Overcoming Catholic Bullshit?

Something to think about is that the forces of the universe are amoral, not immoral, amoral. It’s not really much of a problem for me. I have my beliefs and one of them is that one should seek the source and not middle men.

Also, don’t think that LHP is only for evoking demons and the sort. It’s really more about self servicing than a polarity. Just make sure you’re in it for self advancement and not to be different for the sake of difference. Look into some of the saints as well, like St Cyprian and Albertus Magnus and maybe Pope Honorius. Many occult legends about them.

And if any person condemns you, brush it off. It doesn’t mean you’ll become Catholic but at the same time many saints lived life to the fullest until their conversion (St Augustine, Blessed Bartolo Longo). I know many magicians that are successful in their practice and devout Catholics.


Sure. Old Testament, the story of Abraham and Isaac.

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I watched E.A. Koetting’s “Why Evoke Evil Demons” video fully today, and he said something similar. He said that he dabbled in Satanism, but that he moved on because fundamentally, Satan is still part of the Abrahamic tradition. Using a blasphemy ritual is almost like condemning oneself as a prisoner of Christianity’s rules, as far as I can tell.

I like that idea a lot. But I must ask - if angels are not spirits beholden to Jehovah/YHVH, what are they? What makes them different from demons?

Point taken. But at the end of the day, I am a scientist, so if I’m presented with evidence that my original beliefs are incorrect, I’ll have no choice but to reject those beliefs. So I think what I really need is to truly understand the spiritual order to be able to reject Christianity’s influence.

Indeed; it’s something that’s haunted me for a long time. But as I said, if I don’t go to Heaven and others in my family do, will I still be able to see them again when I die?

You make a good argument. Indeed, it was an Abrahamic religion - Islam - that destroyed ancient Egyptian religion.

Fuck, I didn’t realize this sort of thing was in the New Testament as well. I think I’ll take the suggestion of actually reading a Bible. It used to nauseate me when I was in school and had to read passages; I’ve since forgotten them all. But now I’m curious to see it for what it is.

Well, shit, is that even possible? I remember reading in a book by S. Conolly that evoking God is impossible because he is equivalent to the universal life force. Although that really doesn’t make any sense. So how would I evoke him? Use the Kama’Kala incantation with Jehovah? Open the Sigillum Dei?


Hmmmmm… I had an idea for the sigillum.

Do any of you recall the old games of the 80s that used copy protection wheels?

I noticed the above looks like it could be made in pieces. And moved like a puzzle (probably pointless though).

Code wheels I refer to:

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I know myself when i was a kid going to a Catholic school, my mum and dad wouldn’t be aloud to send me to a Catholic school unless i was baptized bullshit, so every morning whole class have say prayers that never improved how well i did at school, so if you can sit at the back of the class instead of praying to there criminal Jesus, pray to Lucifer instead, not out aloud, be very careful if he expect every student recite the Lords prayer out loud, do not not let cunt teacher know your praying to Lucifer, ask Lucifer to shield yourself against the lords prayer, also other Catholic students don’t let on your praying to Lucifer, otherwise there may be dibber dobbers, like teacher has praying to Lucifer instead of saying the lords prayer, careful.

Since you asked about the angels I am going to tell you what I know.I have not worked much with any angel but I looked at some info I could find and here is what I found out:
-EA Koetting in one of his seminars says that angels are Egregoric beings that began existing at the same time as early Judaism and later.According to Koetting angels are kept alive thru worship and prayer and praise and things like that.I like this theory and there is’s probably true…
-V.K. Jehannum in one of his posts said that angels were created by 5 beings,one of them being JHWH and he said that we can channel the information ourselves.Honestly I was lazy at the time and wasn’t very interested but you can ask someone to ask spirits about the other 4 gods that created angels…

-Another thing you need to know about angels is that not all of them serve Jehovah and the 4 archangels aka Michael,Raphael,Gabriel and Uriel are independent beings and seem to be very powerful.Angels are very lovely and beautiful and they can protect and/or heal you.
Archangel Michael is known for working with everybody(black magicians,white magicians,mystics,Solomonic magicians…)He can protect you from both physical and spiritual harm.
Archangel Raphael is Michael’s companion…He works like a divine physician.He can teach both spiritual and physical medicine.He is angelical healer and his color is green.
Archangel Gabriel can give you prophecies and I heared that he can teach magick as well
Archangel Uriel can predict patterns and so he can give you wisdom.If you ask Uriel about some decision he will give you the best outcome.

Some angels do serve Jehovah/JHWH but they are usually weak and not very powerful.Chief among these is Metatron,a powerful angel who works only with allies of Jehovah/Jahweh/Allah/Elohim/Christ etc.

Hope I cleared angels a bit for you.If there are any mistakes here,people may correct me…


Nice question, according to many users here, there’s not much difference between Angels and Demons, they all have their own mind, likes, dislikes, will and personality, however, many people says that demons are more connected to our plane.


As a secular Jew who has a few “Jews for Jesus” family members :smirk: can I just say, you don’t seem like the LHP is what you’re genuinely seeking at this point in time.
It’s fine to not hate Elohim & to be interested in demons. You have free will for a reason.
If you have all this fear for your immortal soul being damned for the actions you’ve yet to commit, then why do them? You don’t have to love an entire religion in order to serve it’s God.
Also, not every demon gives a shit if you don’t hate Elohim.


