Ouija Boards

Well said.


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I used Ouija Board first about two years ago for reasons. I did it completely alone. Because the Demon who came through was a Strong One, I do not really afraid of negative experiences (naturally, not just because Iā€™ve got protection by Him).

Iā€™ve used it many times, but 'cause I can hear my Demonā€™s voice in my head already, so I do not really need to, or not necessary.

My question is: It is worth to try evoking Abaddon or Azazel throught a Ouija board?
( Meditating and using candles are was always a basic preparation for me before and while using the Board )


This depends. Can you ward off lesser spirits? If you can, then yes. If not then no, it is not reliable.

I prefer a pendulum as it is faster, easier to use, and more portable. Its also easier to cleanse and crystal pendulums are easier to bless.

I do not know if this is true but a friend of mine claims you can carve a sigil into the crystal for it to be used only by that entity. Never tested it myself, but if anyone wants to :wink:


Nice timeing, haha. I just deleted the post some mins ago. By the way when I came in contact with Zozo, he ward off them instantly. He was extremely agressive with them, and forced parasites around me to leave immediately.

I do not wish to work with Abaddon via Ouija board, because in my experiences via meditation was far more better with him. This was the main reason why I deleted my question by the way.


Use board, pendulum and consecrated Seal of the entity with whom you are seeking to communicate. Spit is the obvious choice! Place said Seal under the board facing upwards. Perform a banishing. Call in the entity. Use the pendulum and record results.

As others have noted, Ouija boards can attract really low grade entities. Thatā€™s why I use Seals. Donā€™t necessarily always have the board the correct way. Have it upside down and sideways on occasion. If you wouldnā€™t take advice from a person you met on the bus or park bench why be devoted and obedient to the first spirit that shows up? I saw that tragedy play out .


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Omg. This made me laugh! Sorry! Not that it scared you. Just the way you said it :joy: ā€œastral assholeā€ :joy: