Pact signing in blood

I have to sign a pact with my own blood next week, do I dip a pen in it and write with that? Or should I not mix the blood with ink and use my finger instead?
This will be the first time Ive ever had to do this. Maybe it doesn’t matter but I thought I should ask anyway.


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the guys i have a pact with involved blood, I just had to smear a bit on the objects they are attached to, but it might be different on a case by case basis.

What if you use your fingerprint instead? As unique as a signature…

I’ve only done one blood pact, about 5 years ago. Kind of funny that Mundopincha mentioned a fingerprint because looking back on it now I guess that’s what I did without realizing it. I wrote the pact out on paper and signed it in ink, then cut my finger and pressed it against my signature, it did leave a finger print, though that wasn’t my intention at the time but it does make sense after reading this.

I do have to say, looking back now, that the results were pretty intense. It was to better my life because I was pretty much an outlaw; plus I was in a terrible marriage as well. Ended up getting a killer legitimate job (killer due to the possability for advancement, started out mowing lawns for company housing), though my life went to shit aside from the job. Everything went upside down and backwards, after 2 years of disaster and divorce, I ended up with an amazing woman (got the ring, about to propose next week) and getting payed a lot of money at a leagal/hard working job as a machinist at the compant I became employed at during this period (I now contribute to my “outlaw” MC through charity bike runs, 30k of which was donated to the hospital that saved my son’s life last year, he had an infection seeping into his briain).

A blood pact can seem to take you through hell (mine did), but when its over all the pieces fall where they need to be to make you better. Not sure if your experience will be the same, just thought I’d share mine. My pact was with the god Set (chaos, storms, change, evolution), that may have made mine more intense, not sure. Good luck to your’s, mine was well worth it.

Long story short:) I don’t really think the application of the blood really matters as long as the intent and terms of the pact (and goal you wish to achive) are there when you give the blood. But from my experience it’s worth the short term turmoil.

Good ideas. I may do a bit of everything - dip the pen in blood, sign my name and also put a bloody finger print on it as well. I can cover all bases that way, and like you say, its intent.

Whats the meaning of these blood pacts? Is there anything owed like when your physical body dies?

Nothing thing owed upon death, its not like a Faustian deal. Like the old saying goes, “Blood is life”, if you expect major change you need to offer up a tad more than incense and candles. I don’t believe that ones own blood is even really necessary for the spirit to complete the task, I tend to look at it as when you request a major life change, the spirit whans to make sure you are on board and really want that change; kind of a how far are you willing to go type of thing. In order to cut yourself for the sake of a ritual, you have to do so with will and intent. It almost seemed like the entity was checking to make sure I was truly serious about it.

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That’s much more comforting. I could handle the pain of a brief cut hell I’m a recovering addict and needles are legal in my state so I could fill up a shot glass with no real harm. I thought of it as a contract or something which I didn’t like the sound of.

Pacts are contracts. They are all different depending on the nature of who you are dealing with, and what it is you want. The entity and yourself agree to the terms and conditions of the pact, both sign it, then both are bound to those terms. This is something entirely apart from standard evocation.

Thanks for that post Brutus, seems I wasn’t clear.

@Jakob420: It’s very much a contract, the blood is a means of a signature. Though a pact isn’t about selling your soul into eternal servitude, seemed that’s what you were asking. Like Brutus said, terms are made and both parties stick to the deal, whatever those terms may be. Keep in mind, a pact is to be taken serious.

Thanks Brutus and Andreeje, A life of brainwashing and horror movies is hard to deprogram if you know what I mean. Could you give me a couple examples of the terms ? It doesn’t need to be an actual agreement you have just maybe some Ideas of what the agreement would/could be. And are you saying this needs to be done anytime you evoke a demon for a goal? Or only for serious workings.
Thanks a lot.

I know what you mean about horror movies and programming. A long time ago I saw a girl in my room, she was about 10 years old. She was dressed slightly old fashioned and was standing there looking at me. But because every single horror movie I had seen had a 10 year old evil possession girl in it… I seriously freaked out. I regret it now… turns out she is one of my guides.

Anyway, have you got the Book of Azazel by EA? That details his personal pact with Azazel. You don’t have to enter into pacts for evocation where you summon something and get it to do something for you or teach you something.

Thanks Brutus, I missed the works of books because of some fucked up personal matters so I’m about to start looking for them individually, the BOA is the first on my list.

I was intending to do this method when I was contemplating how to make a pact with Azazel. Upon re-reading the book of Azazel, I found reference to the practice.

E.A. Used this method for his pact with Azazel during the period the book of Azazel was written.

It seems like the most authentic and easy way to sign a personal signature with blood for a pact in my humble opinion. Finger prints also are a way to imprint a powerful psychic connection to yourself. It’s short and simple, but Azazel signs pacts with his own signature. I’m personally a bit more interested in the meanings of this, and what kind of connection is being made by the signing of the pact. If a demon stays with you from the beginning till the end, I wonder what kind of intimacy is achieved with a demon when it has signed a pact with you.

Best of Luck,
-Frater Apotheosis

Very intimate in the case of demonic possession.

I was intending to do this method when I was contemplating how to make a pact with Azazel. Upon re-reading the book of Azazel, I found reference to the practice.

E.A. Used this method for his pact with Azazel during the period the book of Azazel was written.

It seems like the most authentic and easy way to sign a personal signature with blood for a pact in my humble opinion. Finger prints also are a way to imprint a powerful psychic connection to yourself. It’s short and simple, but Azazel signs pacts with his own signature. I’m personally a bit more interested in the meanings of this, and what kind of connection is being made by the signing of the pact. If a demon stays with you from the beginning till the end, I wonder what kind of intimacy is achieved with a demon when it has signed a pact with you.

Best of Luck,
-Frater Apotheosis[/quote]

Well ths guys I have one with showed up about a month before I even heard about them while i was in the bathroom on the toilet.

I recently was taught how to sign a pact with your blood. Pretty sure this is the same method EA describes in book of Azazel.

Step 1) Write up the contract.

Step 2) Sign the contract like you would any other. [optional]

Step 3) Prick your right thumb [use a clean needle or a lancet like diabetics do for their glucose tests]

Step 4) Put your bloody thumbprint down by the signature.

Step 5) Evoke the entity(s) that you are pacting with.

Step 6) Put the contract into the triangle, ask them to put their astral signature on it if they accept the terms.

IF they accept, you’re now in a pact. Congratulations!

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My evocation skills are dismal at best. I have to rely on people like Dante or EA to do this for me… I’m looking forward to the day where I can do this myself!

How long have you been practicing evocation?? Years or a shorter amount of time?

Only a couple of times. I said I was dismal not as a complaint but just as a fact that I am very new to it. I only heard about EA and evocation maybe 6 months ago, and then only read about it and listened to all his interviews on Youtube. Im getting Dante to work some mojo for me to cut the the long learning curve.