Pact signing in blood

Oh right on I though you have been trying for some time with no results. I have not evoked anything and would not until I have a solid understanding of what I’m working with. No need to open a can of worms. Good luck in the future.

Well Im still waiting for my pact. Its been a month since I paid Dante… but for the life of me I can’t get into contact with him and have no idea where he is or what he is doing. Does anyone here know him well? Whats he doing??

Message him on facebook. I tried for weeks to get a hold of him through email with no luck and in one day on facebook I heard back from him. He lives about 3 hours from me and once I am done battling strep throat I will be traveling for some items and a consultation. Good luck on making contact.

Yea that’s a shitty feeling, but I’m sure you wont get burnt, I know waiting on such a large sum is no joy either. Let us know when you get things settled.

I think Dante has too much on his plate right now. I suggested he try expanding and hiring some other people on but he didn’t want to do that. Well I’m sure he’ll get in contact with you sooner or later, but yeah that can be kind of frustrating. All the more reason to learn how to do this sort of thing yourself so not to have to rely on others.

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Concerning pacts, make sure that you involve the spirit that you’re making a pact with in the pact writing process. Don’t just make a list of demands and then throw a bone to the spirit… instead, conspire with the spirit.


Just got a call from dante informing me that he had everything confiscated by the fbi. He should have his laptop back by Monday or so and his phone is pretty much dead right now… If you have been unable to get in touch with him that is why, he was only able to use the library computers about 15 min per day which is pretty much not enough time to get anything done. He should start getting back with you guys pretty soon.

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Yeah, Dante emailed me saying that too. I hope the FBI fucks off after this! I guess the conspiracy theorists are right, they are watching us.

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Thanks for the update, guys. Hope everything sorts itself out for him soon. Let us know how the rituals go, Brutus.

I saw that Dante said his things were taken that related to his work. I don’t understand how the FBI has any jurisdiction over anything related to a spiritual shop.

The mans always trying to keep everyone down, wouldn’t surprise me if they got him on some trumpt up charges. I wonder if this could be the indirect result of an attack from an enemy?

That crossed my mind as well, maybe he got to someone who wasn’t supposed to be got.

do we know if he was arrested? and on what grounds did they act? i’m not saying he’s guilty or not, either way, but i’m interested as to the pretext upon which law enforcement decided to take action. i like to think of myself as a somewhat disreputable character, but i’ve never had the police (or FBI etc) interfere with my life, irrespective of perhaps how much they would like to LOL.

updates would be appreciated.

kind regards, james.

James he wasn’t arrested. They took some of his stuff because he was a “suspicious character”. It seems like everything is going to be fine though.

cool. lotta suspicious people these days LOL.

can you say (if you know) what they thought they’d find?

kind regards, james.

Well that might be whats said, but you have to have evidence of a crime or probable cause of some sort of crime to get a warrant. He lives in America and there is illegal search and seizure. So I would love to know on what grounds they got a warrant to search and seize his belongings. And to not charge him??? That’s fucked up.

Now I don’t remember the source, but I seem to recall that some new law was shoved through when no one was looking that made it easier for search and seizures to happen.

The Dept. of Homeland Security and the Secrect Service don’t need a warrant, and niether does the Dept. of Fish and Game (for all the poachers out there). The FBI doesn’t need one under the RICO act. These are just the ones I’m aware of. I know for a fact RICO is pretty much a free reign, my brother in-law did a few years for being in an MC over this one (though only a few clubs fall under RICO). There’s a lot of leeway on that one; it all started for the mob, and has since expanded. Not sure if this is the case here, just my two cents. The government agencies have gained a lot more power over the last 20+ years, more than people are aware of.

That’s complete and total bullshit! Not the part about Dante getting his things seized, but I mean the idea that they did and CAN do that! Fuck that! This is supposed to be America. The land of the free. It seems like they’ve been slowly trying to make it more and more fascist as it goes. The fact that they can see Dante as being into magick and just “decide” that he’s a threat and come in and take his stuff is crap. What? Are we all next? Something needs to be done. But I guess it just supports what people have said on other threads. I wouldn’t doubt a bit that this forum is watched very closely. Sorry to rant off topic, it just pisses me off that they try to pass off as supporting freedom when all they’re doing is turning into Nazis and invading more and more of our privacy every day. All the more reason to be here and become a living god.

yeah a lot of that’s supposition, jbtaylor. i understand your concern, but we don’t know the whys or whats, exactly.

i used to be in an MC and i’d get hassled all the time, but nothing ever came of it because i’m a law-abiding citizen, believe it or not. after the police got to know me from all the “random” alcohol testing and pat-downs and drug searches (although the sniffer puppies were cute), they figured i really was as stupid as i looked and just let me on my way. most of the time, i was just riding to school anyway LOL.

it’s the nature of the century. after the next great empire collapses, things will be chaotic for a couple generations, then a new era of expansion and liberty will take hold again. it’s a cycle which keeps repeating in history, but i think it’ll be far less extreme than, say, the fall of egypt or of rome. with mass communication and a global community, people will just emigrate to better countries, go underground (or just inside, to avoid meandering assholes) and conduct business electronically, or protest peacefully via the internet. i mean, if you can get five million international signatures for a petition in a country like australia (whose population is only about four times that figure), that’s a lot of pressure to put on a government. i mean, the petition won’t change their mind, but think about the bad press they’ll get when CNN etc tell the world about how a government tried to cover up a 5-million signature petition.

either all of that, or a global government will be erected (but not like the UN). if such a thing were to happen, we’d be one step closer to star trek and one step further away from barbarism.

i can’t help being an optimist.

kind regards, james.

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