So I’m researching or attempting to research the origins of easter symbolism and strangely enough it was easier last year. This year I noticed something different. That google is infected with search results from Christian websites that blatantly deny that they eggs and bunnies which are symbols of fertility known to cultures the world around are not pagan in origin which of course is false. The Christian sites are so rife with blatant misinformation and ardent denial of the goddess connection to the spring fertility holiday. Go figure. The credible sources such as yale University have been showing some promising results on the reality however they have been relegated to the bottom of the search engines and buried and obscured…
It appears that the christians are pushing back in the information war the best way they know how…by flooding the arena with propaganda and misinformation. All wars have loads of propaganda but especially information wars. So far I have found this site which sheds some light The Ancient Pagan Origins of Easter | Ancient Origins
So I suspect, as usual, I will be fighting this war as a one man army unless some of you would like to volunteer to assist me in defending the goddess and the fertility holiday the celebration of the spring equinox. If not then dont be surprised when all of Christiandom decides it the righteous and nobel thing to burn us at the stake for having beliefs that challenge their supremacy like they have century after century eradicating history and fact and replacing it with their own propaganda like they have been doing for over a millennia.
Should you so choose to put down the chocolate bunny and the jelly beans for 5 minutes and do a little research please post any helpful links here in this thread.