things that are truly choices!”

“We have began to assume that you did know this my queen, and so did your knight. We believe that is why this clause exist. You can be upset and have tantrums all day long, yet you both agreed that if he ever chose to make you suffer in this lifetime, you would do the same to him or it would cost those near to him, as well as what health he has.”

“I will never accept that.” My lip was probably sticking out as my hands moved from crossing my breast to cover my tear filled eyes. “I can’t do that to him, I can’t hurt him- just because he chooses to hurt me. I can’t, it’s unbearable and it hurts me even worse than the hurt he intentionally inflicts upon me!”

“You don’t have to accept it my queen. It already is, it already was, and it will most certainly be as you both agreed to it previously and this is not the only blood binding lifetime it’s applied to. You know this, and you may not be aware of the skill you have possessed in any lifetime, but if the measly amount of power you flex this life time puts you on edge, you cannot even begin to comprehend the sum of your power when you take your true form.”

“I don’t want it, someone else can have it, it doesn’t make happy, it doesn’t help me out, It’s wasted. I’ve been lazy this entire lifetime and I sure intend to continue to be that way, for as long as I shall suffer, because that’s all I can do.”

“Milady, all want the suffering to end and soon. We’ve felt it for months, we’ve tried to help, to ease it but it seems that the contract prevents us from doing anything effective for you. None of us feel you deserve it, and many of us are aware of accomplishments and generosity. There are truly few that oppose your ascension, for even those who do not mesh are able to recognize you have earned it ten times over with your years of service, sacrifice and skill.”

“You cannot sway me into wanting this life. Not like this, not while I have to suffer. Not while I have to make him suffer or he’ll loose even more than he already has in this life. That is not fair to me, he will never understand or forgive me or understand that was better than allowing his loved ones and health to perish and the console I might be able to take, is that at least when I reach my dying breath, I know he will feel it. I won’t be alone, I’ll never truly be alone, even if he never acknowledges the thread.”

“But you can take away his will my queen.”

“Yes, I am as aware of that, as you are of the test I’ve done to see if that clause truly applied with equality and we are both aware that it does. But what do I gain by taking way his free will? His right to choose? Would I not be doing to him what he is to me, by choosing to make suffer?”

“Perhaps so, but the clause was agreed upon by both of you.”

“Indeed it was, but I will not take away his right to choose.”

“As you wish My Lady. Consider it done.” The demon in front of me began to fade, yet I could have sworn I heard him whisper in my ear as the last glimpse ended. “Did you do everything you could? Did you truly give it your all? What about revenge my queen?”

My body sunk as I watch the minion exit the scene. “What of it asshole.” My tears fell heavily down my cheeks. My chest tightened. No, I hadn’t done everything. I chose to protect, to deflect and eventually to reflect some of it. I chose to let him have freedom, to let him not suffer because I was. To not curse him with what happened to his son, or plague him with things he wouldn’t be able to handle. He’d demanded that, and I respected it. I suffered alone so that he wouldn’t have to suffer as much. I knew he still suffered to a degree, but as long as I suffered the bulk of it, he would never have to.

I almost laughed out-loud when my thoughts finally drifted to “What about revenge?” Well, what of it? I don’t desire it. It wont help or make me happier. All it does is ensure he hurts and suffers more than he has to. I know the contract allows for it, but why would I do that to the love of my life? The man which caused me to be here this time around? The sum total of my lives is sure he’s worth the suffering so, how could I ever feel better while harming him. That is truth, and I know it within my heart. It’s bad enough as it is, he’s going to suffer because he forces me to suffer. He’s going to struggle and try and fail. Wash and repeat, for as long as he inflicts this upon me. Most of it will even come from me. Not all of it, I know the contract is embued magically and my choice has already began to effect him, though he may yet to be aware of it. I know I will be aware of much of it though. So much of it that it already hurts. It’s really not fair, isn’t it bad enough to feel my own pain and suffering without having to endure his as well?

I was gasping for air but I knew the answer. I had no choice, because I refuse to take away what he holds dear. I refuse to inflict the greater wound, to take away what matters to him. I will not allow him to loose everything because of the choice he makes and I will not allow myself to take his free will. It is done, there is nothing I can do about it. Months have led up to this, and yes there was more I could do, but none of that, was ever someting I would do- for his sake.

Will I ever be able to embrace who I am? Will I ever be able to do this and not feel as if I’m merely a pawn in a game? This lifetime was supposed to be mine. Everything in the contract, everything dredged from the pits of history and brought forward has shown, I earned this lifetime. No one does that. No one gets to negotiate an extra lifetime just because they want one more. I understand I paid dearly for it too, though I’m not even sure how dearly.

I still am not able to fully conceptualize how hierarchy amongst spirits works. I understand that the names are titles and not their real names. Like my name is Aphione and I am moving up to replace Epione. It’s been planned for thousands of years. I’ve completed my training, excelled every lifetime and quite frankly I am a spiritual try hard despite the haters I do occasionally cross in my journeys. I understand that part of my cost was fewer gifts this lifetime, but it still seems like most of them can be unlocked, even if I couldn’t enter with them. I understand in a way that this extra lifetime came at a cost, but yet you can’t just sign up for them when you’re on the brink of ascension so, I even understand how that demonstrates my total sum power in itself.

Not that I’ll ever see what I can do. Not when the suffering runs so deep. Even if it didn’t I don’t think I would ever see it, not while he refuses his role. I know my power doesn’t hinge on his, but it draws upon it, just as his does mine. I would have loved to explore it and theorize and analyze and truly learn what I could do, even with the hobbles in place… But why? Why bother when he destines me to suffer? If I am going to suffer even when I come into what is mine, then I can’t see any reason to put out the effort. I know, it’s a shame. I held a lot of promise for this lifetime even with the hobbles. I’ve done and prove myself this lifetime already. I’ve demonstrated how the hobbles don’t actually hold me back, they just delay the inevitable. I guess I knew that coming in, but it took a while to understand this time around.

So many things I understand or can grasp the corner of yet, I can’t understand an unbreakable contract. Even with basic conceptualization of my sum power, how am I that good. How is there not an entity that can break or remove this. I understand he’s more than he thinks he is, but he can’t do it either, even if he believes so. It will be futile, this is iron clad. I’ve seen generation contracts that were able to be broken, yet somehow if ours was acted upon on, in this lifetime- the option to nullify it is removed.

Unless I can find a way out, and the best of the best have not-I may truly be destined to make the one I love suffer for the rest of my lifetime, simply because he forces me too in choice. Because if I don’t then another clause is enacted, and I will wear the weight of his health and his family on my shoulders as well.

I don’t care if my office is that of Soothing Comfort or not. I simply can’t do that to him. I will not allow it.

I hear, “Is he worth it?” from somewhere in the distance. It sounds physical and yet I know that it is not. I waved both hands in the air, unsure if he could hear me, “It doesn’t even matter. You don’t have to believe and honestly no one does. He has chosen. I have chosen. We have both chosen and it is done.”

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I don’t feel it yet, but I know I will.