Hello all. Is there a spell to recover a lost password?
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Hi. Not for this forum but for a digital wallet in my computer. Thanks for replying and I will appreciate any help.
Well then, it is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves, so PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tells us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:
Try this: The Angel Of Lost Things - Sigil & Information
Try to place yourself mentally in a daydream, imagining the time the password was first created. Write down or draw anything you see, feel, hear, smell, sense - even taste.
Also please do an intro, as requested.
Thank, i also have problem now with digital wallet, I have found programs to recover password, but need time to make use of it.
Ah, I think we’re going to start seeing this a lot: I do recall that a lot of spirits, angels and demons alike (and “demon” is hardly an accurate word for many of the beings, but that’s a digression) are listed in grimoires for “finding buried treasure” - that from the days when people would bury gold and precious objects to hide them from the latest war, or insane monarch, or Viking slave raid, etc.
So have a look for older spirits who assisted people in parallels of the same situation that people face now with cryptos.
Your passwords are all stored in your subconscious mind.
Use the intention to remember it, and fire off a Spare-style sigil. The password will come back into your head as soon as you forget to search for it.
You could try humming a song and just go to the log-in, without thinking and certainly without obsessing or stressing, and see if your fingers (or thumb) automatically go for a specific key, that may also bring it back.
Well I have that problem, the file that contains password for program is corrupted, and program doesn’t read it. So even as i can remember password, it don’t give anything because program don’t recognize the password. I need somehow restore the file to be readable for program.