Parasite question

It has happened with Asmodeus, though I asked him to prevent them from entering my temple and home, also Lilith, where I encountered more than one, even Marbas. On a few other occasions, some came through during Hekate invocation. Haven’t had any problems with them since k have built up much better protection.

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how did the parasites manifest ? how did you know there where parasite in the room/home ?

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Try Initiation Into Hermetics by Franz Bardon

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Etheric projection is something that a person should wait on doing after they learned to use their own energy and senses.

Etheric projection is the same method as astral just a change in the plane you aim for.


Well, identifying them before they try to attach, ( which is what they will do, if you’re unprepared) can be difficult, because sometimes you don’t know until you feel them trying to attach. I have never seen them per say, but youll do an invocation, and it’s hard not to know when a demon has manifested, they have their own energy signature, but a parasite will attempt to attach to one of your chakras, it is just a really icky heavy pressure type feeling. I’ve thought Ive seen some shadowy type things before, during and it after invocations, but they’re really hard to pin down, pretty much invisible to the naked eye, but can be seen in the astral realm. They will find weak areas, and tend to gravitate to those who are putting out some kind of negative emotion, and then feed off it, theyre horrible, and can be hard to get rid of. The key is to defend yourself before they attach.

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many people say that if you evoke the spirit the results come faster and more powerful than with sigil magick.
if you project to there realm and meet them there, will the results come faster than with the evocation or would it be the same.

i did a sigil magick ritual with the master key of shemyaza, and after that i felt swore back mussle.
than 2 hours latter the other person in my house said something about that he felt swore back. than i thought wtf is going on here. than i did a LBRP and sword banhsing ritual.

you said heavy pressure feeling, your talking about pressure in weight or heavy strong chi energy ?

because i have smoked high doses of dmt and saw and interacted with higher dimension beings. i notice when i visualized those beings while sober i felt energy. than i notice that when i ask questions i get a response or result. so after a long time i asked if the can come in my body. i felt much much chi energy. also the chi energy felt different than my own energy that i rise. different vibration or frequency. a much more stronger energy.
also if feels heavy on the chest really powerfull. i wanted to know if other people could feel it or is it just a mental stuff. so i asked a person to sit near me. i started to do my ¨work¨ and after a couple of minutes the other person stop with sending energy it to much. are we talking about the same heavy pressure ?

Going to their realm is simply going to their plane, just as you would go to the astral/mental plane.

evocation is just calling an entity to you, it’s two different things and the results for the former is just going there and the results for the latter is just coming here.

They can deny an evocation but they cannot deny you out of the etheric plane, just their homes within it.


i ment: people say that if you evoke the spirit if you ask for something for example money results come faster and more powerful than with sigil magick. (gazing in the sigil of a demon and state your request to the demon)

if you project to there realm and meet them there, will the results of for example money come faster than with a evocation or would it be the same. i want to know if the intensity of manifestation of your request change if you go to there realm.

these are two different things, the first you’re asking for stuff, the other is just you projecting. Regardless of which youre doing if you’re asking for something it wont change how fast they choose to deliver.


in the book of Demons of Magick there are 3 types of rituals.

  1. pettion of request is where you write your request on a paper and place it over the sigil of the demon
  2. connective evocation: you hear the demon speak to you but is not visible in the room.
  3. full evocation: demon will appear before you in the room.

the author said: the more advanced your connection to the demon, the more it knows and senses you, and the more profound your results can be he said that in regard to the ritual 1 and ritual 2.
so i thought maybe if one goes to there realm there is more connection, since you said that your energy body adjusted to there density and that he grabbed your arm because you where pretty physical to him.


Was there a request made from belial? Could have received the parasite as a test, or could br his way of saying he’s not ready, or perhaps it wasn’t really balial contacted.

