Origins of King Paimon

Looking for scholarly resources on the origins of King Paimon, not UPG.

I have heard he is a djinn, an Arabian ascended master, etc… but I want some actual sources for the info.


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To my knowledge, there are no scholarly works on the origins of King Paimon. All the stuff about him being djinn, or from Mesopotamia, is mostly an invention of occultists.

If you Google him, only references to the Goetia or the movie Hereditary come up so i don’t think he’s ever been studied outside of the context of the Lesser Key.


What @DarkestKnight said… If he was ever something like a human king that was deified, documentation of such a king seems lost to time. The titles king, duke etc. from the Goetia, I think, are not related to human military ranks other than by analogy.

There’s some great background on the Goetia in this video that speaks to it’s authoring