In the Path of Smoke, there needs to be candles burning 24/7, and my problem with this is that for some weird reason, within maybe 6 hours, 3 pillar candles just damn fing vanished when I didn’t look at them. Any idea what this could mean?
I don’t get the word dark staot. Is it a kind of dark power? or a dark aura that brings about transformation in you and the world around you?
Most likely, the candle burned down fast because the wick wasn’t fully centered, or the wax was too soft for the wick and burned up. If it happens repeatedly with different candle brands then I’d suspect supernatural effects. As not all of them did it I’d look for mundane causes.
Once is nothing, twice a coincidence, three times a pattern.
The dark staot is basically a litany. It’s a kind of prayer. A “dark” prayer. lol
More on here about that:
I see but well, it happens regularly with different candle brands. But the main candle brand i use always burned for 7h- 10h i ordered candles that burn for 9-10 days to keep the flame lit at all times but it´ll take a while till they arrive.
In my personal experience alot of it will depend on if you are making your own candles or buying them intermingled with the resonances of your personal energies while interacting with this current and the internal resistances you have toward your own unfolding.
This can manifest in alot of ways.
From 7 day candles even those made properly to burn the full seven days cooking themselves in 12 hours to them frying the glass pitch black to the rare event of one popping in the altar like a spent shotgun shell to just burning normally for 6-7 days.
Fyi these are all things my altar candles have done.
But the important part from what i have learned is to do to the best you realistically can to keep it burning. Cause you have to remember, this is not a flame you tend to some outside deific force. You are symbolically and ritually as well as literally tending the flames of your own spiritual fire. This over time has a very real effect in the practioners live if done so honestly as it is an act of self care, self love and self respect to the truths inside YOUR soul and this honest and truthful effort is reciprocated by all levels of self.
As for the Dark staot think of it as a way to energetically break down the bonds of complex energies in reality to so they can be brought into meditation and analyzed so that through understanding and insight you can create new forms and fomulea with these forces.
The mantra of dark staot in a sense give you a way to access the chemistry lab of reality and play with it. Just be honest with yourself and your intent and why you are tryin to achieve something. Self deception has a way of acting like impurities in these metaphorcal chemicals and you body and life experience YOUR temple are what have to bare the brunt of any explosions you cause.