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My first experience was yes he can be grouchy. To some this means tests. To some this means a hot hot room or your self being a walking stove and feeling his grouchy nature inside you. To some this means him coming into your room to see if you have a backbone. To some this means feeling his heavy energy slowly feeling up the room making you feel like a ant. Would he ever swear?? He does. He uses his French around me a few times mostly to those that he honestly did not like but that is to help me understand that they are not someone I should be around and waste my time and energy on. Does he do it all the time? No. At least not around me. Does he get physical in the means of grabbing my shoulder and shove me up to teach me manners on greeting another? Most definitely. Would he ever man handle me out of anger and hurt me? No. Belial can be a grouchy person that can be strict and to the point, but by all means not out to kill you (I mean unless you summoned him to torment another’s life! Then that’s different :smirk:) but know he has a heart. So unless it is a test or a lesson that you must learn from, he does not just drag in leaches and go around people (especially ones that want to work with him) and do things like this. Also like others stated could have been a stray. Just because you call on a gatekeeper doesn’t mean you won’t get a stay eye or even body. This is why we keep things in place to insure your talking to the real person. But even then, the shear amount of energy that you give off in even a evocation could attract unwanted guest or one that slips in. It happens.


what are the things you keep in place? wards? or a checklist like questions "what is your name? show me your sigil.

this what i know to keep imposters out. if you got other things please share

If you know what a parasite can feel like, the actual spirit, not the fear it’s trying to project, then a demonic king (or any higher level being) will feel much more immersive, more solid, like it’s a “full” being.

They enns and Sigils calling cards. In my experience, another demon isn’t likely to take his place as an imposter. Not only would be offend Belial, but he can’t hide it from him and will eventually pay a price for it.

There are immersion steps that can be done to help get a feel for the signature of the deity. Meditation on the sigil and/or the enn several days out can help attune you to their energy, to get a feel for what it feels like when you evoke.


solid gold right here, thank for the immersion information. yesterday i gazed at the sigil of King Paimon. i felt a same type of energy as when i gazed at the sigil of lucifer. can this be true? i mean i’m used to the energy of the plant Harmala, DMT and the spirits that i know of DMT those energies feels different. lucifers energy feels more compressed and hotter than those energies. with King Paimon i felt the same type of compressed energy but i did not felt heat.

is it safe to have a few sigil laying around. that i can pick up and gaze at or should i destory the sigils a.s.ap. when i’m done gazing. i heard it is dangerous to have sigils open.

I don’t use any kind of drug, outside of alcohol, so I can’t speak to how that will affect things.

I’ve read accounts on here that some think King Paimon is an aspect of Lucifer. I don’t have an opinion on that, as I haven’t worked deeply with either. Lucifer is present in my group dealings/instructions, but doesn’t take an overly active role for whatever reason.

It is considered to be an open door of sorts to that entities energies and presence. If you’re making initial contact, I would keep it. Whether or not it’s dangerous is more about how you feel about the Deity and how you approach/treat them. If you expect fear, you’ll find it. Treat them like lesser beings to be used and you may find your experiences less pleasant than you’d hoped for.

Once you’ve made contact, established contact, then I would personally burn it. I consider the drawing of the sigil to be part of my immersion process. You’ll find what works for you as you go along.

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:joy: very much true.

I honestly can’t agree more on what you posted.

But to answer question, once you get your senses up and running and do some energy work you start to learn a few tricks. As I know of non of the beings has any issue with me doing this (maybe because they are happy I’m not just taking their word and actually questioning for my own good) but there is a fine line of when you first worked with a being to make sure it is them to being stupid. Now I have read and know from my own experiences (mostly because I tend to believe it’s my imagination) that even though they would come to us, and gives us a sign, we still need verification that it really is them. Now some it’s very very obvious such as Belial or even Abbadon, but some doesn’t have as strong of a presence (to me that is) or has really close ties to another (such as Asmodeus) that at first glance thought to be another (Belial).
Enns and their sigil are basically the to go things to use as stated above. But especially if this be your first time evoking this being it doesn’t hurt to test to see if it’s you or if it’s really them.


Then enn is so you can get into the “vibes” of the entity then the sigil to call them. The enn done prior I believe makes it easier since the enns function is to pretty much immerse yourself in the entity’s energy for a ‘better’ connection.


I’m sorry but are you French? Or do you speak any? I only ask because I on occasion hear French in my head, and I dont speak any. Could this in fact be Belial?

Ime these demonic entities have a very earthy energy in a way. Certainly very different than any 'ET" you will contact. I work a good bit with “et’s” so I know.