Own research is always the best way. To examine own thoughts as the result of the research. I know my Christian backround still blocks me many ways, and I have to keep “brainwashing” me every single day. Thinking for yourself is tough but only way to feel happy and free.
I have to mention a book later, there is a ritual where you blaspheme all that is dear and close to your heart. I can’t remember now was it in the book The way of Ahriman. Another book where the ritual might be is Anthology of Sorcery vl.1.
Some people here probably know the ritual and the book I talk about. It includes red wine, four red candles etc.

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There is only one solution I have used for me to overcome my faith…

“Invocation to demon ZAGAN”

Call him I mean invoke him not just a mere en chant but a real invocation ritual…

I will recommend the invocation ritual from GOETIA book written by Michael W Ford…

Or if you want to evoke use… Evoking eternity by E.A.Koetting …

Those are books that I trust… And their summoning ritual have never failed me…even for evocations I never saw a spirit face but their presence was undeniable…

Zagan helped me a great deal to overcome my faith… But be sure for the changes you want and approach him with respect that you really want to change your faith but not you want just try him out…

Another is Santa Muerte …her sigil is available on Google as the spirit of death she can kill anything…

She helped me in a great deal to overcome doubts that I used to have while doing my magic…

She did her job and the results I don’t need Google to help me find them …

Are there in front of my eyes…


Don’t forget the “good judge” of Israel named Jeptha who sacrificed his own daughter to YHWH in Judges chapter 11

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Either way we must be sure about all the paths, literal and figurative, we take in our life. And if not, and we end up getting lost, the best thing you can do is enjoy the ride. Have your eyes on the road you took, not the road you left behind. Cause at the end you will find what you’re searching for. And if you worry about the destination, then who knows, maybe you end up somewhere better than where you were originally planned to go.

Hell is nothing more than a place where souls go in the afterlife. The underworld. There’s no good or bad, better or worst place to go after you die… It’s not a hotel to rate it “hell is 1-star, heaven is 5-stars”. Simply the place where souls and spirits are gathered.

I am one of these weirdos that believe there’s nothing after death. Nothing as, nothing like ghosts, and souls full of bliss or despair because they’re in heaven or hell… Our soul is an energy and when we die that energy is released. And after that? Either we’re stucked around for some time till we fade, or the energy returns to the universe, where it originally came from. Personally, I’d liked to go back to the stars, be a part of something bigger, have a potential even after my death.

But if I’m wrong, then I’d like to go to the Underworld, to Hell, be among the ones I loved both physically and spiritually.

Here’s one of my thoughts on the subject

I won’t post the entirety here; it’s just an artsy fartsy thought on the matter that probably doesn’t make sense since some of the pics are bugs and demons instead of angels and god. Imho, the GOD mask is more deceptive than the what they say about the Promethium flame.

There were (maybe still are)Catholic Satanists. They adhere to Catholicism in as much as they embrace the ‘fact’ that they’re going to Hell upon death because that’d be a whole lot better than spending eternity tramped with tyrannical daddy and his piss-weak excuse of a son - Old Numb Nuts.

So you believe in a god who sent himself, to sacrifice himself to himself, in order to save people from himself? That’s pretty fucked up, don’t you agree? So why didn’t he do it all on the dark side of the moon, kill himself for our sins there whilst leaving us blessedly alone on Earth?



To me Blasphemy is whenever a Christian has to enforce or defend an all powerful god.

They are basically saying, “My god is a big ass pussy who can’t defend himself so I’m going to be a soldier of god and defend him.”

An all powerful god does not need to be defended or enforced, he can take care of himself, otherwise he’s not a god.

The Spanish Inquisition, Crusades, Witch Trials all prove that their god is bullshit.

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The Grimoire of Honorius the Great was allegedly written by Pope Honorius III, who passed away in 1227. The grimoire is occasionally attributed to one of the other popes known as Honorius, however the general consensus seems to be that if the grimoire was indeed written by a pope, then Honorius III is the one. Why would a pope author a grimoire? For priests to use—or at least that’s the rationale given in this book.

The book’s origins are unclear. The Grimoire of Honorius has existed in its present form since at least 1629 and was published in Rome in 1670.

According to information contained in its text, a convention of sorcerers elected Honorius to write a work capturing the essence of the magical arts. The text was to be closely guarded and secretly passed from one generation to another. The anonymous author of The Grimoire of Honorius, whoever he was, included an introduction in the form of a papal bull from Pope Honorius proclaiming that Roman Catholic priests are now permitted to invoke demons.

The Grimoire of Honorius suggests various methods of summoning, commanding, and dismissing demons. Included in the work are prayers, assorted animal sacrifices, and instructions on how to create a magical book. Whether or not the grimoire was actually authored by a pope, its orientation is clearly Christian.

Is the concept of a pope authoring a grimoire completely laughable? Again, who knows? Since the Middle Ages, rumors have consistently circulated that before confiscated magical texts were burned, copies were secretly made and sent to the Vatican Library. Many sorcerers came from a clerical background and in many areas, such as France or Russia, priests were frequently reputed to double as sorcerers and were feared as such. Historically, priests were convicted and burned as witches. Based on their texts, some grimoires were intended for use by rogue priests.

Because the Pope had access to these stores of knowledge, many popes have had reputations, whether deserved or not, as sorcerers. One persistent conspiracy theory alleges that the European Witchcraze was at its roots really a secret attempt to eliminate everyone else possessing any kind of magical wisdom so that only a very small elite, safely hidden in the heart of the Church, would have control over this knowledge.

Judeo-Christian-Islami (JCI) is Witchcraft.

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