Pacts, offerings, evoking demons, you name it…there are countless threads and topics posted about everything you’re asking for. All of that has been covered. Just use the search function to find them.
no i haven’t found anything. everyone is all over the map.
i started looking at love spells dead end too.
do you know a love spell that works fast ?
or like make someone want you like crazy they will do anything to get you or be with you kind of spell ??
May I ask how do you make a pact with 2 demons for the same thing ? Do you call both at once and write both their names on the pact? Or seperate for each ? I’m planing on making a pact and am drawn to 2 demons it will be good if I can make the pact with both
I definitely needed to hear this. I’m in the midst of a similar problem. Court case going on two years now. Won’t accept a plea because immigrating is important to me. It’s very tough, but I still have faith. Say a few words for me if you can while talking with demons.