Parasite question

:joy: what I ment is cursing. He doesn’t do it often or in big quantities. In all honesty he speaks in a “now” tone.


I agree. I established a relationship with Belial early on, as in he literally popped into a ritual session. After that I found I could call on him if I had questions about the legitimacy of an entity I had doubts on or simply wanted to verify.

2 Likes there less possibility to meet imposters when you project to there realm? 2.maybe silly question but do you need astral sense to project to different realms ? 3.can you project at any random moment or do you need to go to sleep? 4.if we talk about minutes how fast can you project to there realm? i mean when you decide to do it. from the first moment to the moment you reach there realm

It’s less likely to happen if you’ve worked your senses and can scan, but it’s still a possibility just not Thoughtform imposters as thoughtforms cannot leave the personal mentalscape or astral/mental plane.

You need worked out clairvoyant abilities, astral senses is a (no offense) a stupid term to me because people use it as a catch all for being able to sense in general when astral senses is more of a sub term for when you are projected to the astral and using your senses. Outside of the astral is silly to call it that.

You can project at any moment, most go to sleep because they want to be completely immersed in it or can’t not be distracted.

Personally I can almost instantly because of focal points, without a focal point you’ll have to manually go to the etheric and find a means of calling them because for example Cernunnos has his own realm that’s locked off from simple entry so one would need to call him and have him come or send someone to you to take you to him, once you’re there then you’ve established a focal point.


you are boss, i hope that i soon can do that. it sounds like that a person can do a projection faster than doing a evocation.

i ordered a U.C will that aid in projections ?

What’s a U.C?

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universal circle from EA


Ah, I don’t know I don’t use anything from EA, my projection progress has been from my own work.


How many times does it have to be said? The Universal Circle is for evocation. It aids in the manifestation of spirits. It won’t help with projection.

However, those who have slept within it have described having very lucid dreams.


Test it for yourself and see

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of course im going to do that. in mean time i am trying to gather information if i may

Yes, which means you can use the circle as a gateway for projection, if you already know how to project, but in itself, the circle does not necessarily help with that. Sitting in it will not suddenly give you the ability, in other words.

You can use it to evoke a spirit to help you to project, though.

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in what way can a spirit help me with projection? knowledge, give abilities, or other things.

i always ask the same question at multiple source. everybody says the same general things but everybody tells slight different details that makes the puzzle complete, i notice that with information videos about a new phone. if its against the rules please tell me. i don’t want trouble or get banned

There’s no abilities you can be given that helps with projection.

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A spirit can teach you how to project. They can also pull you out of your body to help facilitate that teaching, but you still have to practice. There’s no getting around the actual learning to do it yourself part.


i saw video of a guy he said, that it took 3 years to hear spirits, does it also take that long to project?, i know for everybody it is different, also how much does a person practice during the week plays a role, but if one practice daily how long does it take on average ?

No one can answer that question. There are just too many variables that effect one’s ability, like the technique used, personal energetic make up, natural affinity, etc.

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can i do a petition to ask Bathin or Gaap pull me out of my body? or gazing at there sigil and ask them that?
or can that only be asked via a evocation?

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There’s no harm in asking either way.