Overcoming a weakness?

Because of my autism, I had this weird thing where wearing gloves occasionally causes overstimulation. I was hoping to somehow overcome it but I can’t think of a way to do that. I want to overcome what is a essentially a disability using magick somehow and was hoping somebody here might have experience in that department. Thanks if so.

I want to overcome this so I can become an electrician. They don’t have disability help for that. And this is the union program. I gotta work with what I got.

Mod note: discussion of identity politics is on a moratorium on this forum. I think there’s nothing wrong with your post, but diluting the conversation into speculation about identity politics can tempt members into breaking the rule to discuss that instead of sticking to the point, which is the magick.

I have redacted the political mention. Please keep your content about the magick as much as possible, for which you will get suggestions which will work regardless of the reasons behind doing it. Thanks! :slight_smile: :+1:

I’m autistic to, and still searching for something similar. Autism’s a bitch, huh?

If the issue is over stimulation try dialing down the feedback from your hands. It is a rather common trick to use methods such as biofeedback and hypnosis to alter the senses including enhancing or decreasing sensation. These tricks used to be used as anesthesia for surgical procedures often more reliably than modern anesthesia if you could find someone that could apply it.

Basic biofeedback can be used to alter your own body temperature, stimulate hormones or suppress them, enhance your body in a similar fashion by controlling the release of adrenaline or how much your body will let you use your full strength. Lowering sensation is rather simple the trick is finding a technique that you can stick to and master that works for you.